
King's Journey (Multiverse FanFic) [DROPPED]

Finally died out of old age and was full of regrets, but now a new life was given to him and started to explore the multiverse and what will it offer to him

Mozuto · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 5

The moment I woke up from that dream, I felt like I am in control of everything, and everything feels just right, and my values and common sense that were inherited from Tatsuya mixed up with the values and common sense Arthur has, so short I am a new being with the product of Tatsuya and Arthur.

You could also say that I am both of them, as I have their memories and personalities. I am also a new being, free from interference.

I looked at my clock, and it was already 4:30 AM, which at 5:00 AM Tatsuya always performed his daily workout before going to school, sometimes stopping by the temple, the Kyuuchouji Temple, where his master Kokonoe Yakumo. He works as a monk, but in reality, he is Shinobi.

Today is the first day of the Recruitment Week invitation.

where they show off their clubs, so new members who find it interesting can join.

When I finished my daily run, I went back to the house where Miyuki was still finishing our breakfast, so I took the time to go to the bathroom and took a cold shower.

As I entered the dining table, I saw Miyuki taking off her apron, which suits her, and then we have our breakfast.


At the table where eight people are currently sitting as they are currently listening to the woman who was doing her speech, one of the people sitting on the table is Tatsuya, as it is his first day as a member of the Public Morals Committee.

The primary objective of the Public Morals Committee is to patrol school grounds in search of rule breakers or conflicts. The committee and its responsibilities are heavily reliant on ability, and each member holds a high level of combat prowess, which is necessary to subjugate students who break school rules. Their level of activity increased greatly during the Recruitment Week at the beginning of every school year.

In truth, Tatsuya did not want to do any of these; he was only here because he did not want his sister to be sad. He wants to spend time with friends as in his past life; he does not have real friends as they are loyal to him because he is their king, remove that title, then I am sure he's all alone; Merlin might be the closest he can call a friend.

At first, she wanted him to enter the student council, but with his status as a course 2 student he cannot, so they made an alternative for him to join the Public Morals Committee, which the Student Council Vice-President, Hattori Gyoubushoujo Hanzou, does not want to acknowledge a course 2 student will join the Public Morals Committee, which leads to an official duel with him, which ends up with Vice-President Hattori's loss.

and finishing the Moral Committee chairman Watanabe Mari introduces us to both the first year, who is going to replace our seniors who are going to graduate.

"let me introduce them to you, Stand up," Watanabe said as Tatsuya and the other first-year also stood up.

"This is Morisaki Shun of 1-A and Shiba Tatsuya of 1-E. they will be joining the patrol detail right away," she said.

The other seems to be bothered as a "weed" as they called it manage to join the Public Morals Committee.

"Are they gonna be of any use?" The rough guy pointed at Tatsuya.

"don't worry, they are both competent" Watanabe assured them.

"I've already observed Shiba's skills in person, as for Morisaki, he can wield a pretty mean device himself."

"does anyone else have anything more to say?" she asked which no one answered

"Fine. then let's send you on your way"

"Mobilize!" as members of the Morals Committee placed their fists on their left chest as a salute.

then slowly the other members went out to do their duty while Tatsuya and Morisaki were left behind with Watanabe.

as soon as they left, Watanabe gave them their own, band signifying that they are a member of the Public Morals Committee, a pocket camera, and a means to contact them.

She also talked about the use of their CADs, as Public Morals Committee members were permitted to carry CADs on school grounds. She also added that they can use it anytime without requesting permission, but if they are found to be misusing CADs, not only are they going to be relieved of their post, but also going to get penalized severely by the general student body.

"I do have a question," Tatsuya asked

"Go ahead" she permitted.

"Are we allowed to use the committee's equipment as a CADs?" Tatsuya continued.

"that's fine, but those are old-school, you know," she said.

Tatsuya humphed slightly.

"True, they may be old-school, but they're also top-flight items calibrated for experts, those devices."

" If that is the case, then feel free to use them; they were just sitting there collecting duty, anyway," she said with a smile.

"then, ill be borrowing these two" Tatsuya said while Morisaki was shocked.

"two of them?" Watanabe asked.

"you're an interesting one, aren't you?" She asked for a smile on her lips, while Tatsuya finished putting on the CADs on both his wrists.


Soon after, as they got out from the office of the Morals Committee, Morisaki called Tatsuya out.


Tatsuya stopped as he turned around slightly.


"There's no way that you can activate magic by using two CADs simultaneously. you lowly course 2 students... get over yourself already, damn it!" After saying what was on Morisaki's mind, he turned around and never looked back.

'Hmph, of course, you can't activate magic using two CADs but what I'm after isn't activating the magic' as Tatsuya also went on his way.