
Killing The Wicked Goddess: Revenge Of The Dimwit Genius

Gore, the youngest Prince of the Giant kingdom, is kicked from his homeland by his father for being: “Too smelly.” The real reason is because he cannot awaken Aura like his brother. Gore’s father gives him a single task to complete before he can return home: “Conquer every human kingdom, then I will open my arms to you again, even if you may be smelly.” Fury, Gore’s father, had already sent his other sons on other maturation tasks, but they were far easier. ___________________________ For anyone wondering, the book is wholly action, world, and character based. There will be very occasional R18 scenes. For anyone asking about Harem or no harem, not in the traditional sense, but we'll see what happens. This book is connected to the same universe as my other two books: Surviving An Apocalypse & From Earth To A Hellish World. They aren't meant to be read in any particular order and each book has its own MC.

Cosmictear · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Journey All Alone

As Eris vanished, Gore looked at the sky and he spoke softly, and he made a vow to himself. "This woman has humiliated beyond what any man should have to bear… I will make her suffer… I will do whatever I need to do to kill her… And when that day comes, I will take my revenge tenfold!"

Gore sighed and then headed over towards the tower of corpses with his naked body. He began to loot the bodies. Some of them were split in half, all were covered by blood, but they had clothes, shoes, and swords… Far more than him.

Within thirty minutes, Gore had stripped dozens of bodies and had tied several large pieces of bloody clothes together to make a pair of crude trousers completely soaked in blood. 

Gore then moved all of the bodies until he found Lintos. Next to Lintos' corpse, he found a large and ornate sword that had not been fully unsheathed… It looked as if the man had died before even getting his sword from its sheath. But Gore did not care, he just took the blade because it was not cut in half like many of the others.

After Gore stuck Lintos' sheathed sword down his makeshift trousers, he walked slowly away from the site of destruction at first and then he began to speed up. 

Gore became a blur and he headed away from the flattened castle and down the road from which the knights had come. He had decided he was going to head to a port and find a boat to take him to the land of the dragons: Dragonia.

He understood the geography of the planet if just barely from the hours his royal tutor had screamed in his ear… Gore had always been a very bad student for them.

Regardless, he knew where all the ports of the planet lay. He understood that his best bet for a ship ride there would be buying his own ship and hiring his own crew from Alios because he knew that no one would be sailing there… For most people a trip there meant death. 

Eventually, Gore made it to the point in the road where there was just a giant fucking crater. From the signs in the road, Gore knew there was supposed to be a capitol city there… Instead, there was huge fucking crater that was still flaming slightly.

There were other people down in the crater. They had come out from an exposed passage that led deep down into the ground. They were scavengers. When Gore saw them, he walked down towards them. 

As the scavengers saw Gore, they all looked at him and slowly slid their hands down to the weapons they had concealed in their baggy clothes. Gore saw that each of them carried a bag that looked to be heavy. Gore needed money…

The lead scavenger shouted at Gore as he approached. "Giant! Do not come any closer, or we will kill you!"

Gore blinked and then scratched his extremely dirty head. "What the hell happened to this city? Or did my geography teacher fail me…"

Now obviously, Gore failed his geography teacher, but the scavengers didn't know that and so they looked at each other before answering Gore. "The city got smited by Eris, the god of this planet. It was divine punishment!"

Gore yawned and then slowly stepped towards the scavengers. "What have you guys got in those bags? I do need money."

The Scavengers drew long curved daggers from their cloaks, and they dropped their heavy bags which spilled gold from their depths. Gore glanced down at the gold and then up towards the Scavengers as they ran at him. 

Gore did not even draw his sword. He amped the Mana in his muscles and blurred between each of them. Gore brought his hand up to each of their necks and he merely twisted them all with a sickening CRACK. CRACK. CRACK…

All twelve of the scavengers were dead within seconds and they had not left the slightest scratch on Gore. 

Gore walked over to the bags filled with gold and he peered into them all. Each was filled to the brim with gold and jewels… Gore assumed that further down in the tunnel, there would be more treasure, so naturally, he threw each of the bags over his massive shoulder and went down into the hole to see if he could find more treasure. 

Gore descended the narrow tunnel made of sturdy stone blocks for five minutes. Strangely enough, Gore felt a slight trace of Magic power from each of the stone blocks… However, he disregarded that as something that was merely strange.

When Gore reached the very bottom of the dark tunnel with his Mana enhanced eyes, he came out upon a room where strange purple Magic torches were burning. 

On the floor of the room, there were piles upon piles of gold, and chests and chests stacked on top of each other to which Gore grinned. "Now I can buy a boat to kill some dragons! Eris, I'll be coming for your ass."

Gore walked over to the chests, and he opened them. He found jewels in the chests. Gore thought for a moment and then decided he was going to carry out a bunch of jewels in their chests just stacked on top of his shoulder. 

However, as Gore was about to leave, there was a familiar sensation of a strong magic power coming from behind the stone wall of the room. Gore blinked and then headed towards the wall. He looked down the length of the wall and he instinctively sent strands of Mana out to sense things.

The Mana reached through the room and then bounded back towards him and traveled to his Soul space where it imparted a vague picture it created from its travels about the hidden room. 

Gore saw bodies on the floor completely ripped apart and covered in dried blood. In the far corner of the room, there was a woman in the same clothes as all the others. Between her legs, there was a chest where all the Magic power was coming from…

Gore unsheathed his sword and he turned to the wall with a grin.