
Dark beginning

Nestled on the outskirts of the sprawling technological empire, Nexaria, this small village exuded a charming blend of tradition and innovation. A patchwork of old-fashioned cottages lined up the cobbled streets, juxtaposed against sleek, minimalist structures hinting at the empire's advanced tech influence. The air carries a medley of sounds, the hum of distant machinery harmonizing with the whispers of wind through ancient trees. 

The scent of pine and earth fills the air, a stark contrast to the metallic tang of the nearby metropolis. Villagers find solace in age-old traditions, tending to livestock and cultivating time-honoured crops.

In one of the old-fashioned cottages was Luke, a 16-year-old boy with a physique impressive for a child his age and height. He had a mop of unruly brown hair and an earnest expression on his delicate face.

Yawning while rubbing his eyes, Luke let out a powerful stretch that made his body quiver.

"That was a good one."

 He lazily rolled off his bed, falling on the wooden floor but springing to his feet with uncanny agility and a positive smile on his face.

Leaving his room, he went to the living room, where he saw his father seated and conversing with his mother while letting his chewing stick dangle at the edge of his lips.

John, a man in his mid-40s, possessed a rugged charm. His sun-kissed complexion reflected years spent under the open sky, and a few lines around his eyes told stories of hard work and wisdom. His sturdy frame and calloused hands spoke of labor in the fields, and a salt-and-pepper beard frames a warm, weathered smile.

Meanwhile, Emma, a woman approaching her 40s, radiated a timeless beauty. Her hazel eyes held a gentle sparkle, framed by strands of chestnut hair that gracefully escaped from a loose bun. Despite the wear and tear of daily chores, her face maintained a serene glow.

"Good morning, Father." Luke greeted with a bright smile. "Good morning, mother." 

"Good morning, Luke." Both parents responded in unison.

"Looks like someone had a good night's sleep," Emma said with a loving smile on her face.

"Mhm!" Luke nodded with a bright smile.

"Luke!" A high-pitched voice from a little girl rang like a bell as Luke's sister ran out of her room.

It was Lily, their 7-year-old daughter, who was a bundle of energy and curiosity. With a scattering of freckles across her nose and bright blue eyes that mirror the open sky, she was the epitome of youthful innocence. Her playful laughter and a perpetual twinkle in her eyes brought joy to the family's humble abode.

"I am here…" Luke responded while scratching his head with a smile on his face with beads of sweat running down his face. 

"You are late, we need to get some water for Mama from the well!" Lily pouted as she took hold of Luke's fingers and walked to the door.

"Okay, Okay…" Luke said while following her obediently. He could hear the cheerful laughter of his parents in the background.

"When you get back, there will be hot buns and chicken soup waiting for you." Emma's voice reached their ears, further brightening up the mood.

Going to the back of the house, they picked up a wheelbarrow and a few buckets. The wheelbarrow's frame was crafted from lightweight yet incredibly durable materials.

The wheel was able to adjust its tread and pressure dynamically, adapting to various terrains with uncanny precision. Whether navigating rugged landscapes or smooth surfaces, the wheelbarrow moved effortlessly.

With Lily leading the way, it didn't take long before they reached an open green field with a single well at the center of the beautiful scenery. Lily quickly got distracted by some butterflies and began chasing them around.

"Don't go far," Luke said with a smile on his face. 

He wondered how a little girl could possess so much energy. If left alone, Lily would be willing to run circles around the village in pursuit of these butterflies. 

Since she was running around the area, he ignored her and made his way to the well. Parking the wheelbarrow near the well and brought out the buckets. He attached tied one to the rope and used the automatic pulley to lower it. While the machine was pulling up the bucket filled with water, he couldn't help but wonder when the village would be able to afford an upgraded water system and have the water run directly into the homes of all the villagers.


Out of nowhere, he began hearing screams from multiple directions and the first thought that crossed his mind was,


Luke turned in her direction and at that moment something dropped from above at a terrifying speed, creating a quake that rocked the field, causing Lilly to fall while a cloud of dust loomed over her. 

Luke staggered a bit due to the tremor, imprinting a mixture of confusion and fear in his eyes as he struggled to regain his footing.

"Lilly, come to me!" Luke screamed as he relentlessly continued his charge in her direction.

"O-okay," Lily muttered as she rose slowly, pulling her small body off the ground, but by that time the smoke had cleared.

 Standing right in front of her was a demonic creature shaped like a dog with no eyes, breathing through its mouth, revealing a bloody set of fangs. It stood at an imposing height of 2.5 meters tall with a thick dark purple hide emanating with an otherworldly aura.

"Luke… Help me." Lily muttered while taking a step back with a terrified look and tears rolling down her cheeks.

As if reacting to the sound of her voice, the demonic mutt tilted its head in her direction, and in a swift motion, it swept Lily off the ground. Her body waist down was within the mouth of the beast, while the upper half was left dangling outside.

"NOOOO!" Luke's eyes widened with dread as he tried putting in more energy, but his body was already at its limit.

The last thing Lily saw was Luke running in her direction with an outstretched arm. With a heavy bite, Lily was snapped in two right in front of Luke. Her lifeless upper body fell to the ground with a mixed expression of pain and fear written all over her face. 

"LILLY!" Luke screamed with tearful eyes as he felt the world turn darker, but the demonic beast didn't seem to move. With a heavy stomp, it crushed Lilly's skull, leaving behind a messy mixture of blood, bones, and brain. 

"NO!" Luke screamed at the top of his voice as he kept running towards the beast without caring about the danger it posed.

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