

"Mike woke up due to the loud volume of his alarm as he slowly rubbed his swollen eyes while adapting to the brightness of his room.

"Fuck what time is it", Mike cursed under his breath as he took his phone from the nearby table


on seeing this Mike hurriedly got up from the bed.

Not even knowing what exactly to do as he walked towards the window and slowly pulled the curtain.

"So he could see the wonderful view below mike never really cared about school but due to his parents persistent he had to go just for peace to rain.

"As mike looked down the window he was shocked to the core.

The scene he was looking at was so brutal that it sent shivers down his spine.

"For some werid reason people where pouncing and biting each other, as if they had gone insane while some school building were on fire.

"The screams and cries of some people could be heard clearly, as they were trying desperately to run away from the people who seems to be bitting them.

"At first mike tough that some producer was filming, but looking clearly once again he knew that they couldn't make it as realistic as it look the screams shout and the gun shots just looks so realm to be a film project .

"From Mike point of view he clearly had a rough idea of what was going on, not Dearing to watch any longer, he closed the curtain once again not to draw attention to his self .

"As he sat on the bed with a trembling body as sweat continuously dripped from his head, how the fuck did this happened!! mike though to his self not Dearing to make a single sound.

"As he quickly took his phone from the bed and immediately connected his earphones to his phone, not to make any noice as he quietly started to watch the news.

"But what he didn't expected was that what was happening at his school was also happening word wide .

"Thanks for watching CKN news today we bring you some of the hottest news across the world, that is beyond human thinking let all welcome Dr Peter. To explain briefly on what is happening .

"As the camera rolled to the side reveling a man in his early 30thies wearing a white coat and a pear of black glasses, mike focused on even the smallest details not wanting to miss anything out even the most little information could help .

"My name is Dr Peter I work for a organization named black watch our main focus is studying the cells in human body and also finding ways to enhance them to help those in need .

"Not much people knows the information am about to release which might also cost me my life, because it's TS top secret firstly I would like to tell you all the situation you are all facing .

"All those who you see going Wilde and bitting people is because of the linear phynomial in them making them thrive for blood and flesh .

"They are all know as things we know as zombie, there is no particular way to cure them once the virus infect anyone the person is gone only what they live for is blood they are blood thirsty monsters .

"Know for their aggressive behaviors bitting anyone that came in view, yes you all might be wondering why or how the virus spread so quickly over night I would answer that also .

"October 31st 2011 black watch made a huge discovery on how to combain human DNA with animals DNA and it's was the braking point of our test but the unexpected happened .

"December 9ht 2011 6:47 we found out that all our test subject began to act in some strange ways their skin slowly turned green they scratch their self and scream and their bones started getting disfigured making some unpleasant noise .

"After this transformation they become mindless and started bitting anyone that came into view. At that point we knew something was off with the DNA .

"So we locked them all up not wanting even a single one of them to go outside the lab because we already knew the danger involved .

"January 26th 2012 we continue to conduct our experience wanting to fix our mistake but the situations only got worst, "at a time it was already out of our controls the only options we had was to shoot both the zombie and the chemicals and the DNA out of space .

"So we prepared for the lunching wanting to destroy the only one thing that could destroy the world, "tough we don't know the other changes it brings to the zombies all we know is that they get strong over time and their thirst for blood and flesh grows more higher .

"March 18, 2012. All what we needed to lunch the rockets into space was all in place so we carried out the operations as we carefully load the miganus chemicals into the rockets. and the DNA which we couldn't understand up till now .

"As we loaded both the zombies and the chemicals into the rockets .

"March 19, 2012. was the day we finally launched the rocket but the unexpected happened .

"We didn't know that a meteorite was passing though earth and a big one at that moment the rockets was out of earth it collide with the meteorite coursing a huge and massive explosion out of space .

"Making the weather to change dramatically as it began to rain but not regular rain but the one mixed with the chemicals and the DNA of our failed experiment. All our test subject and the chemicals and DNA rained down upon earth .

"Causing what we know as world Wilde disaster know as apocalypse, "while mike was immerse in the news his phone offed "shit, what the fuck as mike threw his phone on the walls while cursing out loud .

How am I going to get more information mike said but just as he was in the middle of his words a banging sound came from outside his door as grows was heard .

"Fuck I attracted them here jack said as he held his mouth not to make a sound I have never even killed a rat before, not even talking about zombies mike said as he lean closer to the bed not Dearing to make a single sound .

"In fear that his life would be in danger what should I do, what should I do, mike silently asked his self hoping for some kind of miracle would just happen .

"Just as he was in the middle of complaining and cursing his phone blinked server time for him to notice, "at least it still has some power in it throwing it to the wall is indeed a good choice as mike silently praised his self as he took his phone from the ground .

"As he sat once again on the bed when mike looked at his screen he instantly became angry because of the game advertisement that showed on his screen he tired to remove it but it all resulted in failure .

"Fuck who advertise game at a time like this mike silently cursed praying that thunder sould instantly strike the producer of the game .

"As mike continued to try disparately to remove the game advertisement from his screen but his finger slides and clicked on the download button. "thanks for choosing our game we are sincerely greatful as the phone died back once more .

"What the fuck was all that ?? mike asked his self as he placed his phone on the bed while thinking of a possible way to get out of this school, as he quietly got up from the bed as he went towards the window as he slowly pulled the curtain .

"While looking at what was happening down but the sene he saw this time was totally different from the first, "a huge bird which recembles a bat the only difference was that it was as big as a truck and has the head of a phyton .

"With it large bat like wings and red eyes as mike watched as it flew towards the ground at a very alarming speed, as it used it sharp claws to take 4 people from the ground and flew back into the skies taking them to God's know where .

"Looking at the other side of the school mike saw a police woman desperately fighting for her life but soon the bullets in her short guns finished, "as the swan of zombies flooded her as her scream and cries resounded through the whole school not only her but a lot of others .

"Looking at the once busy school Turing into a place of the dead mike slowly closed his curtain as slow and careful as possible no one wants to risk his life for others .

"As mike walked around his room looking at all the supplies he had as he roughly did a estimation on how long they would last before the main even start I must be well prepared .

"Thank God my mother pressured me to get my room stuck with food as jack looked at all the food stuff he had slowly counted them Humm they sould be able to last at least a week or two mike said as he slowly opnes his refrigerator which was still working.

"Looks like the power haven't went off yet mike said as he looked at the drinks and vegetables he had in his fridge as a smile slowly curved in his face .

"Looking at the other corner of his room since his room was quiet big stationed there was 6 pack of waters enough to last him a while if he reduced the amount of water he consumed a day .

"Looking around his room mike found a torch with a pack of batteries by it's side "looks like even God is on my side.. mike said to him self as he slowly closed all the windows in his room while slowly lifting tables and chairs to the door .

"Making it firm as possible he even managed to move the tv to the door not wanting to take any risk opening his drower he brought out a lot of knife including short and long just for safety purposes for now his only friends was this .

By the time jack was done with all this it was already 9:30 in the night as he slowly laid on his bed as his conciousness slowly began to fade with the hope of surviving this world.

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