

The story follows a young youth 'Kevan' from Razor town a place for the rich and strong finding it difficult to live because of his poor family he had, with just a mother playing the father part at that very old age, pitifully taking care of his two children, Ester and Kevan whole heartedly. _______ Due to their unbelievably poor family, studies in Razor town seemed impossible due to lack of enough fees and school requirements but not only that, Kevan who was unbelievably wise for any school to run after him had a very serious problem, seriously taking away all the opportunities of learning in one of the schools in Razor. His life was said to be tragic by not only his fellow students who he had his last year in level one with, but also the teachers who gave out brief comments about his tragic abnormal characters on his report warning any school which will dare to take Kevan in as a student. The total denial of town schools towards Kevan forced his mom to send him to Blava town, a town of mysteries, a town full of schools mythically designed mostly for abnormal students, students who failed to socialise with others. ______ Schools in Blava were welcoming any kind of students and gave out discounts on how wise the student was not to mention the talents the student had. ______ Kevan being a very cocky and short tempered person, someone who hated underestimating him, always breaking into fights which made him lose everything from his home town. Losing school opportunities plus the gym where he used to have his boxing trainings which also acted as his close friend but unbelievably, that same cocky and short tempered character was a blessing in disguise according to his helpess situation he was in and his family. A chance in Blava, he always wanted to be strong as his dream, he met the opportunity to become one but he seeked for his dream in a very dangerous place full of strong minds. His tragic curse always brought him nothing good but he surprisingly always stepped over it, winning each and every battle that he came across. ______ This book is really very interesting if someone gets his/her mind into it. Nb.The first ten chapters are so emotional but full of fun too. They are full of real life histories of highschool, don't miss the fun in it again! "you votes and knowledge or comments about my work are appreciated and welcomed"........ _____-----_------___ (updating a chapter in three days a week. Creation is hard, your vote is appreciated.) arthur-Lemon_D vol.1-Journey of the tragedy.

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57__Trouble maker

"You and Kevan seem to be very close I guess!" Pats in the middle of the steering wheel asked Job who was sitting just opposite to her.

"Ah, am not sure if you say that! I just know him from school, no one knows about his life out of school maybe Kevin does, he was just closer to him."

"And, Kevin was supposed to be with you guys but..." Job looked at Pats waiting for some explanation about Kevin's whereabouts.

"Ahhh about Kevin, how about we talk about that later. Am in the middle of trying to make myself busy right now and..." Pats really had no idea of how to explain all of it to Job, she wished this chat never existed though she started.

"But you all don't want to talk about Kevin. Did something weird happen at the Community town?" Mercy who was sitting at the back crawled to the front suspiciously pulling out her head in the middle of them.

Thinking about what happened at the Community town, Pats thought about alot of stuff in her head with Kevin's incident being first but after that, something else shook her heart with visible terror feeling her face. This shocked her so much morethan Kevin's death maybe.

"Just lets not talk about this ok? I really don't want to do this now." Pats pleaded with a serious face.

"What are you hiding from us! We are all in this together atleast Kevan must know this and..." Mercy had just started to fume with anger before Pats' phone rang.

Picking it up, her face turned bad for just seconds and without saying a word to them, she abruptly sped up on this very high traffic. As if something was up her mind seriously driving crazy, she even missed the traffic lights driving shockingly fast as if something or someone was chasing after them.

Looking through the driving mirror, Job found out that an unknown taxi was on their tail chasing after them doing the same thing as Pats 'being against the traffic laws!'

'What is happening' this question was not only inside Job's mind, it was also inside Mercy's brains since she was about to start some serious trouble with Pats being so rude driving harshly with her just not sitting firmly in the car, she almost bumped into the colleagues at the back seats without warning.

"We are being followed, for so long. This brings some changes in our plans." Pats hurried to explain her actions after leaving this high traffic road to some small unknown road.

"Changes in plans! Which plans?" Job asked while steadily tying his seat belt tightly.

Ganja and Sarz were also afraid since this was their first time sitting inside a car driven by a mad woman like Pats.

Ganja even gave up the thought of looking at the front since Pats' actions proved some possible accidents.

By the time that thought of possible accident passed through Ganja's mind, some cars at their back crashed seriously but still that taxi was injured not now angrily increasing on its speed ounce again as if it was triggered by the recent accident made by Pats.

"We are going to die! All of us are going to die!" Ganja cried secretly at first but later forgot about his very old age and shouted finally.

"Oh shut it! None of us is going to die. That taxi is way too slow for this car. We just need to get to the train before dark." Pats convinced the scared shitless Ganja who was holding the seatbelt tightly with no idea of letting go at all.

"Holy shit..." Ganja was less convinced for sure with how serious these guys were while chasing after them, reaching the train station untouched seemed so hard for them he thought.

"Hey Job, take the steering. I will deal with them first." Pats knew that these guys wont back down if they kept on running instead so she switched positions with Job hurriedly. She was so obvious with her decisions and actions so by the time she reached Job's seat, she extended herself through the car window and pulled out her pistol.

The two people in the taxi thought of it as a joke but to their surprise, Pats actually dared to shoot at them in the middle of all these many cars since they were already back to the main road ounce again .

"Damn bitch." The driver in the taxi started to dodge these bullets which were coming their way and luckily, he managed to dodge almost all of them without any injury but unluckily, their car accidentally lost control and rolled over uncontrollably to the ground.

Though the taxi driver was really great in skills of protorotecting himslelf, he was so selfish for their lives and forgot about the life of the car so its front tire got shot instead of them obviously losing control of the car causing this accindent.

"Dammit!" The driver inside the upside down taxi felt helpless after finally admitting that they lost tnem, he slammed the useless steering wheel before him.


"What the heck was that! This is really not us, shooting bullets in public and at people! What is wrong with you?" Ganja was not only scared but also shocked with how ferocious and carefree Pats was after causing a car accident with her shooting at the guys who were chasing after them.

"What do you mean! Those guys were chasing after us and we had to look for ways to get rid of them!" Pats turned to Ganja and said with a puzzled look. She didnt understand really what he was talking about, everyone saw what she was doing, was Ganja frankly asking about that really!

"You shot at them, do you know how many innocent people got injured because of your reckless actions? Shooting anyhow you want, damn. This ain't happening!" Ganja replied helplessly with anger.

"Wait! You wanted them to keep on with us so that you can also keep on crying like a damn puppy. Huh, its your bad kid, today is a wrong day actually or maybe you got a problem with what I did, my reckless actions saved your damn ass." Pats' face turned wild too, she didn't mind teaching this guy a lesson but on Kevan's account, she decided to be polite with this childish crew for some good days anyway.

Seeing that Ganja didn't insist on arguing with her, Pats felt satisfied with his manners, since Ganja knew the limits of his strength, he didn't continue with this debate.

"Yeah, this is what I expected! We will keep this relationship long with your voice silent like now." Pats turned her face back to the front and just like that, none of them inside the car said a word as it drove swiftly.


Maybe Pats' car was free from the chase now but Kevan was having it rough, he had nothing like a gun or weapon to shoot at the now two vehicles at his back.

Surprisingly, the taxi was nowhere to be seen on the cars which were chasing after Kevan along the small cliff.

The people inside of them were unidentified because of the tinted mirrors, someone had to find it very hard if they wanted to know their faces.

"Kevan we really can't make it like this, they are going to catch up to us anytime." Klara was sitting in Job's position but in a different car, she was scared shitless, anyone could realize it with just a ounce glare at her face.

"Oh come on! So what do you want him do then? Stop and surrender I presume!" Habibah forced Klara's mouth to shut helplessly.

"Maybe Klara is right, we wont be able to get away from these two cars at ounce, this gives me a very weird idea. It is not really fair but hang on first." Kevan abruptly stamped on the brakes and as soon as the car stopped, one of the reckless chasing cars was shocked by this immediate action so the driver hurriedly tried to move the either way besides Kevan's car but in due action, his eyes were ounce again filled with terror after knowing that he actually picked the wrong route just close to the edge of the cliff.

He decided to change directions but he ounce again felt a deep regret beneath his throat, sweat dripped out of his forehead with helpless eyes because he now knew there was nothing left for him to do and to leave alone the myths of how heartless Kevan is, he finally proved it to him mercilessly pushing his car against there's and after crashing with it, he actually pushed them off the cliff.

"You actually...you...you pushed.."

"Yeah I did, it is what you wanted anyway! Two cars then, one down now! So hope you believe me finally! We are going to get out..." Before Kevan finished his words after cutting off Klara ounce again, the other car which was chasing after them knocked theirs at the back hardly and since Kevan was caught off gaurd, he missed his hands off the steering wheel yet these guys' mission was to push them off the cliff just like what they did to their friends, this revenge wasn't so fine but it was atleast according to how they killed their colleagues.

In that mean time, Kevan also knew that they had nothing much to do because they were even about to reach at the end of the cliff but unexpectedly, Habibah pushed the steering wheel at the opposite side forcefully turning their direction from the cliff back to the road but still these guys never let go of them and maybe them escaping the fall off from the cliff angered the driver now putting some more effort in pushing their car and as expected, Kevan's car lost control and rolled over for some few rounds before it stopped with the tires still rolling around facing the sky now.

The Jeep which caused all this accident on a nowhere road since not so many cars usally showed up was standing tall with a few scratches on its board and some broken front lights.

With in a few minutes, Kevan crawled out their car first before anyone else. Yeah still as everyone who has just been knocked in a car accident, he seemed to be so pissed and not satisfied with the manners of anyone behind the driver's seat of that black Jeep standing tall before him.

All he wanted was that driver mostly before anyone else so his curiosity was killing him. He knew very well that these guys had to move out of the car but didn't know why they were still patiently seated!

'You think am going to run before helping you finish what you started, people kid alot.' Kevan rubbed the blood off his forehead with his right thumb and looked at it briefly, his face turned more ugly. He realized that these guys wanted his life morethan he thought, mercy right now was one of the things he didn't have in mind at all.

In the mean time, Habibah with Bianca also crwaled out of the car shortly leaving only Klara inside and unconsciously resting.

Kevan hurriedly went back to the car and tried to untie her seatbelt before pulling Klara out of the car and made her rest firmly on the ground. With just two to three baby slaps on her both cheeks, Kevan made her wake up shortly since she was not so heavily wounded just some scrathes and by the time she opened her eyes, sounds of closing car doors were heard so Kevan was forced to raise his gaze and face the Jeep ounce again.

His face was full of surprise after realising that the person who was standing at the driver's wing was actually a female product, she was wearing blue tight jeans with black sun glasses covering her eyes completely and an amary like vest proving her bold chest. Her hair was gray yet very short just slightly exceeding her ears but not reaching her neck with tattoos of different kinds all over her visible parts on her body not to mention her face which she pitied less with tattoos too.

'She is such a bitch!' Bianca wondered actually such people existed, how she detested her, nobody knows but actually she might be just a detest to her but that crazy like woman not only just detested all of them, she even tried to kill them a few minutes back. Someone can imagine that hate.

"So it was you driving that car?" Kevan stood up from Klara and pointed at the woman seriously forgetting about the other youth man opposite to the woman.

"What, some kid admired my skills? Yet I have not yet started!" The woman cockily replied after spitting whatever she was carelessly chewing in her mouth.

"You two help Klara get the hell out of here and stick to the plan, I will catch up to you later. Am about to cause trouble." Kevan shot out his two daggers briefly, he wanted to make this quick with the girls doing as he wanted hurriedly.

"So you are the trouble maker here, huh! This kid is cockier than I thought but go on, be cocky since it is your last hour on this planet." The other almost ignored youth man said while crossing his hands over his chest.

"How I wish mhuh!" Kevan sneered angrily.


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