
Kenpai - 剣輩

Kitano Reiken is a normal high school student, with one secret: his family descends from the ancient Chinese swordsmith couple, Ganjiang and Moye. His father, Kitano Susuki, runs the swordsmith, while his older brother, Kitano Reigin, apprentices with his father. On his 16th birthday, however, everything changed. Instead of having him pick a sword as his birthday present, like every child in the Kitano family did when they turned 16, a rusty sword sitting in the corner of the swordsmith suddenly summoned him to another world. Follow Reiken as he embarks on an adventure to become the master of swords. All rights reserved.

AmajiSanjin · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
26 Chs

Chapter 22: Akari

"In any event," the empress spoke, "let's enjoy this dinner, Montei-kun and Reiken-kun. Yukitei has the best Kaiseki cuisine in all of Sakura!"

"How did you know our names-" Montei started, but I covered his mouth.

"Prince Qin told me earlier." The empress's smile did not move one bit.

"Your Majesty," Kasumi said, "according to what you said, I believe I'm allowed to bring up to three guards?"

"Yes, that is correct," the empress answered. "Would you like me to register Montei-kun and Reiken-kun as your escorts?"

"Please do."

After a few more words, we returned to the "table". Interestingly, no one moved at all.

We were then served a traditional nine-course Kaiseki cuisine. Indeed, it was the best food I'd had since I had come back to this world - since I had been born, in fact. Quite a few dishes were made with ingredients exclusive to the spirit-rich environment of this world: meat from high-level beasts, fungi from millennial caves, herbs grown with care from the most prestigious spirit-wielders in Sakura - ingredients that not only taste good, but can enhance your spirit.

"Competitors from far and wide, welcome to Yukizakura!" The empress raised her Sake. "And on my own behalf, congratulations for progressing to the final round!"

"It's the blooming season for cherry blossoms right now. This Sake is imbued with sakura petals that froze by naturally falling into the snow. Please, enjoy your time here to the fullest."

Everyone raised their Sake, using both hands to show respect to the empress.

The night slowly crawled in as the dinner came to an end. Kasumi said he needed to meet up with the Donghuang group, and Montei was seriously drunk, so I had to carry him to his room.

"Ew." I wiped Montei's saliva off my shoulders as I walked outside. After such a filling meal, I decided to take a walk before lying down.

Most of the shops on the streets were still open, so I looked around for a bit. I came across a huge building; a plaque with "堂外堂" written on it hung above the gate.

When I walked inside, I was greeted by an extravagant hall with even more luxurious items carefully shelved. Much to my surprise, there wasn't a front desk, and nor were there any attendants. I looked around and found a sign that taught me how to use the automated transaction system.

"I guess this world has its own ways with technology, huh." I pinched my chin.

After I looked through the isles, I figured that nothing was of much use to myself at the moment; Moye told me to try to not rely on outside power too much. There was, however, a pair of runes, one black and the other white, both apparently drawn by an ancient Taoist. I had made quite a fortune from the bets I'd told Montei to place on myself during my matches, so I decided to buy the runes for Kasumi.

"Already midnight, huh…" I looked up at the moon after walking back onto the streets. "Time to go back, I guess-"

Suddenly, a chill went up my spine. I jumped to the side, reaching for my sword but realizing it wasn't there as we hadn't been allowed to bring weapons to the dinner.

There was no time for me to think, however; a dark figure launched itself straight at me. I lowered my stance and dashed forward, effectively dodging the blow and knocking the intruder off their balance.

Unexpectedly, there were two more assassins to ambush me, two I hadn't sensed earlier. One of them held a silver blade, which shone under the now seemingly blood-red moon. I knew I had no chance to do any significant damage to any of them, so my first priority was to lower the damage done to me as much as possible - I was aware that they were here with killing intent.

I pretended to not notice them, and at the right moment, I struck the wrist of the person holding the knife, knocking it away from them. I then tried reaching for the knife, but I was quickly strangled by the assassin who held the knife and the assassin who first lunged at me, while the third grabbed the knife.

Finding an opening, I elbowed the two who were strangling me, and decided to go to someone, perhaps Montei, for extra help. But when I turned around to run, I saw a little girl with hair as white as the snow on the ground flying straight at me. I then suddenly remembered the assassin who now held the knife was behind me, and if I dodged the little girl, she would die by the blade. I thought of moving forward, grabbing the little girl and rolling away, but I could feel a gust behind my back, and I knew it was too late.

There was no way out apart from dodging. But my instincts didn't let my body do that; I grabbed the girl and moved my body ever so slightly to the side before I felt a jolting pain in my back. Putting the girl on the side and clenching my teeth to combat the pain, I used my last bit of strength to pull out the blade in my back and stab it into the assassin.

The little girl's expression did not change, but her eyes clearly widened in surprise. She stared at me struggling on my knees with a conflicted look, and after a bit, she opened her mouth.

"Akari Mizuchi," she said softly, almost in a whisper. "My name."

She then turned away. And then, much to my shock, she pulled out the blade from the assassin's body, and in a swift motion, slit the other two assassins' throats.

"Knife has poison," she spoke once more before disappearing into the moonlight.