
Part Twelve

Time flew. It was already the next day.

The four boys were now in the classroom having lesson. Joseph dozed off during the lesson because of the family gathering yesterday. His head was tilted to one side as he nodded off. Nathan noticed it so he moved his arm closer to Joseph. Joseph's head landed on Nathan's shoulder and Nathan smirked a bit as he saw Joseph slept peacefully on his shoulder. His heart beat faster and faster while the smile on his face became brighter.

"Students, it's the end of today's lesson. No lesson tomorrow so... see you the day after tomorrow. You can now go." Professor Mr Jones said before leaving the classroom.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty." Nathan said as he gently caressed Joseph's cheek.

Joseph woke up with tired eyes, looking a bit confused. "Is the lesson over?" he asked while rubbing his eyes.

"Yes, love." Nathan replied in a low but soft voice.

"Ughh... I didn't hear anything in this lesson..."

"It's fine. I can give you a private tutor lesson if you want." Nathan whispered seductively and smirked. It made Joseph blush and chuckle.

"Hey you two!" Ian said and it stopped Joseph and Nathan from drowning in love. They immediately hid their fondness for each other as Ian continued, "me and Brian need to go now. Music Club is recruiting new members today and we want to take part in it."

"Okay! Bye!" Nathan and Joseph waved their goodbye to Ian and Brian.

"Where do you want to eat today, love?" Nathan asked while caressing Joseph's face gently.

"You can decide." Joseph answered shyly.

"Okay, I have a place. Let's go then." Nathan said before they both left the classroom together.

They went to food court that Nathan went to yesterday to have their lunch.

"I didn't know that there's a food court here!" Joseph exclaimed after they sat at a table.

"I ate here yesterday when you didn't have lunch with me." Nathan said, pouting.

"Awww... I'm so sorry... Did you eat by yourself?"

"Uhh... Not really. I had lunch with an old friend. I met her on my way to the school gate." Nathan did not mention that the "old friend" was actually his ex girlfriend.

"You're lucky! I don't have any friends studying in the same university as me." Joseph continued, "let's order our food first. I'm getting a bit hungry."

"Okay!" Nathan said before he left his seat to order the food.

After ordering the food, Nathan was waiting for his food to be done near the food counter.

"Oh my gosh, is that your ex boyfriend?" Kira said, pointing at Nathan.

"Yeah! But why is he here?" Allison puzzled.

"Thanks!" Nathan said before he took his food tray from the counter and went back to his seat.

"Look! He's having lunch with a boy!" Kira told Allison.

Allison did not respond but keep looking at Nathan and the boy opposite him, with a frown on her face.

"I have a weird feeling about this." Kira added.

"He's probably just hanging out with his friend..." despite saying that, Allison was still really concerned about it. Deep down, she had a weird feeling about it too.

"Let's just eat." Allison tried to distract herself from thinking about too much.

"Okay. Let me order for you." Kira said before she left her seat.

"Thanks." Allison replied and smiled.

Meanwhile, Nathan and Joseph were having a wonderful time in the world of their own, not knowing that they were being watched.

"Where do you want to go after lunch?" Nathan asked before he stuffed his mouth with food again.

"Actually, I've always wanted to watch 'Catch Me If You Can'. Have you watched it before?"

"I'm not sure to be honest. We can watch it at my house. My mom will not be home tonight so..."

"Yay!!!" Joseph cheered ecstatically.

"I wonder what they are talking about." Kira said to Allison.

"I don't know." Allison said as she stared at them again.

"Look look look!!! They're leaving!!" Kira exclaimed as she saw Nathan and the boy stood up from their seats.

"I see that..." Allison replied as the boys walked farther away.

"Where do you think they're going?" Kira asked.

"Who knows..." Allison took one more glance at Nathan and the boy next to him before going back to eating.

After minutes of walking, the boys arrived at Nathan's house. Joseph went inside after Nathan opened the door for him. They took off their shoes in the entrance before Nathan led Joseph to the living room. Joseph sat on the couch while Nathan was searching for the movie on Netflix.

"Found it!" Nathan played the movie and went to sit on the couch with Joseph. He wrapped his arm around Joseph and pulled him closer.

They cuddled and watched the movie together. Joseph laid his head on Nathan's shoulder and their hands were entwined. Feeling tired, Joseph fell asleep in the middle of the movie. Nathan noticed it so he decided to stop the movie. He gently laid him down and placed a pillow under his head. He even took a blanket from his bedroom and covered Joseph with it.

He kissed Joseph on the forehead before he brought his laptop and sat on the floor in front of the couch. Nathan would turn his head to Joseph to check on him from time to time. Every time he saw Joseph's adorable sleeping face, it would feel like that time slowed down a bit. He felt butterflies in his stomach as his heart started to race. He always had impulse to hold Joseph close but he would rather let him sleep peacefully and not to disturb the sleeping beauty.

If love could last forever and either Nathan or Joseph was a girl, this would be the kind of love that people wanted to have. Love that was mutual; love that was pure as gold; love that was unconditional.

So... would they be able to make it till the end? Let's see.

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