

A bit of difference and twist to the storyline, still being brought by the bidders but quitting you of your maid job, you are now confined server in the penthouse where you also reside. The MC is unlike the story as she’s feisty and not as submissive as the traits of the story, she has a fight in her along with other skills. Join her, in her romance with the bidders.

Voltage_Smutter · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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5 Chs


'So, you're telling us, you get to live here, FOR FREE, with 5 beautifully stunning men and there's no catch?" Your best friend Rachel asks you, still shocked at the news you just told her. Pressing yourself you move from the lavished cream couch and head over to the immaculately clean open-spaced kitchen.

"I mean, I wouldn't say no catch," You reply, you certainty wasn't going to them you was brought in black market auction and these men now (as they repeatedly liked you to remind you) owned you.

The reality was you was a maid at the hotel, about 2 years into the job, you joined at the ripe age of 20. It was never meant to be a long-term thing but the pay cheque was nearly triple the other monthly wages in the city and you were desperate for the money. Taking all the overtime you were able to became a bad habit over yours, working your fingers in the hotel. But the cruelness of the other staff at times had tempted you more than once to leave your job, especially Erika and Rina and Kana (or as you often referred to them Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb). The constant remarks and degrading attitude they had towards you brought you tears at times though a cruel word towards them never left your mouth. You were better than that. Not to mention the often statements and remarks you received from hotel guests, most days you were cat called by men staying at the hotel and many offered payment to spend a night with you. You had always declined.

The attention you received you was mainly due to these pesky uniforms Mr Ichinomiya had stated mandatory for the staff. A tight white button up shirt clung to your chest which tucked into a skin-tight black skirt which settled mid-way down your thighs but had a strong tendency to rise when you walked and bending over in this was mere impossible. You wouldn't say you wasn't attractive, but you also wouldn't say you was beautiful either. You were quite pale, with naturally thick straight blonde hair that cascaded half way down your back with light blue eyes to match. You blame your paleness of the fact you were British, moving from the country to Tokyo at the age of 18.

So how did you end up in this position of living in one of the city's most expensive penthouses with five handsome men to keep you company? It started like a normal work day, running out of your apartment throwing your hair into a sleek high ponytail trying not to be late. That was getting harder since the new uniform came into place, tugging at your skirt trying to keep it down. You reached the end of the corridor to the staff elevator and spammed the button, waiting for the doors to open. Come on, come on you cried in your head watching the numbers slowly reach your floor. If you was late again Erika would have your head! When the doors finally reached and opened you ran into the lift and waited for it to take you to the lobby. You arrived with a minute to spare before your shift and let out a sigh of relief. Your shift manager, Mr Ren, was at the front desk waiting you.

"I'm not late" You say to him before he can even make a noise. He shook his head and chuckled.

"No, you are on time, but there's some new changes I need to go over with you, since it's a big weekend and you know you're working on introducing guests and presenting them to their rooms, Mr Ichionmiya has requested another uniform change," He said before reaching behind the desk. Shit, you forgot this was the big poker weekend for the casino in the hotel and that you was introducing guests. Your eyes light up when you saw what Ren had pulled from the desk, a beautifully stunning pair of black stilettos, you dare think how much they had cost most likely more than your weekly salary.

"Size 5?" Ren said seeing the twinkle in your eyes. You nodded and sighed kicking of your normal pumps and slipping your feet into them one at a time. You tried not to curse at the pinching sensation in your feet. Today was going to be long you thought to yourself.

"So, what's the plan?" You asked Ren, trying to find a balance in your new added height. Pulling out several ID cards and sliding them to you, he replied "Mr. Oh, Mr. Baba, Mr Kisaki and Mr. Kishi, will all be arriving in the next hour. You need to greet them and bring them to Mr Ichinomiya penthouse suite where they will be residing, use this key in the elevator to take them to them their". He slides along a gold-plated key card. You nod and take all that has been passed to you.

"Oh, and these are here by Mr Ichinomiya special request, whatever they do, act or say to you, just remember these are the CEO's friends. I heard rumours one is a high superior of a gang, just smile, be nice and don't get fired," Mr Rem added giving you a slight pat on the arm before turning away to maintain the rest of the hotel staff.

Taking a deep breath, you walked into the middle of the lobby and put on your best *fake* friendly smile and waited for you guests to arrive. It must be have been 10 minutes before the first two arrived together and from their appearance you guessed it Mr. Oh and Mr. Baba. You felt your eyes watching them checking to the front desk before being pointed in your direction. You gave a friendly smile and walked towards the men, the one had an unimpressed stern look whilst the other had a friendly smile.

"Mr. Oh and Mr. Baba, welcome I'm (YN) and I'll be escorting you to Mr Ichinomiya suite," You say sweetly holding our hand to be shaken. Mr. Oh tuts and ignores whilst the other bows, taking off his fedora hat and presses your hand to his mouth. You blush at the boldness of this stranger and try to brush it off.

"The pleasure is all mine princess," Baba says before gently releasing your hand resulting in an eyeroll from his friend. You felt slightly flustered at the gestor and regain yourself.

"Um, is it just the two of you?" You ask before you see a young man, running and panting through the lobby.

"I just saw the cutest dog," He said through pants before leaning on Mr. Oh who to say the least did not look impressed and tutted loudly pushing the younger man off him. The young man who entered was Ota Kisaki and you was trying extremely hard to have a fan-girl moment, he was a star in the arts world producing paintings that would sell for more than you could count. He finally caught his breathe and looked at your eyes wide open.

"Dear god, I didn't get to pet the dog outside but the gods have gifted me with this," He said quickly taking your hand. You were slightly star struck, mainly creeped out by the young man and his comments. You wanted to jerk your hand back and give him a good scolding but Ren's words stayed in your head 'just remember these are the CEO's friends'. Giving a smile through gritted teeth you reply, "Mr Kisaki, pleasure to meet you, I'm (YN). I'll be escorting you to the suite,". He finally let's go of your hand and you pass the ID badges you were given to all of the men in front of you.

"These are your ID's, they grant you access to the casino event and must be worn at all times during the event," You say. You realise you still have one pass left for Mr. Kishi.

"Is Mr. Kishi with you gentlemen?" You ask, realising all three men have been looking you up and down whilst explaining to them. Typical men.

"God damit, you didn't say he was coming," Oh said through gritted teeth turning to Baba, his eyes going a dark shade. Baba chuckled slightly behind patting his friend on the back, "It's okay old friend, I'm sure you can get on for this time, is he coming but not with us so if we could go up," he said turning his attention to you.

"Of course, gentleman if you will follow me," You said before turning your back to them and strutting towards the elevator. You didn't hear them following so you stopped and turned your head over your shoulder. All three of them had been watching your ass sway, mesmerised and in a state like trance.

"Boys?" You said watching them snap out of it and chase behind you.

"She talks to me like that again, I put a bullet through her,' You heard Mr. Oh whisper to one of them, making your heart almost stop.

"I'll put something in her, repeatedly," You heard Mr.Kisaki reply earning a chuckle from Mr.Baba. Pigs you thought to yourself, but you bite your tongue and dared say anything in retaliation. One for the fear of one shooting you and two your job, you was being paid nearly double time for this weekend.

'Don't be so crude to my beautiful princess!" Mr.Baba chimed in. Reaching the elevator, you inserted the gold key card into a slot and watched the three other men clamber in. It was a tight squeeze, 3 grown men, a woman, three full suitcases and an extra-large duffle bag which Mr.Oh kept extremely close to him. Scuffling around you ended up with your back being pressed into one of the chest of the men, your plump little behind pressing against their front. You felt a slight heat rising inside you, you hoped it was just the embracement of the situation.

���Hey no fair! Mr, I hate women is getting her all to himself," You heard Kiaski whine and pouting.

"Shut up Kid," Was stated, through gritted teeth behind you.

You flushed as the comment made you realise you was pressed up against Mr.Oh.

'So, my pretty, where has Mr Ichinomiya been hiding you," Mr. Baba said taking your chin in his hand and forcing you to look up at him. Your lips slightly parted and a blushing tint was rising on your cheeks.

"I…I'm just a maid," You reply to him, his eyes glistening and burning into yours. Your gaze is broken by an abrupt stop and fall forward onto his chest. The lift had jolted to a stop before carrying on up the 52 floor of the hotel.

"Mother fucker," You curse due to losing your balance from these heels before you gasp, realising you was pressed against Mr.Baba chest and your strong choice of words. Pushing yourself off him, you heard a chuckle from all three men.

"I'm so so sorry, the shoes are new," You mutter, your face quickly rising in colour. I knew this would be a long day.

"No worried princess, feel free to fall for me anytime," Mr. Baba replied giving you a cheeky wink. You heard a few murmurs of protest from Mr.Kisaki, you was positive you heard the word pet escape from his mouth. The rest of the journey up is silent and as the elevator finally reaches it stop, it shunts forward again but rather sending you forward again into the welcome arms of Mr.Baba, a strong arm wraps around your waist keeping you in place. Surprised at the arm around you, you fall back ever so slightly pressing your behind strongly against the front of Mr.Oh and a quiet but deep growl escapes from his throat. Highly embarrassed by the situation you aim to get out of the elevator as fast as you can. Whispering a quiet thank you to Mr.Oh you race out of the elevator and wait for the men to follow. Walking forward a few steps you feel the gaze of the men burning into your backside once a again.

Reaching the marble coated double doors, you knock and wait for a response.

"Tsk,' Mr. Oh says before opening the doors and allowing himself to enter, followed by the two other men. Unsure what to do, whether to leave them men or follow suit, you feel a wrist wrap around yours and tug you into the suite. It was beyond beautiful inside, coated in marble and gold with the most luxurious furnishing inside. It almost took your breath away. It was Mr. Kisaki who had pulled you in and let go before wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

"Eiiiiiisuke!" He yelled, his voice echoing through the suite, "We want to thank you for the gift," he added. You wanted to protest, you wanted to leave but you couldn't. You was normally a ruthless person, taking no shit from anyone but the fear insulting one of your CEO's friends, in his suite, with him somewhere inside was more powerful.

"Well, well, well," A voice said. You looked around and saw a deviously handsome man strutting down the marble staircase which lead down to the open plan kitchen. It was him, Eisuke Ichinomiya, the king. You almost stopped breathing, your breath caught in your throat at the sight of him. His long legs strutting down the stairs before making way over to you, ignoring his guests. As Mr.Baba had done earlier, he took your chin in his hands and pulled your face up to meet his gaze.

"And who are you?" He said, his mouth forming a cheshire smile. You was lost for words gazing at your CEO.

"Don't make me ask twice girl," He said in a harsh tone and gripped your chin tighter.

'I… (YN), I work here, I have the honour of greeting your guests sir," You say. You wasn't sure what you said but his face smirked and you felt the other men's gaze burning at Mr Ichinomiya.

"Honour of greeting my guests? If you consider that an honour, what would you call being bedded by me?" He says smugly. What an asshole. What a unbearable smug git he was.

"Hands off shes mine!" Mr. Kisaki whines pulling me away from Mr Ichinomiya's grip.

"No way, this is my princess, I saw her first," Mr Baba joins in, tugging me into arms. Dear god what is happening, am I dreaming?

"Hands off the goods," You hear Mr Oh say and feel the grip around you loosen. You met Mr.Ohs gaze and see his pointing a gun at Mr Baba. Seriously, what the fuck is going on, like there is a gun. Being pointed. At another man's head. And he's joking around all calm. WHAT IS HAPPENING you cry in your head.

"Well it seems Miss (YN) that you've had an extremely positive effect on my men here, if you affect them anymore I think I'll have lock you away for only my eyes," Mr Ichinomiya says holding his hand to Mr.Oh a signal to lower the gun which he does. He takes a step towards you, but you step back as he does. Forgetting about these sodding heels, you lose your balance slightly and feel your back collapse against the wall behind you. Taking advantage of the situation, Mr Ichinomiya presses a hand next to your face and learns forward pressing into you, you could feel his breath heavy on yours. The scent of him was intoxicating and made you feel slightly dizzy.

"So tell me why I should let you go,' He whispers into your ear. He was the most glorious sexy bastard you had had ever laid eyes on. Your face was burning hot and you were speechless. Unable for words, you tried to mutter something, anything but nothing came on.

"Eisuke, don't torture the poor girl, she still needs to collect that sloth you decided to bring for no reason," Mr.Oh said but was meant with a daggering flare from Mr Ichinomiya. Seizing the opportunity of his attention being diverted from you, you duck under Mr Ichinomiya arm and scutter to the door.

"I'll be with back Mr. Kishi when he arrives," You say quickly and dart to the elevator as fact as the heels will let you. You heard several remarks about your behind coming from the men you had just left. Escaping into the elevator, your mind raising about what had just happened and trying to piece together the events. Reaching the lobby floor you scan the room in case Mr.Kishi had appeared but he had not. Your cheeks were flushed and you felt the heat from within you rising.

Seeing as your guest had not arrived yet, you head outside the hotel to try cool down and think about what really happened. The cool air hits you, leaving slight goose bumps on your skin and you inhale, breathing in the fresh air. Whilst outside a man in a long detective style coat had just sparked up a new cigarette and you couldn't take your eyes off it. You use to smoke, not as a regular but you found it happened when you felt stressed or in uncomfortable situations.

"It's rude to stare kid," You hear from the man who turns around and walks towards you. He had a roughed attire to him, his cigarette handing from his mouth.

"I… I'm sorry!" You said, take back slightly from words, he wasn't even facing you when you was staring. He stretched out his pack of cigarettes towards you, guesting.

"I… I shouldn't," You say looking at his out stretched arm.

"Sweetheart, I can tell you need this," He says and slowly takes one and puts it into your mouth. You inhaled as he hit lit the end.

"Fuck," You say slightly louder than hoped and the man chuckles. His eyes followed your hand and mouth inhaling and exhaling, moving the cigarette expertly in your hand. His eyes lit up as he watched your lips perfectly hold the cigarette between them and ever so softly suck the bottom of your lip when you exhaled.

"Thank you, honestly I can't begin to explain how much this is needed," You say to your detective styled hero. His hair was slightly messy with a goatee stubble perfectly trimmed, he had a sleepy look in eyes.

"Rough day sweetheart? I find nothing beats that than a nap," He said, the words nap seemed to make his eyes sparkle slightly.

"Aha, I wish, I'm waiting for a guest to arrive for Mr Ichinomiya but after from up there, I don't really want to go back up," You say with a slight defeat in your voice. Before your mysterious stranger can say more, you stub out your cigarette, you'd be in such trouble if you had been caught.

"Thank you again, true hero detective man," You say with a slight chuckle and run back inside the hotel. Walking over to reception, you ask if your last guest had appeared but nothing so far. At least it meant you had longer without being in that room of men.

Your eyes flickered as you saw your humble stranger from outside enter into building and head to reception, maybe you would be seeing more of him you thought. Deciding to look at your final ID card, your face went pale slightly and you wanted to curse. Of couse the handsome stranger was Mr.Kishi. Fucking brilliant. You saw him chuckling as he headed over to you.

"Mr. Kishi, welcome, please forour brief encounter outside, I had no idea you was a guest of Mr Ichinomiya," You said, your eyes slightly pleading to him. You felt so embarrassed by the situation from outside, you hoped to god he wouldn't tell Mr Ichinomiya.

"It's okay darlin, I wont say anything if you don't," He said his eyes gazing into yours and gently strokes your face. Another one, dear god why. Handing him his ID card you guested towards the elevator. He keeps his distance slightly behind and as you enter the elevator you catch him in the reflection checking you out. This uniform was the worst thing to ever happen in this hotel. Slotting the key card in, you feel the lift begin its ascent to the suite, you felt dread slightly come over you.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I wont let them touch you," Mr Kishsi says stepping forwards slightly towards you. You gave up at this point and smiled back. He didn't seem like the pervy kind like the others, maybe he was nice. Learning from your previous mistakes, you hold tightly to the rail to keep your balance. You see the man opposite you leaning against the wall, his eyes shut, is he asleep? No, he can't be possibly. As the lift comes to a stop, his eye don't open but falls forward like I had in the previous time up. Not realising the flailing man in front of me I pulled my skirt down as much as I could before entering that wolf-stricken suite. He fell forward and his eyes flung open, his arms out forward to brace the fall. He fell onto me causing me to lose balance and tumbling to the floor with him ontop of me. You gasped with the man ontop of you and the doors to the elevator open for you to see on the other side three of the men who you previously left, smirks on their faces. Your face burned red, the man ontop of you floundered and got off you as fast as he could.

"If you seduce any more of my men, I'm going to lock you away where no-one can set eyes on you again," Mr Ichinomiya says with a smug smirk on his face. The other men behind in chime in with comments and unfair whines of how close Mr Kishi was. I watched their gazes skimming over me, most of their gazes stopped as they saw the skirt had hitched higher and was barely coming yourself. You pulled it down as quickly as you could and saw a hand stretched out to you. You took with it without hesitation and was pulled to your feet by the man who had knocked you down. You mouthed thank you to him and slowly felt the heat rising down from your face. You stepped out the elevator brushing yourself off and avoiding the gaze of the men surrounding you.

"Mr Ichinomiya all your guests are here, I'll leave them in your care," You say turning to Mr Ichinomiya. His smirk turns to a serious face.

"Did I say you could leave?" He says. You look a little stunned.

"No but… I thought…" You said slightly confused.

"What happened to that obedient girl from before, has too much time with other men distracted you?" He questions, crossing his arms.

"Mamo, you brooooke her," Whined Mr Kisaki with a wide pout.

"Shut up," Mr Baba says through gritted teeth elbowing the young man in the ribs. You wasn't sure what to say.

"Go easy on the kid," Kishi said placing another cigarette between his lips. Mr Ichinomiya is the only one not to react, his expression unchanged. He grabbed your arm and pulled you close.

"I told you once. I will not tell you again little girl, do not make me ask twice," Mr Ichinomiya said still clutching your arm. You look slightly confused still, just wanting to escape.

"No Sir, I was only told to present the guests, I thought my dutys stopped there," You whisper back. You were slightly terrified of what might come out of his mouth next, you felt the gaze of all men on you. Mr Ichinomiya let go and pushed you slightly in front of him and the other men, so that you was facing the doors to the suite.

"Walk. Slow," He muttered to you. Taking a deep breath you headed slowly towards the doors. You knew why, you felt all four of the men present staring at your ass once again. You felt slightly humiliated at what was happening but you was a big girl, you knew what men was like. You knew Mr Ichinomiya was known for his womanizing ways. You almost reached the doors when they burst open and Mr.Oh came flying out, the doors swinging wide open. Your eyes widened seeing the inside of the suite, masses of guns were lying about, with more poking out of the duffel bag he had brought out. So the rumour was true, he had some relation to a gang. He again had a gun in hand and it was pointing at you, his face stern.

"Eisuke, what are you playing at, you know what's happening in here," He hissed, keeping his posture. You didn't know what to do, the men behind you had walked to your side whilst the man in front of you kept his gun pointed at you.

"Don't hurt my princess," Baba said, wrapping his arms around you, almost trying to shield you.

"Go. You forget what you saw here, you speak of this to no-one or we'll come after you," Mr Ichinomiya said stepping in front of you. Without hesitation, you free yourself from the grip of Mr Baba and scurry into the elevator trying to erase your memory of the last 10 minutes. You heard the whining at your lack of present and stating Mr Ichinomiya was a pure kill joy. Your breathing was frantic and you felt your heart in your stomach of the events. As you watched the numbers slowly descent, you realised the lift never stopped at the lobby, instead it went down future. You sighed and repeatedly pressed the lobby button but it kept going down. Dear god what now, you sighed and slumped against the elevator wall. Once it came to stop you didn't see anyone outside the lift so you stepped out but as you did you bumped into a figure you never saw and heard a horrifying smash. You gasped and saw two figures who had been holding something that looked like a statue was smashed into pieces on the floor. Fuck sake.

"Ohmygod Im so so sorry," You cry unsure what to do. The figures grabbed your arms tight and pulled you down the corridor.

"You idiot that was an irreplaceable statue!" One screamed. You tried to free yourself but it was no hope you were too weak against the men.

"I guess we'll have to take her instead," The other replied. You thrashed against them but to no use. You were shoved into a dark room and flinger into a small cage. They left you in the darkness and tears started streaming down your face. What was this day, what was happening?

You had no idea how much time passed before you felt like the cage you was in was moving and before your eyes you was left on a stage, thousands of masked people in the audience gazing at you. You wanted to scream for help but that was when you heard it.

"Sold for 20 million to you sir at the back". You chocked. You was being sold like cattle at market, you'd just been sold in a black market auction.

The cage you was in was covered up and you felt it moving again, you couldn't stop the tears from falling but you refused to let who was moving you hear you cry. Exhausted from your tears and slumped against the bars of your cage waiting for this nightmare to be over. You wasn't sure you travelled far, but then again you had no idea where you was, until you heard a recognisable voice. No scrap that, five recognisable voices. Are. You. Serious.

The cover was removed and there you saw them. The five men you had encountered that morning standing on the outside of your cage.

"I told you, I'd lock you away for only me," Mr Ichinomiya said smirking. This was his doing?

"She's not just yours, she's all of ours!" Pouted Kisaki making puppy eyes.

"None of you touch my princess, please let us get her out of that cage," Baba says looking innocently at you.

"She looks like a pet!" Chimed in again from Kisaki. This was the most degrading experience of your life. You finally mustered up the courage to say something.

"W…whats happening?" You say with more tears in your eyes looking hopelessly at the men around you.

"We brought you, we own you, us," Mr Ichinomiya said, he emphasised own more than anything else.

"The five you…?" You whispered back, seeing each of their hungry eyes on you, eyeing you up like a piece of meat.

"You belond to us, all five of us, we brought you for a share each and now you have to obey what we say," Babe says with a devious smile. Your eyes meet the rugged detective styled man from earlier, once again a cigarette handing from his lips, his eyes focused on you. Your head ached and you felt cramped inside the cage you had been thrown into earlier.

"Can… can I please get out this," You asked, your voice just above a whisper. You hear a small chuckle from some of the men, you don't know who but you hope they heard your plea. You see Mr Ichinomiya learn forward and unlock the cage allowing you to be free. You don't hesitate to spring from the cage, your legs slightly week and once free you fall a little unable to keep your balance only to be caught by several pairs of strong arms, each man had lunged to keep you from falling. Guiding you to one of the cream sofas you sat down, whilst the men placed themselves around you, Kishi sitting on one side of you.

"So… so you brought me? Why? I'm confused what's happening," You ask.

"Who could let such a thing of beauty go?" Kishi finally speaks, taking your face in your hand. You flustered at the movement.

"You need to decide a place to stay, one of us as your master," Mr Ichinomiya said from a separate armchair, crossing his legs. You started to laugh. But none else did.

"Wait, your serious…" You said, looking at all the men's stern faces. Babe fell to the floor and crawled to you, placing his hands on your exposed knees.

"I'll treat you like a princess, the princess you truly are," He said burrowing his hazel eyes into yours and slowly moving his hands up your thighs. You feel your face turn in one powerful swift to face Kishi who was inches away from you, he smelt strongly of whisky and cigarettes.

"I'm a detective, I'll keep you safe," He whispers against your lips. Before you can register what's happening your swept of your feet and held into an embrace by Kisaki.

"Be my precious pet," Kisaki said brushing your hair out of your face. You were once again whipped away by another strong pair of arms and held strongly against Mr.Oh's chest.

"Women are a waste of time, but for you I'll make the acceptation" He spoke softly into your hair. Before finally, you pulled down onto the lap of the king , Mr Ichinomiya. Your back pressed firmly against his chest and he leaned against you snaking his hands over your waist.

"Stay with the king and be treated like a queen," He whispered into your neck. You felt dizzy, the staring of each men burning into you whilst the hot breath of Mr Ichinomiya tickled against your neck.

"I… I have an apartment here, can't I just st-" You started but was cut off with a no from almost everyman.

"What if we propose a new deal then," Baba said walking over and stroking your face. A rival growl from Mr Ichinomiya was stated from behind you. Almost like a look, don't touch.

"I'll stay here," You pipe up before any other men can stay anything. A chuckle comes from behind once again and he places a kiss against the back of your neck causing a slight shiver to run down your back.

"Boss wins again," Sighs a defeated Kishi .

"God damit" Oh mutters. You feel daggers staring at Mr Ichinomiya who's still chuffed with the result.

"I said here, not him," You state and try to stand up but the hands around tighten.

"Don't toy with me girl," Mr Ichinomiya whispers into your ear.

"I… I'm serious, I don't know you, any of you, if you own me I'll be here, but I belong to all you not just one," You say after mustering all you can. You was done, you was tired, no exhausted. Enough of this, enough of all of this.

"I mean, I can share my princess here but if any of you touch her…" Baba starts.

"I swear to god, I will shoot one of you if you break her," Oh adds, his hand in his blazer. A deep sigh comes from behind you but there's still a tight grip around your waist with one placed now placed on your thigh.

"I'll be here all the time, just more time to myself," He says squeezing your thigh.

"I…um, I need to get back to work," You say before pushing his hands off you and standing up pulling down your high risen skirt.

"You don't leave." A stern voice said. You wasn't sure who said it but you heard it.

"I… I have a job, I cant just-" You start but was interrupted.

"We'll look after you, but as part of this you do not leave, not without one of us," Kisaki says walking over to you and holding your wrists gently. You look over your shoulder to Mr Ichinomiya.

"S…Sir?" You ask, regardless the others he was the CEO of where you worked. He smirked.

"Look at me like that again and I will have you pinned against a wall faster than you can Sir, but yes. You live here, your life is here, you serve us now and if you leave you will be ended," Mr Ichinomiya said his eyes glazing with a darkness.

"O…okay," You finally surrender and the men give me devilish smirks and smiles.

The penthouse was exquisite, beautiful in every way. From the living area was joined with a open kitchen which had a marble staircase leading to a upstairs full of rooms. Each man had his own suite and bathroom, Mr Ichinomiya had his own office and you were finally taken to your room. It was bigger than the whole of your apartment you lived in and beautifully detailed in every way. You also had your own en-suite with a spa bat-tub and wall to floor shower. You gasped when you saw it, a smirk appeared on Mr.Oh's face.

"Impressed by this? We have so much more to show you darlin," Kishsi said gently wrapping his arms around you much to the protest of the fellow bidders.

A few hours had passed and you spent them in your room still confused of the events that had happened today. You was owned by these five men, no choice, no escape, no home to go back too… You ended up passing out from exhaustion on the silk bed in your room. When you woke you found the stuff from your apartment had been placed inside and you realised this wasn't a nightmare or a bad dream, it was all real and happening. Walking into the bathroom you looked at the state of you in the bathroom and sighed, you looked a mess. You skirt was hitched up from your slumber, barely covering your ass, your shirt was messy and untucked, your sleeked ponytail was messy and falling out and you still had the toe pinching heels on. Stripping off, you stepped into the shower washing away the humiliation you faced from today away. You used the lotion already stacked in the shower, making your skill smell of vanilla. Drying yourself off and stepping into your room, you found your lounge wear in the pile of stuff brought to your room. Sliding into your lacey low-cut tank top with your black lace shorts, not your best clothing option by far but it's all you had I mean you never expected to live with a group of five men. Grabbing the secret stash of cigarettes, you kept hidden in one of your coat pockets and retying your hair back up and slipping on your flower kimono you take a deep breath and exit your room.

You was greeted to a cheerful sound of men and the mixed smell of alcohol and cigarettes greeted your nose. It was a smell you wasn't use to but it's a smell you finally get use to and call home. A round of whistles filled your ears when you stepped down the marble case gaining all of the bidder's attention. This was something you would never get used to.

"Well, look whos finally come to join us," Mr Ichinomiya said sitting in the same chair as earlier, a whisky in hand and that smug smirk on his face.

"Yes, yes enjoy the show," You say and twirl before walking into the kitchen, all eyes on you.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mr Ichinomiya says to you rising an eyebrow. Looking confused.

"Getting a drink…?" You respond.

"Did we give you permission?" He responds. You scoff and grab one of glass flutes before picking up the bottle of champagne and pouring a glass.

"You can't be serious," You say shaking your head but the next minute your slammed up against the fridge Ichinomiya pressed inches away from your face. His hot breath pulsing against your next and your hands pinned to the side of your face.

"Do not test me, you obey me, you answer to me with sir and if you don't do what I say within 5 seconds, I will bend you over the nearest thing and fuck you there and then," He says whilst pressing his lips against your neck. You cant help but let out a sweet moan at the sensation and without realising you respond, "Yes sir, sorry sir,". You feel the smirk of his mouth pressing against your neck before he pulls away. Your face is slightly flustered and you feel the drink you previously poured pushed back into your hand.

"Good girl," He mumbles, watching you walk away. The men had moved to a poker table sitting around and you sat in the free chair next to Baba, which you didn't know was the best option.

"So princess how are you." He says and places his hand on thigh and squeezes it gently. You give a simple smile and look around the table feeling the gaze of the bidder either on your face or your chest. You sipped away at your drink whilst watching the men engage in their game of poker. Every time you found your glass empty, one of the bidders had filled your up glass up almost instantly.

"So sweetheart you playin?" Kishi asked before popping a cigarette into his mouth whilst shuffling some cards. You licked your lips slightly watching him fondle the cigarette in his mouth before you took yours out to the gasps of the other men.

"If you like the look of his mouth, wait til you see what mine can do,' Kisaki whispers into your ear, Baba's hand still squeezing your thigh. It was like a competition of them for your attention…

"Yeah, fuck it," You replied, before placing the cigarette between your teeth and raising your eyebrows to Kishsi gesturing to his lighter. Instead he shifted from his chair and shoved Kiaski out of the way taking his place. He leaned in close to you placing the end of his lit cigarette to yours and mumbles for you to inhale which you comply. Your eyes lit up watching the end spark up. You rolled it between your lips and lean back in your chair and cross your legs with your drink in the other. You hear muttered curses and comments from the others.

"God, I wanna see what else you can do with them lips," Oh says watching your every movement.

"Let me put something better between those lips," Ichinomiya says with a smirk. You wasn't sure if it was the attention you was receiving, the drinks you'd had or a mix of both because you started to feel more confident.

"So we playing boys or what," You say leaning forward, before seductively sucking the end of your cigarette and slightly licking your lip. You heard a low grown from the bidders, unable to place the groans to each man. This could get interesting you think to yourself, inhaling, exhaling, your chest rising to each movement. You knew the men were watching anticipating your next move, but there was none. You leaned forward for Kishi's ashtray and stubbed out your cigarette.

The cards were dealt and a round was played, losing within the first few minutes of the game.

"Shall we make it more interesting?" Ichinomiya says smirking behind his cards. All eyes were on him, except for mine, I was far more interested in topping up my drink, since we started playing the men stopped catering for your needs.

"For her." He states shortly and quickly with the other bidders in unison. Realising what was said you almost chocked on your drink. You wasn't dumb or naïve and you knew what that meant and by god was you going to let one of these men win you like a prize. Looking for an escape on this, you watched as Baba loosened his tie and it hit you.

"Or…" You start and finishing your drink for courage, all eyes back to you.

"Strip poker, winner gets a kiss…" You breath out after a deep exhale. You hear Kisaki clap and rub his hands together, sitting opposite you in Kishi's original chair. Oh winks at you before diverting your gaze and you feel Baba had snaked a hand around your waist giving you a tight squeeze. Kishi gently took your wrist before placing a small kiss to your palm sending a heat of excitement through you. Ichinomiya gets up and walks to you and pulls you back by your ponytail gently, he leans down and places a kiss against you neck, sending you slightly breathless.

"You better get that pretty mouth of yours ready to kiss me all over," He whispers into your ear before releasing your hair and returning to your seat. Slightly intoxicated with the situation at hand you regain yourself and smile.

"Game on boys" You say.

Surprise, surprise you lost the first round so you lost the kimono, leaving you in your tank top and shorts.

You didn't lose the next few but you watched, Oh Baba and Kishi all lose an article of clothing, mainly ties and fedoras. But then you lost again and you had to decide on what went. Sighing and mustering your courage, you slowly removed your tank top thankful you kept your white lace bra on but it left little to the imagination, your slight erect nipples poking through the material. Kisaki and Oh's jaws dropped, Baba placed his hand back onto your waist before slowly tracing it up your side, Kishi who had nearly fell asleep was now wide awake and his eyes burning through your chest. A recognisable growl came from the king, the same kind you heard earlier when you was sat on his lap. This was the first moment you realised the full effect you were having on these men but also the effect they was having on you.

"Okay boys, pack it in," You saw with a new confidence and throwing you shirt at the table. You play two more round, winning both and watching Ichinomiya lose his jacket and Kisaki his shirt, he was hiding a beautifully tone chest under there.

It was the last round, a make or break for you. You lost the first half much to your disagreement but you sucked it and teased the men watching you. Standing up, your first traced your hands up your stomach but moved them down to your shorts meet with anticipated breath from the bidders. Slowly you tug your shorts down just a little reviling the hem of your lacy panties. Slowly you push them down, using your other hand to keep up your shorts. Met with gasps and you catch Kishi drop his cigarette his mouth gaping open. Sitting back down, you extend your leg out pulling your panties full off and placing them on the table. You was met with a stunned silence and felt extremely proud of your power move.

The final cards were dealt and you could cut a tension with a knife, the bidder slowly revealed their cards, all but you and Mr Ichinomiya. He smirked and laid out his cards, "I want all them clothes gone for our kiss," he says smugly. You look at your cards and give him a defeated look before sighing. He knew he had won, until you laid your cards out.

"I call that a royal flush, sir," Your purr, seeing his eyes widen and that cocky grin wiped off his face. You raise a brow at your defeated opposition and watch him slowly lose his lavender shirt. His chest was chiselled and you felt it hard to keep your cool.

Regardless of his dick attitude, he was a sight to behold. You licked your slightly parted lips at the sight but a comment from Baba brought you back to reality.

"So winner…" He said leaning into you neck. You already knew who you wanted to kiss… right now it was all of them. Each one brought a sexual tension and with your confidence and high of winning you was ready to explore.

"Since you all share me, I want a kiss of each of you, you know please all my masters," You say with a cocky grin on your face.

No-one complained or whined infact they were rather submissive. Each kiss was different, Oh's and Kiski were sweet and delicate, Kishi's tasted like an ashtray (but you enjoyed the taste), Baba however was gentle with a tight grip on your waist and sucking delicately on your bottom lip. And Mr Ichinomiya, he pulled you into his lap and kissed your cheek before moving closer and kissed the corner of your lips, instantly you leaned to him but he pulled back and then you heard it, the words beg fell from his mouth and formed a declivous smile. You couldn't believe this prick.

"Kiss me," You muttered against his lips. He pulled back again.

"Kiss me who?" He said cocking an eyebow.

"Kiss me, sir," you said and his lips came crashing onto yours, forcing his tongue into your mouth, showing his dominance. He pulled back leaving a string of saliva connecting your lips. Feeling heavily intoxicated with passion and lust, you bid the bidders fair well before retrieving your top and kimono and bounding upstairs.

"Aren't we forgetting something?" One of them yells up, your panties still in the middle of the table.

"Keep them," You respond, hearing an argument breaking out between them. You reached your room, shut the door and sighed, what had you got yourself into?

"So what is the catch?" Your other friend Gemma asked, perking up from the sofa still marvelling at the fact she was in the penthouse of the Hotel Tres Spades. Grabbing a fresh bottle of champagne from the grey-metallic fridge you place it on the counter and lead forward pressing the palms of your hands flat against it.

Taking a deep sign, you reply, "I mean my freedom in a way, I'm a private maid for the penthouse, I'm not allowed to go freely out of the building without informing anyone of where I'm going, my apartment is gone I can only stay here, I guess I can kiss a love life goodbye, not that there really one,".

"I mean the last time you last got laid was when you were 17 wasn't it," Rachel said, both her and Gemma giggling.

"Shut up!" You yelled, lobbing a bag of peanuts at her head and trying not to go the colour of the perfectly red apple sitting on the counter. She was right though, it had been five years since you last had any sexual connection with a man. Not that you hadn't had the opportunity, but the first and last time you had sex, you were lied too, tricked into thinking you and he was in love but really all he wanted was your body. You never told or spoke to anyone about it because you felt embarrassed, ashamed of your naivety but you were young, you thought you was in love.

Pouring yourself and the two others a drink, you waltzed back across the room.

"To Miss (YN) new lavish lifestyle!" Gemma said raising her glass and waiting for us to join in.

"To no catches!" Rachel chimed in causing a giggle from all three of you.

"So come on, what's the real gossip, what are these men like?" Rachel ask you, wiggling her eyebrows. You took a sip of your champagne and though about your response. You knew no-one was in the penthouse, or you hoped at-least, you was still getting use to everyone's schedules even though they never really stuck to them. You gave your friends a brief description to your friends of them ensuring to leave out details from the poker night, that only happened 2 nights ago.

"They all sound devious but come on, if you had, which one would you screw?" Gemma asked and you had to think.

The smug and demanding yet charming boss – Eisuke Ichinomiya

The mafia leader – Soryu Oh

The flirtatious thief – Mitsunari Baba

The young artist – Ota Kisaki

The ruggedly handsome detective – Mamoru Kishi