
Just Like Yesterday

Jiana Jill, the typical new girl in town, will face the hardship and struggles of the adulting path of life and the changes of the new place and find true love, family, and friendship.

jeimeimei · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs


[The year 2021 - Present]

I was sitting at the bar counter area in the coffee shop owned by my best friend, waiting for someone. It was past 9 in the morning already and we were supposed to meet before nine.

"Always late, huh?"

I let out a dry laugh and my best friend just shake her head. I know she's feeling frustrated right now knowing who I was about to meet.

"I guess." I just gave her a bitter smile.

"J, I know that this thing between you and him is all, you know, over but if you keep meeting him--" she shrugged.

"This is the last time, I promise you."

She looked at me as if I'm just saying something in a different language.

"Whatever. If you say so. Speaking of the devil, I just saw him cross the street."

As if on cue, he entered the café. The last time I saw him was, what, two years ago?

When our eyes met, he awkwardly smiled at me. And of course, I smiled sweetly at him like how I used to when we were in high school.


Even the way he greeted me felt so distant.

"Hey, sorry if I take some of your time this morning. I know that being a medical student makes you so busy so I appreciate it. I will get the package, wait."

I hurriedly went to grab the package his parents asked me to give him. He follow behind me and said that he will carry it himself.

Being so close to me makes me realize that he is taller than the last time I saw him and he looks good even if he looks tired. He might be really busy that he wasn't able to get enough rest.

"Is this the package mom asked you to bring?"


"She could've just sent it through delivery. Sorry if she asked you to do this. "

"No, it's fine. I was the one who insisted on bringing it to you."

He looked at me with a confused look on his handsome face.

I reached for something in my bag. I walked near him and grabbed his right hand.

God, the feeling.

I still love this guy after all these years.

I gave him a small box and the moment he saw it, he was surprised.

"I've wanted to return this to you ever since the last time we met. I want you to take it back, please."


"Lu, the promise we made back on my 18th birthday it's not valid anymore, right? So, I am returning this. The moment that I still have this, the harder it is for me to let you go."

He was speechless and I still can't read his expression. Honestly, I'm still a bit hopeful that we can still make things work out, maybe today there's still a chance. But seeing him today made me realize that everything about us is over.

I've tried and tried to reach out, to make things work, up to the point that it broke me into a thousand pieces.

I let go of his hand, trying to hold back my tears. "I still have work, too, so I have to go. Take care always, Lu. Goodbye."

I've decided to walk away as fast as I could even though my best friend is calling my name.

Sorry, Ash. I have to run away from him. I will call you later.

This time, will I be able to let go of you, Luke Anderson?

This time, will I finally stop remembering all our memories back in high school?

It feels like yesterday when we had our first dance together.

It feels like yesterday when we sneaked out at night to watch the concert I wanted to go to.

It feels like yesterday when we were constantly bickering and teasing each other during class.

It feels like yesterday when we got soaked from the rain because you ran after me when I fought with my mom.

It feels like yesterday when we had our first big fight just because you ruined my favorite book.

It feels like yesterday when you made me feel like there were a thousand butterflies in my stomach.

It feels like yesterday when you first held my hand.

It feels like yesterday when you accidentally stole my first kiss.

It feels like yesterday when we both got jealous.

It feels like yesterday when we had our fight.

You were the first one that helped me to be brave enough to embrace my new world.

Is everything that happened between us feeling like it was just yesterday?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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