
the beginning

chap 1

Sky Anderson

that is my name mom had chosen sky cause I have blue eyes the only beautiful thing I got from my beloved dad the person I resent the most.I am somebody who doesn't

know how to smile the last time I remember myself grin like a cheshire cat was when my dad had came from a long business trip I was so happy and excited to meet him

because I missed his embrace so much ,can't forget the little me who was sitting on our house's bench playing with my short new skirt touching my tiny beautiful

braids every so often the air was balmy with a tang of my mom's homemade bread in it I sat on that bench for a very long time just to be the first one who's

gonna hug my dad the minute he walked in through the front door my heart skipped a beat I whispered with a thin voice "daddy" he replied

"honey I'm home" tears of happiness were rolling down my cheeks I stood up tried to run so quickly but my feet stumbled Dad's arms were wide opened

he was on his knees waiting for me to come and crash into his chest I forced myself to move swiftly towards him the moment when one meter was seperating us I wiped

the tears from my face and with an extended smile I said "welcome home dad" he embraced me with his broad shoulders and mumbled "I miss you so much little princess

I tightened my hug and said" don't you ever leave me again please stay with me forever dad" at that time I was young didn't know forever isn't very long .It is for

sure paradoxical to the verge of craziness i mean how can the person I hate and disgusts me the most is the one who made the young me the happiest.well they say

the most unbearable pain is the one caused by our loved ones.I am 18 years old now, a daughter of divorced parents I pretty much find zero interest in everyone

and everything at the age of 12 I was dignosed with clinical depression managed to live with it until now very very proud of that.

I change my psychologist every month, I just can't understand how they can assume understanding me while I don't even understand myself .I always feel like psychologists are a bunch of con artists

who tend to deceive people for money .

my depression made me experience panic attacks it's a sudden period of fear an absolutely very diffuclt disease.I live with my mom,my little brother samuel

and my cute cat milo . my life is 100 percent miserable the only thing that makes me alive is ariana grande's songs and playing with milo .

this year I have college something I am not excited about ,they say college is a ticket of freedom a place where good and unforgettable memories are made

but when your mind is clouded by unnecessary things incarcerated for a very long time. I don't think a silly thing as college will grant it's freedom.