
Chapter I

It was a hot summer day and there was sweat beating down my back. I lived on the beach side any kid my age would dream of living here. I'm 17 with crystal blue eyes, dark brown hair almost black, and pale white skin. My parents are so rich they own basically the whole town. They give me everything my heart desires except the things money can't buy like the care a parent should mentally give their child.

Here's the thing I was born with a lung condition BPD. Normally in premature babies but recoverable. Unfortunately my mother gave birth early in not in reach of proper medical care. She was in a third world country vacationing. It took three hours to be flown out to a hospital that could treat my condition. During that time my condition came permanent. Yearly check ups and sent to hospital as soon as I got sick. I could never play sports or anything that was considered fun. But, my life could be considered the most luxurious life out there, fancy clothes, private teachers, cars for miles, princess worth mansion and anything any you could imagine except fun. Which meant bodyguards, private nurse, curfew, restrictions on places to go and do, it was mostly stay inside.

Of course I would sneak off and drive to the cliff side enjoy the view. That's where I meet him.

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