
Jujutsu Kaisen: Vector Space

Originally we were playing, I designed the powerset of my friend if he were to get reincarnated into bleach and he designed mine if I were to be in Jujutsu Kaisen. Who would have thought that the simple wish of my friend for it to become real, became granted by an unknown being? Well, there is nothing I can do about it anymore anyway, let's try to live the best second life possible. Also, I hope my friend is doing the same with the abilities I designed for him (Stillness of an object time) which I took from re: zero, and the (Tenseigan) I took from Naruto. As for mine? The abilities I got? How about reading and finding out? And for those who can understand, rejoice for I am now Accelerator... and some more. ... Notice: This story is purely for my own entertainment, you are neither obligated to read nor like it. Also, I have no obligation to listen to anyone and I can decide to pause the story or end it if I feel like it. Read at your own risk

AllBullshit · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Cursed science

Shirou POV*

I watched as Yuji and Megumi had an argument about how to proceed with the corpses of the victims, one of which was the guy he so wanted to save.

Seeing this I sighed and just patted Megumi and Yuji's shoulder so they could calm down.

"This discu-" I didn't finish as my eyes turned sharp, feeling something happening in my perception range.

I moved at a relatively high speed toward Nobara before grabbing her arm, pulling her toward me, and securing her waist before jumping back toward my previous location.

"What-" Nobara reacted a little late, almost having been sucked into a dark-like matter. (pun intended).

"Quite a sneaky one aren't you?" I seemed to talk to particularly nobody but the target of my question was already near us.

"Whoa, that was close, you almost got kidnapped kugisaki." I saw Yuji sweat drop a bit while Megumi grew visibly tense, his arm already forming a mudra-like sign to conjure a Shinigami at any notice.

"I am fine now, let me." she couldn't seemingly say it all as she froze, not only but everyone else also did.

Why? A cursed spirit, the Special grade cursed spirit just appeared before their eyes.

His appearance was humanoid but he was way taller than a regular man. He had a big mouth, no nose, and sharp claw-like hands.

His presence was suffocating and bearing on the very mind of the weak, his cursed energy reserve was larger than Megumi's, and his raw physical attribute higher than Yuji's.

Seeing the fear-stricken teenagers, the cursed spirit smiled sadistically, probably because of the nature of Sukuna having influenced it in its birth.

Now I do wonder? how should I take care of it? hm...

While I was contemplating my next action, Yuji moved and tried to attack the abomination with his weak-ass cursed tool.

Already knowing what would happen if I didn't act straight away, I quickly pulled him back by the back of his jacket. Just in time to avoid the hit that should have cut off his hand.

"Careful here buddy." I laughed a bit and dispersed the heavy air at the same time. I already know how I was going to go about fighting this... thing. The cool way it will be

Easily lifting Yuji like a cat, I started to talk to Megumi who already seemed to have somewhat retrieved his composure.

"Megumi." I addressed him by his first name without caring about the social norm of the country. Seeing him turn toward me with those escaping eyes, I smiled a bit to reassure him. "How would you describe your skills in math and Physics?"

As I asked him, he was visibly weirded out, probably wondering why I would choose such a moment to ask him that.

"Yusa, this is not the moment for-" He was about to try and reason with me but I threw Yuji toward him without much force before repositioning Nobara that was still kinda frozen and blocking a punch from the CS with my free hand.

I freed Nobara before letting go of the CS's hand, he seemed incapable of moving for a moment, using that opportunity, I kicked it to the other side of the room with a spinning kick.

As I observed the CS crashes into the wall I looked back at my surprised teammates before refocusing on Megumi.

"So?" I urged Megumi as I turned to face him, and probably feeling forced to go along he started answering.

"Well, it's alright at best I suppose." He answered as he drifted to the CS that already recuperated and seemed somewhat angry.

"Good enough then, you should be able to understand." As I spoke, I tilted my head a little bit to avoid the slash that was coming for my head.

"All of you, listen well." I said before fixing Yuji, The second pair of opened eyes below his original pair to be precise."Yes, you too."

"In science, and particularly in physics. There is something called a Vector." I kept moving around to avoid the CS's attack, having a super computer-like brain, the speed at which my thoughts operated couldn't be underestimated.

I could easily read and anticipate the movement of such a simple creature, one barely capable of intelligence.

Making sure they are listening as I danced with the monster, I continued. "A quantity that has both magnitude and direction, that's a vector."

"As long as something moves, It certainly has vectors. Taking that into account it's quite easy to figure out that everything in this universe would have some sort of vector since everything could be technically said to be in constant movement."

"Birds, Dogs, fishes, you and me, even the earth or the sun, we all have some kind of vectors." I let out after dodging a cursed energy blast from the special cursed spirit.

"Cursed Vector space technique." As I said that bit, I stopped moving entirely.

I saw, their eyes widening in surprise as the cursed spirit that was about to transform me into a doughnut hand stopped just an inch away from me, having seemingly met a sort of barrier he was unable to trespass.

"To bring the concept of 'vector' into reality and manipulate it accordingly to my will, that's my cursed technique." I let out a satisfied smile at their reaction and looked at the Special Cursed spirit, which figured out how to free itself from my barrier.

You see my barrier is not just something that looks like the Gojo family's limitless. Instead of infinitely dividing space between the user and its target, my ability does something different.

It's also the neutral form of my cursed technique and it necessitates no conscious control most of the time, as I let its management to 'great sage'.

It doesn't just 'stop' the attack of my opponent, it 'neutralizes' the vectors compromising that attack. The difference in those two words wouldn't be that significant in case of a long-range attack but in hand-to-hand combat, it was immediately more noticeable.

Taking the cursed spirit I was fighting right now as an example, his earlier attack that was neutralized by my barrier left it 'frozen for a moment'. How? Why?

Having his attack vectors from his hand neutralized made it impossible to create more vectors in order for him to move his hand away, meaning it couldn't just decide to pull back his hand to retreat.

The only way for him to do so would be for him to use the vectors from another part of his body to accommodate that action. Say, his legs for example, since his hands' movement wouldn't really matter.

All in all, it would be really tricky to adapt to it and counter it in a fight.

"That barrier is the neutral state of my technique, and if I want to get offensive..." I trailed off and then pointed a finger at my opponent before continuing.

[Curse technique lapse: East]

If you want to show off, do it well. I moved a high amount of cursed energy to augment my technique, around 15% since I didn't bother to do much calculation, just the basis before letting cursed energy fill the rest and replace it.

The wind that was in contact with my extended finger gathered in a visible white ball compressed to the size of a marble ball.

Before shooting toward the cursed spirit like a meteor, its speed was such that it was impossible for it to be avoided by something of its level.

It easily shot through the cursed spirit's forehead, but before it could come out on the other side, I snapped my fingers, making it explode along with the CS's head and the top of its body, until his waist.

Reverse Cursed technique? Not so useful right now, or is it?

"And that's how you exorcise a special grade cursed spirit." I finished my act with a cocky grin, pleasantly surprised to see Yuji clap along.

I definitely love this guy.

I turned to Nobara and spoke. "Your next words will be: Damn, strong."

"Damn, strong." Nobara spoke before realizing. "Wait, what?"
