
Jujutsu Kaisen: Ethereal

A Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic.

Dao_Of_The_Virgin · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Letting Loose

Facing the three men who had yet to notice his presence, he asked.


Turning around, the three thugs realized that there was a small child standing idly by the door.

"No fucking way, how's that kid alive! I watched him die."

Screamed the man that killed his bodies previous owner.

"Me? Die? Not until I engrave despair into your measly hearts!"

Narrator pov:

A few seconds prior to his outburst, our protagonist came to a certain conjecture, he had been transmigrated into a 2d world, a dark Shonen world of anime and death. How did he come to such a conclusion author? 

Simple, within the brief moment of wanting to protect someone for the first time, yet having that very hope snatched away right before his very eyes, made him come to such a conclusion, because he unlocked his cursed technique.

Only one manga he read had an ultimate ability known as a cursed technique, that manga was none other than Jujutsu Kaisen. What he didn't know yet though, was his overwhelming talent and high cursed energy output that his body came with. 

His negative emotions that stemmed from both his past and present life however seemed to coalesce to form an even more potent emotion of rage that caused his negative emotions to sky rocket, and form black sparks around him, yet they soon disappeared as he calmed down, something that seemed to inject fear into the 3 adult men more than his outburst.

Having full understanding of his cursed technique due to the information being directly transplanted into his brain, he took action. "Frankly, I wish I had the ability to torture you three for eternity, but I should get some momentary pleasure out of your suffering, no matter how miniscule."

After uttering such words, he directed all his anger and rage that he once shoved to the pits of his heart, and forced it into his legs and hands, reinforcing his once weak and fragile body with negative energy.

"I'll start with you then." He said to his killer, rushing forward in a burst of speed the men were unable to detect, he shoved his hands deep within the man's heart, yet nothing of note seemed to happen.

"W-what's going on… his hand is in your fucking chest for Christ's sake!"

Yet the man was uninjured.

"J-just what are you!?"

"I'm… The forsaken one." He stated, before pulling his hands out of his previous bodies' killer… With his heart.

"But how…" Whispered thug 1 in despair at the unhuman sight before him, what he was seeing right now was simply unreal, supernatural even.

Such a scene caused his brain to forcibly try to make sense of what was happening, but it simply couldn't keep up. And in turn, caused him to have an existential crisis. 

Crushing the heart within his hands, the owner of said heart fell to the floor with blank eyes, not knowing the mercy that was bestowed upon him not having to live through the torment of what he was about to put his two (2) other companions through.

Turning to the two remaining visible scum within his vision, he slowly walked to them whilst they screamed and scrambled too anywhere but near him. It was all for naught however, as even the most inexperienced sorcerer was simply untouchable to the normal human.

All that could be heard within the apartment for the next 2 hours was fear inducing screams that would make even the most experienced killer fearful…

Mc pov:


'Looking at this scene I made makes even my stomach turn.' I thought, looking to the remains of the two men I killed. 

I didn't feel anything currently. All the pleasure and sadistic glee I felt previously died when those men did. I simply feel empty now, the person I wanted to repay for taking over this child's body is now gone. I have nothing even in this life, the warmth I wished to feel can't be compensated for with power.

"What should I do now?" I said aloud, not expecting to get a response.

"What you should do is join jujutsu tech kiddo."


Turning to the general direction of the voice, I couldn't believe what I was currently seeing. There was a man before me, not just any man though. He looked approximately 6'3 in height, glowing white hair that was too flamboyant, and a smile that encompassed all the arrogance in the world. This man was too familiar, he was simply a walking hunk of a human god, he was… Satoru Gojo.


"Got quite the mouth on you as well, you'd fit in splendidly with a zombie girl I know."

'Is he referring to Shoko?'

"The silent treatment huh?"

"Ah my bad, I was simply stunned that someone suddenly appeared in my home."

"You're well spoken for a child your age."


"So, what about my offer, I'm quite great aren't I? taking you under my wing and all." Said Gojo, but to his question the protagonist simply looked at his mother's limp figure, all that covered her body was a blanket he found within his room. 

Along her body were numerous scares and bruises of differing sizes and colors. From her body alone, one can tell she suffered unjust abuse for God knows how long.

Gojo seeing the sadness within his eyes put two and two together and came to the obvious conclusion of what went down here, so he put aside his carefree attitude for once and showed his true emotions.

"Hey kid, I'm not some motivational speaker, but all I can say is what happens in the past should stay in the past. I'm not saying to forget your mother, but I think you should know above anyone else; she'd want you to keep going forward and to stay strong. I'm a pretty rich guy, so I can raise you and tell you all you need to know about yourself and the dangerous world you just barged into, so what do you think?"

Hearing Gojo's speech, something very uncharacteristic of him, he could immediately tell that Gojo wanted the best for him, even though they just met. Well, Gojo was always soft when it came to broken kids like him.

"I'll do it, but first…"

"Yes, lets put your mother to rest."



Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know its quite short but I'm busy with my university courses and I rarely have time to do it, but I'll allocate at the very least an hour or 2 to write a chapter every few days. If there are any writing mistakes, please leave them in comments and ill fix them, also, if you guys have any idea throw them at me, I'll think about them.