
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · Kỳ huyễn
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90 Chs

Chapter 79: "You knew all along have you..."

The magical floating island cruises amidst the sea of stars. The dazzling Prism Temple shimmering is a spectacular sight.

The majestic structure shines brightly in heaven. The gently warm light emitting by the temple illuminates this realm.

Grand Master Lucius has been busy since his return. He frequents the Star Observatory Platform trying to monitor the changes in its formations.

Typically, stars movement doesn't have drastic changes, and, for some reason, it frequently happens nowadays. One can easily assume they are being manipulated or guided by someone powerful enough to change their destinies.

He heaves a heavy sigh upon this unheard of phenomena. Whoever is doing this has broken multiple rules and counting.

Who possesses such power to defy the Heavens?

None has succeeded in altering the flow of events without facing any consequences. Then again, he wasn't even sure it is also possible to make changes to such an extent.

"Why the long face, brother? You've been staring at that platform far too long. Don't stress out too much. It is not good for the skin." someone said.

A handsome man came into the hall and broke his solitude. Lucius' face twitches upon hearing his brother's voice.

His low teasing voice echoed in these silent halls and distracted Lucius. It is something he can't mistake.

Despite their uncanny similarities, Lucius and Lucis are extremely different in other aspects.

Lucius is the responsible, studious elder twin brother while Lucis is the younger, carefree, prodigal one.

"And who's fault is that? I order you to look after Great Niece. You let her wander alone, she is currently missing, and this happens. Do you expect me to relax after all that?!" Lucius responded irritably.

He approaches his prodigal, younger twin brother, Lucis, as he airs his grievances. He didn't bother restraining his words as he continues his complaints.

He can't believe how his younger brother is remaining unbothered by the situation. The threat is spreading like wildfire, and it won't be long that it will reach them as well.

Lucius wandered across different realms trying to track the elusive girl. His younger twin brother is accountable for her safety, and he failed miserably.

Lucius is busy trying his best to clear up the mess Lucis made two hundred years ago. How can he act as if he did nothing?

Meanwhile, Lucis remained nonchalant as he listened to his brother. He is not entirely convinced the girl is helpless, and everyone is just worrying too much about her.

Though, he does wonder where the little brat hid herself after she ran away from his protection. Still, it doesn't mean he didn't do his job.

The girl is just too cunning to escape without his knowledge. He does commend her for outsmarting him.

After his long monologue, Lucius decided to stop nagging his brother. He shouldn't expect anything from his younger brother and blamed himself for putting his trust on him instead.

He decided to change the subject. He didn't straightforwardly ask about his relationship in Lower Astra, though.

"Is there anything you wish to tell me? I will listen to anything you have to say. I won't be mad." Lucius began.

He is slightly giving hints about the nature he needs to confess. How can he not know his relationship bear fruit?

On the other hand, Lucis is ignorant regarding what he meant. He doesn't remember doing anything worth confessing nor his brother's forgiveness.

"I truly have no idea what you meant." Lucis responded quizzically.

He forgot why he was looking for his elder brother and left the room. He doesn't know what he discovered during his travels regarding him, but as far as he knows, they are not noteworthy.

The beautiful Star Gazing Hall turned back its solitude. Here, they can observe the specks of light representing everyone that resides in this world.

The brighter the star representing them means they are more significant in this world. Only a handful has the skill to conceal themselves from this platform.

Still, one can also have the ability to hide themselves as insignificant lights. Unless they do anything to reveal themselves, they'll be out of the radar.

Grand Master Lucius sighs after his younger brother left the room. He can't believe his brother is remaining nonchalant about everything.

Lucius looks back at the dome-shaped roof and knits his brows. Even if he can't accurately interpret these movements, he knew that something beyond them is at works.

'Ah, Great Niece... Where are you? Are you aware of this? Is this you're doing?'

Back in Mystic Spirit Realm.

Lord Azure and Vermilion walks on the empty corridors as they catch up with the others. They left ahead of them and hoping they could discuss matters with them before they part ways.

Jin is remaining silent the entire time while Freya is staring at his handsome face. He might look nonchalant, but he is obviously in dazed.

"Little Freya, am I really that handsome that you can't take your eyes off me?" Jin chuckles as he broke his silence and he continues, "Dashing and irresistibly handsome? "

"You knew all along have you..." Freya inquired.

She completely ignored his jokes and asked straightforwardly.

"Lord Foeni is taking favorites nowadays. It is natural for me to figure something so obvious. Though, I didn't expect their relationship is already that way..." he chuckles.

He decided to indulge her and responded truthfully.

"But what surprises me more is you knew all along, and you never told me." Jin said dejectedly.

Though Jin assumes Freya was threatened not to disclose this secret with anyone. On the other hand, Freya remained silent and unable to find the words to say.

Who would have thought those two are already in a Blood Contract after all? He can't help assume those two are hiding a much deeper secret than their current relationship.

Jin ended up in deep contemplation as he analyzes their relationship. How can they possibly forge this Blood Contract when Eu is a minor?

A realization came to him that might answer his theory. Even if he doesn't have proof, that is the only possibility.

'Eu is an Immortal. Is it possible...?' he thought.

Still, that is the only possibility he could think of.

"Tell me honestly, Brother Jin. Do you also like her?" Freya asked curiously.

Jin was brought back to his senses as he hears her straightforward inquiry. His lips curve up, displaying a dashing smile.

Meanwhile, Freya was taken aback by his sudden gesture as she stares at him.

"My dear Little Freya. I like you as well. Don't be too jealous. I love you equally." he coolly responded as he walks ahead.

Freya was stunned on his nonchalant, straightforward response. Still, she can't help assume he meant something else between the lines.

She shook her head as she clear her mind. She didn't want to think about it too much and decided to catch up with him.

Jin rarely gives his attention to anyone, and Freya could tell there is a sliver of sadness on his eyes. Though, she doesn't want to point it out as she watches his back while he walks ahead of her.

Not long, they finally reunited with the others. They gathered in the garden as they can't believe how everything turned out.

Jin and Freya are not entirely surprised that they are still discussing what happened in the parlor. It's genuinely a mind-blowing revelation after all.

Though they have their suspicions about it, they never really confirmed it until that day. It is unbelievable their relationship is deeper than everyone expected.

The revelation of those two in a Blood Contract indeed came in a shock. Still, how can they keep it from everyone? Also, how come Eu is unaware of their relationship?

"No wonder Lord Foeni is always irritated at me! I can't believe it..." Gwyddien spoke.

He recalls the time he disturbed them during the Winter Solstice. He even casually dressed so he won't be too conspicuous among the crowd.

"Young Witch, you just need to be more sensitive to your surroundings. That is nothing new to any of us." Seig responded to him.

The Divine Lord Foeni is also very protective of her. Though he doesn't tell it straight, he will do the unthinkable because of Eu.

Eu's comrades have long noticed how the Divine Lord treated her. They can't help assume he is also angry with most of them for spending more time with Eu.

Di'Anon, Triteia, and Gaust decided not to get involved with their discussions. They kept their distance as they overhear most of their conversation.

Jin and Freya joined them soon after. They didn't bother the other group and let them quench their curiosity. Who doesn't like to discuss such a topic?

"So, Azure. What did you discuss with Lord Foeni?" Gaust inquired.

"He was thinking about sheltering Lord Noite here in Mystic Spirit. He immediately wants to know his whereabouts and bring him in." Azure explains.

"That is a feasible plan. Noite probably confronted his brother and hiding in Celesea. Still, how can we track him down?" Triteia chimed in.

Meanwhile, Freya decided to let go of her thoughts in regards to the issues about Jin's true feelings. They need to focus on important matters like Meness and the Shadows.

Noite will be more cautious and avoid detection. Still, they are convinced that Noite will only head to the Mystic Realm than anywhere else.



*Lucis- Lucius younger twin brother

*Great Niece- a person who is currently missing.

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