
Journey of the omni ruler

immortal13 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 3 Evaluation

Stop the murmurs maggots, A bulky bald man with a black saber on his back shouted and the whole village square trembled and the ones closer to him had blood coming out the corners of their mouth. Now, these are the evaluation rules, firstly we will test ur power level, if it is above hundred you pass but if it's even ninety-nine you Fail!!!. Everyone was damn scared. The sky battle academy is a powerful academy from the city and the only reason they were evaluating this shit hole is because their headmaster was flying over the village and saw a powerful ki signature, he checked it out and evaluated the young boy, he was tested with great talent and that's why the academy is here to check for any hidden gems. Now line up and come put your hand on this orb which would display ur information on the holographic screen.

first up, Nandi ali-72, failed

second, Thomas party... 111, passed


The last person is Marcus, he was the last to arrive,

Marcus 102, passed

Marcus was happy. he barely passed, he was sad at the same time there were people a year younger than him with battle powers around 150.

Alright, Forty people passed the battle power test, now you will go through combat test to find the top ten and then the number one, of course Marcus wanted to be in the top ten and possibly be number one. All battles start tomorrow morning so get your rest. Marcus knew even if he wasn't in the top ten, he would be admitted into the academy, but there will be prizes for the top ten warriors. I should go into the forest and increase my instincts. it was still noon so there was time. He moved out of the village without a weapon, he only planned to wander around the outer side of the forest and earn battle experience. he started walking and in a few minutes he heard a low growl and a panther jumped out of a bush and pounced on Marcus, he swiftly moved to the side and barely dodged the large claw of the panther with two tails and saber teeth. He punched out at the panther and it blocked with both it's tails it then pounced at Marcus with the aim of biting off his head, Marcus knew he couldn't completely dodge so he went on offense he punched the panther's jaw just as it was about to chomp his head, his wrist was sore from how hard the panther's jaw was. but the panther was worse with a broken jaw and crooked teeth

Marcus didn't know why but he was very excited by this battle. haaa, Marcus charged at the panther with full strength, the panther also charged whilst slashing it's paw



Marcus had his hand bleeding and slashed but other than that nothing else was wrong

on the other hand the bones in the panther's paw was completely shattered

Marcus felt himself getting stronger the more they fought. fifteen minutes of fighting later, Marcus's body was riddled with injuries and claw marks while the panther was bleeding and also puking blood

Grrrrr, the wolf weakly tried to hit Marcus with it's tails and succeeded, Marcus was sent flying towards a tree and hit it.

Marcus's vision was blurry and as he was about to pass out with the panther about to pounce on him.

A bald muscly man came out and held the panther's neck before snapping it in half.

Aaah, what the fuck happened to me. Marcus woke up with the biggest head ache, he checked the clock and the time was7:40 pm.

And that means he only has twenty minutes to get to the village square.

Hah, hah, hah. Marcus was gasping loudly when he arrived that all eyes were on him, Marcus knew the academy instructor must have saved him and healed him, so he went over to thank him,

Thank you for yesterday, Mr instructor

I only saved you because I noticed you were hardworking and not giving up, plus, you were getting stronger the more you fought so of course I would help.

Now, go back to the square with the other people

Soon enough, the instructor arrived, ok maggots line up and come take one of these, every one of our sky battle academy has one of these bracelets, they are used to measure your battle power. Soon everyone got their bracelets and a holographic screen would show above it

Name: Marcus

Power level: 200

status: healthy

Marcus was shocked, yesterday his power level was a little above hundred and he was the weakest here but now he is one of the strongest competitors. And he couldn't wait for his battle to start, that thrill, that excitement.