
Journey of the Last Saiyan

In an infinite multiverse, exists a realm of remarkable power, the Super Saiyan God Realm, home to divine warriors, the Super Saiyans. Their society is structured by strength, with Gula, a direct descendant of the Super Saiyan God, leading as the Division Captain. In this society, a low-born Saiyan, Cress, rose to become a leader through sheer determination, leading the efficient Delta Squad. Despite societal expectations, Gula and Cress fell in love, giving birth to a son, Orach, who exhibited a great power from a young age. Their peaceful life was shattered by a war. Cress, Gula, and their squads sacrificed themselves to ensure Orach’s survival. In death, Gula joined Cress in reincarnation while Orach landed in the DC universe, carrying his parent's legacy. Orach's journey spans across universes, shaping him into a warrior and influencing the Super Saiyan God lineage's destiny. In the DC Universe, Orach learned from the world's heroes, particularly the Justice League, despite disagreeing with their no-kill policy. Over time, Orach became a protector, growing stronger with each challenge. His parent's sacrifice served as his strength and motivation, pledging to honor their memory by living as a protector, warrior, and representative of the Saiyan race in the new universe. Orach's saga begins, a tale of a young Saiyan navigating life in a new universe, symbolizing the Saiyan race's enduring spirit and honoring his parent's legacy. ______________________ Point to note: ->No Zeno, Beerus or angels from DB universe ->This story blends Dragon Ball saga and cultivation concepts, featuring various realms. ->Saiyans can destroy planets only if they surpass or understand the system's primordial laws. ->Higher realms experience more destruction from forces like singularities due to the potency of these laws. Hence, mastery of these laws is as crucial as increasing the power levels.

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Chapter 68 - Timey Wimey Past - Part 4

While Orach was in Azarath, people worldwide were still grappling with the aftermath of another alien invasion, this time by Superman's kin. This event stirred speculation among Superman's critics. However, the key topics on everyone's mind were the sudden appearance and disappearance of a second moon, the giant silhouette seen in space and the mourning of those who perished in the recent invasion. Social media was abuzz with comments and photos, and a supposed sighting of a giant ape monster in Australia added to the sensation. In short, the entire planet was absorbed in these events.

Different nations offered help, demonstrating that border disputes or political differences become trivial in the face of a global crisis. The UN scheduled emergency sessions to discuss a variety of topics including the recent invasion's impact, the effect of the Kryptonian world engine's activation on Earth, the emergence of Atlantis, the rise of a group of heroes, and the actions of the being from higher realms.

To assess the damage caused by the world engine, the UN invited experts to share their thoughts and suggestions in the upcoming discussions. They also announced a partnership with the newly formed 'Justice League', with a team representative slated to join the discussions.

Finally, the UN Security Council shared a draft proposal to banish extremely dangerous individuals to the phantom zone with its member nations. They urged for constructive dialogue during the UN sessions, emphasizing that the projector's use must be justified. The upcoming discussions are set to focus on drafting guidelines, outlining use cases, and establishing criteria for criminals. These discussions will continue over the coming weeks to reach an agreement on the projector's appropriate use.

While nations appeared to unite in the face of recent events, some parties continued to debate the implications behind the scenes.

Earth-Washington D.C CADMUS Base

Various department leaders of Cadmus convened for an emergency session with Amanda Waller. Their expressions evolved from bitterness to horror as they digested the incoming battlefield reports and recordings. Witnessing their technology's failure to defend against the alien world engine was a hard pill to swallow. When the Atlantean fleet breached the alien defenses - where their own weaponry had failed - their expressions soured further. However, what truly horrified them were images of a colossal ape-like creature descending from the skies, annihilating the world engine in a single breath.

The creature's sheer size, menacing appearance, and raw power shook them to the core. As they reviewed footage of it effortlessly swatting away Kryptonian attacks in Metropolis, their fear intensified. Audible gasps echoed in the conference room as they watched Orach and Zod's battle, falling silent at the sight of Orach's giant silhouette in space.

"Can anyone explain this giant silhouette? What's it made of? How did the alien create it? I need a logical explanation!" Amanda Waller's voice echoed in the silent room. However, all she received was deafening silence.

She pressed the scientists again, demanding theories and speculations on the silhouette.

"You are some of the most brilliant minds in our world. Surely, you must have some insights," she implored, desperation evident in her voice. "Could it be an advanced projection? I know the creature, this supposed higher being, has advanced AI capable of creating holographic projections. Could the silhouette be similar?"

Her words hung in the air, a plea for understanding in the face of the unknown. Yet, the scientists remained silent, their eyes reflecting fear.

Seeing their attitudes, she continued,"We are humanity's defense against alien threats! We cannot recoil in terror. We need to understand our enemy to devise a plan against them! Speculate, theorize, and tell me what that thing is!" Amanda demanded, pointing at the screen showing the silhouette of Orach in space.

Yet, her plea was met with panicked, resounding cries of refusal to fight the mysterious entity.


"You want a logical explanation? So do we! WHAT IS THAT THING? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" A normally composed scientist's voice broke with palpable fear, echoing the feelings of everyone present.

"How does that thing even operate? It's not just for show. The ISS recorded strange readings and disturbances when that silhouette was active! How do I even start to explain that?" Another scientist chimed in, his voice shaky with dread.

Even the usually composed generals spoke against any action against Orach.

For the first time, Amanda saw her experts and generals react with such intense fear. Despite sharing their terror, her duty to protect her nation wouldn't allow her to accept their defeatist stance.

She demanded they take time to compose themselves and to return the next day with fresh ideas to analyze the phenomenon. With no room for argument, they all left, eager to seek comfort in the arms of their loved ones.

Alone in her office, Amanda slumped in her chair. She rested a hand on her forehead, while the other clenched the armrest, venting her frustrations and fears.

"Do they think I'm not scared? I am terrified! But for the safety of our nation, no, for the safety of our world, we must formulate a plan! We must!" Her teeth gritted as she concluded her outburst.

She acknowledged the need for a plan, not only for the safety of their nation but the world. In her desperation, she considered alliances with individuals she had once deemed too chaotic and twisted, proving she was willing to make deals with the devil if necessary.


After several hours, the young girl began to stir. Gradually, she lifted her face from the book she had been engrossed in, her eyes still heavy with sleep. She stifled a yawn and rubbed her eyes to shake off the remnants of her slumber. Turning towards the window, she found that night had fallen and a gentle breeze was flowing through. Realizing that she had fallen asleep while reading, she rested her head on her hands and gazed out into the night, a hint of melancholy in her eyes.

Young girl's POV

As I looked out the window, I thought to myself,

'Another day has passed.'

'It's peaceful. The breeze is pleasant.'

Taking a deep breath, I mused,

'Strange. I feel good...no...great, even. It's quiet...my mind is clear...no headaches. But why are my other sides so quiet?'

'Warm...a blanket?' I suddenly felt warmth despite the breeze and noticed I was covered with a blanket.

"You're awake. Had sweet dreams?"

Startled by the voice, I quickly turned towards its source and was shocked to find a man reading a book across from me. I immediately retreated to create distance between us and prepared to use my magic.

'How is this possible? The space is sealed. How did this man get into Azarath? Red hair and eyes. Is he...a demon? No, his aura doesn't feel demonic...yet it's warm and strangely familiar. What is he?'

As I studied the man, I saw him lift his gaze from his book and raise an eyebrow at me. He closed his book and assured me, "You can relax, young one. I'm not here to hurt you."

Despite his reassurances, I remained on guard. However, sensing no hostility, I was inclined to believe him. I cautiously asked, "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

He simply smiled at my question. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Orach. While exploring a world called 'Earth,' I felt an intense concentration of primordial laws here. I was intrigued and wanted to see if I could claim a spot in this realm. Now that I've answered your question, would you answer one of mine?"

'Primordial what? Is that another name for magic? And did he just say he wants to claim a part of this realm?'

His words left me bewildered and uneasy. However, his pleasant demeanor and warmth suggested he meant no harm. So, I decided to listen to his question. I nodded in agreement.

With a smile, he asked, "Young one, could you tell me about yourself? How long have you been alone here? And what happened? I can sense that a terrible disaster occurred here from the disturbances in the realm's laws. The historical records in these books suggest that this realm was once a peaceful paradise for sorcerers. So, why is it now in ruins?"

His question brought back painful memories of the day I lost everything. I took a deep breath, gritted my teeth, and began to recount the tragic events that led to the destruction of my home.

"My name is Racheal and this realm, Azarath, is my home...or what's left of it. About a year and a half ago, it was attacked...A demon found us and invaded. All the mages, including the elders, fought against the demon with their strongest spells but...in the end, all that was left were ruins and...me. I have been living here alone ever since." I remembered that day clearly, the day that monster...my own father, murdered everyone...including my mother. However, despite the comfort his aura provided, I opted not to share the specifics of what had transpired.

The man listened attentively, his gaze never wavering from my face as I narrated the events leading to Azarath's destruction. After a seemingly endless silence, he slowly stood. "I see," he said. Surprisingly, he vanished, only to reappear before me with a speed I had never seen. I braced myself, anticipating an attack. But, instead of an assault, I felt a tender pat on my head, which left me stunned.

I opened my eyes to find his crimson gaze not filled with pity, but a tranquil expression that calmed my turbulent emotions. "Young one, you did well. You are strong," he said, leaving me dumbfounded. A sense of relief and acknowledgment welled up within me, along with something else I couldn't identify. It felt as if my struggles, my loneliness, my resolve to remain isolated, and my relentless efforts to grow stronger for revenge were being recognized. I hadn't felt such validation since my mentor...

Without realizing it, tears began rolling down my cheeks, each drop signifying the hardships I had endured.

End of POV

After listening to the young girl's summary of the events that led to the downfall of her dimension's culture and people, Orach inferred the implications. The demon that attacked this realm was likely her father, a demon from this lower realm who had risen to the rank of a high-demon.

Her survival was understandable only in this context. Initially, Orach intended to engage with this high-demon out of respect for those who transcended their realm's limits through their own efforts. However, this respect waned after hearing the girl's story and witnessing the devastation himself.

Despite this, Orach decided to investigate further before forming a definitive opinion about the demon. While reluctant to use the laws of time, he decided to invoke them once more, for a deeper understanding of the event.

But, for now his immediate priority, was to stabilize the girl's emotional state. He continued to pat her head, subtly infusing her with his Ki. When she cried, he comforted her the way his mother used to comfort him in his younger days. He crouched down, wrapped his arms around her, and held her tight, while persistently patting her head gently until she calmed down.

After releasing her pent-up emotions through tears, Rachel found herself calming down. Surprisingly, she had let her guard down in front of a stranger, whose embrace she found herself in. The warmth provided a sense of relief and comfort, making her feel lighter and stronger. This feeling was familiar, reminiscent of the comfort her mother and mentor provided.

However, the realization that the man was a stranger made her blush with embarrassment. Despite appreciating his comforting presence, she gently began to pull away.

"I'm fine. You can let go now," said Rachel.

Upon hearing her words, Orach simply loosened his grip and released her from his hug. He then glanced into her eyes, and seeing a clear and less burdened soul, he nodded and stood up.

"Little one, it's good you are feeling better. Considering the time, how about we find ourselves some supper?" Orach asked, extending his hand to the young teenager with a smile.

"I am not little! I'm 13. Humph!" Rachel responded, still taking his hand and leading him towards her home. "Since you are hungry, I'll cook for you."

Orach simply smiled and allowed himself to be led by her. On the way to her home, she took him to a farmed plot of land growing vegetables. "Wait here," Rachel instructed Orach. He nodded, and Rachel let go of his hand and hopped onto the field. She gathered a few vegetables in a basket she conjured out of magic. Orach noted that the farmland was well-maintained, a testament to her resilience. Furthermore, he noticed the young girl's joy while she was picking the vegetables. Seeing her sweet, innocent smile in this setting momentarily dazed Orach, reminding him of an old acquaintance.

Flashback- Orach's POV-During his first few missions on lower realms-When he was green

'Big bro Orach, look! I grew these! Haha! I bet these will taste good. Let's return and have my mother cook a dish for us with this!' a young boy with a wide smile approached me.

'Be careful, little one. Don't run carrying those baskets. Give me some, I'll help you carry the load.' I replied to the child grinning proudly at me, showing off the produce he had just harvested.

'No, big bro! You are our guest, I can't let you do that. Plus, some of these were grown by me! I want to carry them and show my mother.' He replied while shaking his head adamantly.

Smiling, I asked, 'Little one, you really find joy in farming, don't you? How can you find happiness in such a simple task?'

As soon as I asked, I realized that my question might have been offensive. But the boy, not offended, replied with a sweet smile, 'Big bro, farming might seem like a simple task to someone like you who comes from the sea of stars. But to me, its simplicity and the feeling of being one with nature bring me immense joy. I don't need to think about complicated things, just let my body move and sync with nature. That's it.'

'Joy in simplicity, huh. Interesting. Thank you, little one…no…thank you, little Shin.' I replied.

'No problem! Let's go. Tonight we feast! I just know my sister and mother are going to enjoy this harvest. Haha!' Shin said as he walked towards his home. I followed behind, subtly extending my Ki towards the baskets to lessen his load.

End of Flashback

'Shin.' For a brief moment, Orach thought he saw a smiling Shin while observing Rachel.

Despite his young age, Orach had already been on missions, deployed to various realms and worlds. He had interacted with many lives and tried his best to remember each one, as a way to learn from and honor them, especially in war-torn realms.

Emerging from his moment of melancholy, Orach looked up at the sky, which seemed to be preparing for rain. He closed his eyes, recalling the face of a young friend he had made during a mission.

'I hope you are well, little one. I pray your soul was reincarnated together with your loved ones. May you lead a wonderful new life, full of the happiness your innocent soul deserves, far from any war.'


"Hey! What are you doing just standing there? It's going to rain soon," shouted Rachel, returning to Orach with the harvested produce. Hearing her call and feeling her by his side, Orach smiled and said, "Sorry, little one, you just reminded me of someone. Let's go." He felt a connection to her and an unusual desire to protect the child before him.

"You're weird. Anyway, let's go," said Rachel, tugging at his hand. They made their way to her home where she immediately began washing the fresh produce. Orach offered to help and, after a moment's stare, Rachel agreed. However, she insisted he follow her instructions. Together, they prepared a decent supper, enjoyed with bread while watching the rain outside.

After the meal, Orach said, "Thank you, Rachel, for the meal. It was good."

Rachel simply nodded in response.

Orach then proposed, "Rachel, would you mind having company in this realm? I thought about building a home here too. We could be neighbors, or even share a large house. What do you think?"

Rachel had heard Orach mention securing a plot in this realm before, so his proposal didn't shock her. However, the idea of constructing and sharing a house together did. She actually enjoyed his company; he had a calming effect on her. From her empathic abilities, she had long since determined he was not a bad person. But she feared the day she would have to confront her father again, knowing he would one day return for her.

"Sorry, Orach. I don't think it would be wise for you to move here. That demon might attack again and he's incredibly strong. You could get hurt," she responded after considering Orach's proposal.

Orach raised an eyebrow at her statement and assured her with a smile, "I've analyzed the remnants of the demon's power in this realm. Trust me, I'm much stronger than that demon. Far, FAR stronger!"

Rachel was initially taken aback by this claim, then became angry, thinking he was dismissing her concerns and underestimating the danger. As she was about to retort, Orach gently touched her head and revealed, "I know it was your father who attacked this realm."

Startled, she stuttered, "You…you knew!"

Orach nodded, "However, Rachel, you don't need to worry about your father. I promise, I am indeed much more powerful than him. But, I understand it's hard to believe. So, let's try this. I'll inject my Ki into your body, but I want you to resist, not with your magic, but with your bloodline power."

Hearing this, Rachel immediately refused, "NO! Never! I won't use that power! It's evil. If I use it, I'll turn into a demon!"

Orach was surprised by her reaction. He responded, "How can any power be evil, Rachel? Your understanding seems flawed. While there are different types of power, none are inherently evil. In reality, all types of power originate from the same source. It's not the power or laws that are evil, but the misuse of them by people. However, it's indeed possible to be overwhelmed by the laws, which can lead to changes in them. Therefore, a cultivator must prepare adequately before advancing through various stages of their journey."

Rachel listened to Orach's explanation. However, it contradicted the teachings of her mentor and elders, which left her confused. Despite her initial inclination to deny Orach's words, her empathic abilities confirmed he wasn't trying to deceive her. This resulted in her dilemma.

Seeing her struggle, Orach sighed, removed his hand from her head, and proposed a new plan. "Let's try this. Since you carry his blood, you can tap into the same power source. You may not be able to control the full power release, but for our experiment, release a small amount and fire a blast at me."

Rachel hesitated at the new proposition, "What if you get hurt?"

Orach responded with a bitter smile, "If I let that weak level of power hurt me, I wouldn't be able to call myself a Saiyan warrior."

Rachel, unfamiliar with the term, asked, "What is a 'Saiyan' warrior?"

Orach explained, "That's what I am. I'm a Saiyan. I come from a realm higher than your known reality. My race, the Saiyans, have protected numerous realms from threats far greater than your father. Indeed, I've battled beings much stronger than him. In my current form, your father would hardly qualify as an opponent. So please, Rachel, give me a chance to prove my words are true."

Rachel was stunned by the revelation. She knew he wasn't lying, yet it was hard to accept that someone more powerful than her father stood before her. The immense power of her father had left deep scars in her psyche. However, a glimmer of hope emerged. She understood that if Orach was indeed stronger, she could learn from him and gain enough strength to not only confront her father but defeat him!

Rachel took a deep breath and nodded at Orach, choosing to trust him. She loosened the seal on her demonic power, raising her hand towards Orach. As her power was released and channeled into her hand, it started changing color to red and her nails grew longer. A ball of demonic energy formed.

Rachel's expression was pained as she tried her best to keep control of the seal that held back the rest of her power. After saying, "Orach! Here. Take it!" she fired the energy shot.

Orach merely smiled at the approaching ball of demonic energy, raising his hand with only a finger extended towards the incoming attack. The energy stopped when it reached Orach's finger and hovered at the tip. Rachel watched in disbelief, seeing no struggle from the ball of energy. It seemed to submit to Orach's Ki.

Orach called out, "Rachel, the power you fear and try to suppress is insignificant to me. Whether it's an attack from you, a young girl, or from your father, the source of your bloodline, the outcome would remain the same. Observe."

Orach directed her attention to his fingertip where a ball of energy, composed of Orach's Ki, materialized alongside Rachel's demonic energy. "This energy ball matches yours in power. However, see how they interact." Rachel watched as her energy ball shrank in the presence of Orach's energy ball. "I assert that I am more powerful than your father, not just because I have more power, but because the quality of my power surpasses anything your father could ever hope to achieve."

Upon understanding this, Rachel felt moved, and her hope in Orach grew stronger.

"But that's not all. Look," Orach revealed something that made her question her teachings. Her demonic energy morphed from a fiery red to a soothing, warm energy, mirroring Orach's Ki.

"Every type of power or law leads back to the same source. There's no evil or good power. There are just different types of power. It's the individual wielding the power that can be classified as evil or good, depending on the situation. Remember, Rachel, good and evil are relative to the situation," Orach explained, then released the balls of energy outside. The energy, now transformed into Ki, nourished the soil, resulting in the growth of grass and flowers.

Seeing this, Rachel was convinced that Orach was right. Demonic energy could never promote life.

"Now do you believe me?" Orach asked, smiling.

After a pause, Rachel turned to Orach and asked, "Orach, can I be your pupil?"

Caught off guard, Orach replied, "What brought this on?"

"I want to become stronger! I want to be strong enough to confront my father and, if possible, avenge my people...my mother," Rachel asserted.

Orach became solemn hearing her firm resolve. 'Her hatred runs deep,' he contemplated.

He nodded acknowledging her aspirations and suggested, "I won't take you as a disciple because I don't think I'm experienced enough to be a master. But, I can teach you a suitable cultivation technique and my fighting styles. In return, you'll teach me about magic and your spells. I'll also manage this realm and strengthen its defenses, so you won't need to worry about your father finding you here. Deal?"

Orach extended his hand towards Rachel. She didn't understand the gesture but imitated his actions. They shook hands awkwardly, sealing their agreement.

Next, Orach resolved to ascend and assume control of the realm. He explained his plans to Rachel and soared into the sky, waving his hand to disperse the dark clouds. Once he reached the desired altitude, he assumed the lotus position and closed his eyes, spreading his aura to connect with the realm's laws. Sensing Orach's Ki, the unsettled laws responded to his call.

Upon establishing contact, Orach delved into the laws of time, revealing the realm's past events. He observed the Azarathians, Rachel's mother, and finally Rachel's life. He noticed disputes regarding Rachel's fate, her subsequent isolation, and her intense training despite her innocence. He was irked by the realm inhabitants' misunderstanding and fear of the laws.

Orach then witnessed Rachel's attempts to comprehend her power and her inadvertent summoning of her father. He scrutinized the high-demon, Trigon, making a mental note of his name. Orach noticed Trigon glancing in his direction, seemingly searching for him, but unable to locate him. Despite anticipating this when he chose to tap into the time laws, Orach was prepared to confront this demon. Observing the joy on Trigon's face and the despair on Rachel's, he marked Trigon as his prey. Orach decided to train Rachel for her goal, but vowed to personally eliminate Trigon if the opportunity arose in the future.

Having seen enough, Orach opened his eyes, sensing an impending event. Suddenly, a rip in space emerged, through which an arm and then a head appeared. It was Trigon.


"Careful, high-demon. You almost sound like you care," Orach retorted calmly, a chill in his eyes.

"How dare you! You, an ant, dare to mock me! Know your place," Trigon retorted, shooting energy beams from his eyes.

Orach simply used his God Ki and understanding of space laws to absorb the beams just before they hit him. He then opened ripples of space towards Trigon, redirecting the energy beams back.


Trigon, hit by his own attack, was pushed back into the tear from which he emerged and was barely hanging on.

With a voice that echoed through Azarath, Orach declared, "Trigon! Listen well. I, Super Saiyan God Orach, am claiming this realm as my home. Rachel will be under my direct protection from now on! You have no claim over her. Wait for the day she hunts you down like the animal you are! Your end has just begun!" He then raised his palm towards Trigon and, without giving him a chance to respond, shot a Ki blast that seared a large portion of the demon, leaving him screaming in agony and forced to let go of the space corridor. Part of him desired to end this demon's life, yet considering Rachel's development and future, he decided to merely teach the demon a lesson.

After defeating Trigon, Orach used his understanding of the laws to take control of the realm and establish order. He fortified the realm's laws by infusing them with his God Ki. Anticipating that these enhanced laws would develop over time, he aimed to transform this realm into a sanctuary for his continued God Ki Cultivation. His goal was to make this realm a place where he could sustain his Super Saiyan God form for longer periods and eventually reach higher levels. For the time being, this pocket realm became an unassailable fortress, immune to almost any power from the lower realm.

Orach then descended, with clouds automatically forging a path for him in apparent submission. As he descended, he spotted a crying Rachel rushing towards him, leaving him puzzled. Upon his landing, she lunged at him and embraced him tightly, sobbing. Orach simply returned the hug and patted her head, still perplexed by her behavior.

Sniff Sniff

"Orach...Thank you! hic You didn't lie. hic You really are stronger than him. hic hic Thank you for what you said! I promise hic to train hard!" Rachel said, her face streaked with tears.

Orach now understood her emotional state. He smiled and responded, "You better. I take training very seriously."

Hearing his words, Rachel nodded earnestly.

"Good. Now listen, I have already seized control over this realm and its laws. This is now my domain, and as such, it'll obey me and those I deem worthy. I'll grant you authority in this realm as well. Nobody without our permission will be able to enter this domain unless they are stronger than me. But, the chances of that happening soon are slim. You'll be able to enter and exit this realm as you wish. So, in the future, once you've grown stronger, you can venture out and interact with others. This realm won't restrict you for the most part. However, there will be restricted sections in my future lab due to safety concerns, which will require my presence to enter. I have also altered the flow of time inside the realm slightly. Time now flows 10 times faster here than in the outside world. Once my understanding of the time laws increases, I'll try to speed it up even more. But for now, it should suffice for our initial training. Understood?"

Trusting Orach's arrangement, Rachel nodded.

"Good. Now, it's time for you to sleep and for me to go," Orach said, standing up after releasing Rachel. Hearing about his departure, Rachel became sad and hesitant, but she lowered her head to hide her expression.

Orach noticed this, simply smiled, lifted her face, and said, "Why so glum, little princess? Like I said, this is now my domain, which means no matter how long I spend outside, I will always return here, to you. So, just rest now. I'll drop by tomorrow, and who knows? I might even bring another person I trust and cherish to meet you. She is dear to me and I have a feeling you both will get along well once you get to know each other."

Hearing his words and feeling his care for her, she nodded in agreement. Later, Rachel returned home, optimistic and enthusiastic about her future and her training with Orach. Meanwhile, Orach made his way back to the Wayne Mansion.

Here's my concept for the character, Raven. Her challenging origins have compelled her to mature early, essentially depriving her of a childhood. As a result, she blends simple and sophisticated English in her monologues and dialogues. I welcome your suggestions for the potential direction of her character. Currently, I'm contemplating a blend of tsundere and introverted traits.

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