How to be a successful reincarnator 1. be a culture man 2. meet some powerful entity 3. ??? 4. profit easy right not for Decade it ain't. now dear readers let us watch his journey through the multiverses. and don't expect schedule updates, i don't have the energy to do that all right belongs to their respective owner, even the cover I'm using i also post this on wattpad, so yeah that's it see ya
here we are in the vast void of nothingness we see but a single soul taking a nap. Said soul doesn't know where he is or what is happening to him, he's just napping that is until a single footsteps echo through the void.
those footsteps become two then three until the owner of the footsteps just two feet behind the soul. the soul has realize that there is another person other than him. He open his eyes just to see a bright feet, like LED bright. Waking up than turning around what he see will make it to the top ten of his surprise lists. The entity is Ricardo-wait no wrong one, *ahem* what he see is a bright silhouette facing him.
"wtf" the soul said
"wtf indeed, do you still know who you are kiddo?" the silhouette said
"of course I know who I am, I'm... I'm.... shit who am i?" the soul asked himself in panic
"I'm sorry kid, looks like your memories didn't make it. but rejoice because you will be rewarded" said the silhouette
"rewarded for what?" ask the soul
"for reaching this place of course. this place is what you call my domain, you see not a single souls has reach this place. even the first soul from the beginning of time hasn't reach this place." explain the silhouette
"that's bizarre if you ask me" said the soul
"hahaha it is indeed bizarre, that's why i will rewards you with reincarnation and one wish. so kiddo, name your rewards" said the silhouette
" *deep breath* for my reincarnation, can my first world be a tutorial?" ask the soul
"wow, you're pretty smart aren't ya. yes it can be done, then what's your wish kid?" ask the silhouette
"i want a stand"said the soul
"a stand? are you sure?" ask the silhouette
" *smirk* yes i am" said the soul
"nice reference there, so what stand do you want? star platinum? ZAWARUDO? made in heaven? don't tell me it's gonna be Gold Experience Requiem ain't it? doesn't matter just name it kid I'll give you one" said the silhouette
"i want NeoDecadriver with limitless potential as my stand" said the soul
"hehehe HAHAHAHAHAHAHA INTERESTING VERY INTERESTING, man you sure are one interesting soul. very well kid your wish have been granted. i hope we don't see each other very soon, because i want to see your bizarre journey through these universes *smirk* Kamen Rider Decade. but i wonder will you be their destroyer or their savior" said the silhouette with amuse tone
" *smirk* i will be whatever i want to be, because I'm just a passing through kamen rider remember that" said the soul
" confidence much. then let your journey begins, Kamen Rider Decade" said the silhouette