
Journey of Laurinda

story revolves around a group of soldiers which will perform different missions. Main character is Laurinda, she is a brilliant soldier but during mission she came across a man who had ruined her past, her truth will be revealed on her friends and she wills to get revenge but her duty stops her, in this story will she be able to get revenge

calmworld · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Chapter 11 (Battle of Truth)

1st January (Raid day) Army Dormitory

Team was ready for attack. Commander order to leave and then they leave Army dormitory.

10:00 a.m. Building Somewhere in chicago

Ray: Are you all ready for attack?

Everyone say yes. Then they leave the car and reaches to their places. Mike sets signal which have got only their connection. John on top of another building. Rest 5 are ready to enter the building.

10:30 a.m. Army dormitory Cyber room

Soldier interface in a room where commander and Colonel are present.

Soldier: Sir there is a video from Stevenson. He said to see that.

Colonel and commander along with soldier moves towards Cyber room. Video starts it's of team Mysterious Shadow. Mike is present in a car, they saw a blast in car then blast on front building where John was present. Then they got call from Stevenson.

Stevenson (laughing): Hi commander! How was that? Ah...you are giving that expressions but why? Didn't you like my gift? Oh, I forgot about your other members. Don't worry I have something to show you.

Then a video starts. In that video they saw a building which suddenly blasts. It's the building where other five members were present. Then suddenly a soldier told them that these two clips with members photos are on news everywhere. Media is outside asking for this if it was true. Stevenson laughs and cuts the call. Commander become confused. Colonel leaves the room and ask commander to follow him. The reaches in a room.

Colonel: What is all this? Your team can't handle single person. Did you train them for this? Go and handle this matter.

Commander (laughing): Your drama ends here. Soldier come in and arrest him now.

Colonel: Are you out of your mind? What are you saying?

Commander: I am arresting you for helping Stevenson in his evil deeds, for killing innocent people for your own benefits, for betraying Army.

Soldier enters and arrest him.

12:00p.m. Stevenson's residence

Stevenson resting in his home. Suddenly Windows glasses broke and three soldiers enter. His guards starts fighting with them but these three soldiers knock them out. Stevenson tries to communicate with others but didn't got signals. Suddenly something hits his head and he lost his consciousness.

1 p.m. Army Dormitory

Stevenson when gain his consciousness. He found himself in a room with handcuffs on his hand. Suddenly door opens, commander enters the room.

Commander: Long time no see is Stevenson! finally you are in prisy now.

Stevenson: But how did you know about my residence place?

Door opens then commander's team interest the room. Stevenson and got shocked

Stevenson: But I killed all of you? In those blast I killed all of you. How it turns like that?

Everyone laughs on him, Stevenson was expressionless at that moment.

Commander: We know about your plan. So we didn't show about our changing. Mike was not in car that time, not John  was on roof this time, even not my team. They went there because we wanted you to believe this but then they all changes their place.

Mike: We always deals with rascals like you. How you even give thought to this plan again. So bad you take us that lightly. See, where are you now!

Then they leaves him in that room and moves toward the room where colonel was under prison.

Commander: Why you did all of this? Just because of greediness. Look what you have done why?

Colonel: Because I want alot of money! Yes I helped him because he offered me a good amount of money.

Laurinda: Why you killed my family?

Colonel: Because your father have seen me dealing with Stevenson about that weapon which he made for army. He is going to report me so I had no option. Just to kill him was last option.

Laurinda: So you killed my family and the veiled person I have seen that night was you.

Colonel downs his head. Then they all leave.