
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 43: The Correct Way to Unleash the Divine Power of Shinra Tensei

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"Shinra Tensei, also known as the Almighty Push and Pull?"

"Not bad at all!"

Zhou Cheng couldn't help but nod in approval. He was very pleased with this reward.

It wasn't just about its power; its level of awe was off the charts.

Here it must be mentioned that Shinra Tensei is not just a simple technique of repelling and attracting people.

That is the most basic and superficial use of the jutsu, and it's the one that Pain uses most frequently.

In fact, Shinra Tensei can be used in more advanced and refined ways.

For example, during Nagato's attack on Konoha, in the final battle between Deva Path Pain and Naruto.

Deva Path Pain was able to use Shinra Tensei to form a protective layer, enveloping himself within it.

He repelled all the energy attacks from the transformed Naruto.

He could also condense the repulsive force into a blade-like state for slicing attacks.

And he could even lift massive stones, as large as buildings, to suppress Naruto.

In various forms, Shinra Tensei actually seems very similar to telekinesis.

This means that in addition to shooting with feathers, Zhou Cheng also has a method of energy attack!


Zhou Cheng, unable to wait, immediately began an excited trial of his new abilities.

With a simple gesture toward the surroundings, an invisible force was released.


The sofa, cabinets, refrigerator, and coffee table – all the furniture floated up before him!

And with a gentle wave of Zhou Cheng's hand, these items started to spin and move around him.

It was more than just pushing or pulling the objects.

They moved in any direction 360 degrees, according to Zhou Cheng's will – a complete display of telekinesis.


"Very good."

Zhou Cheng couldn't be more satisfied.

He waved his hand again, and the floating furniture gently "landed" back on the floor.

Then Zhou Cheng gestured toward the kitchen.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Several kitchen knives flew into the air.

With a point of his hand.

Swish, swish, swish!

The knives turned into a barrage of flying blades, shooting towards the direction Zhou Cheng pointed.

Just as they were about to hit the door, Zhou Cheng controlled them with Shinra Tensei.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The knives stopped in mid-air as if commanded.

"Ha-ha, just like the Scarlet Witch's magic."

Zhou Cheng couldn't help but laugh.

After a fun experiment with Shinra Tensei, Zhou Cheng sat back down on his couch to make some calculations.

Half a month ago, he had Deadpool take on the commission of killing Satan.

It was about time to wrap things up.


Without hesitation, Zhou Cheng picked up his phone to contact Wade Wilson.

He asked him to schedule a meeting with the person who put out the bounty on Satan's head.

Because Satan had already been killed by Zhou Cheng!

"Zhou, everything is arranged."

Though Deadpool could be annoying, he was reliable in getting things done.

In just two hours, he had settled everything.

He relayed the specific time and location of the meeting to Zhou Cheng.

"But Zhou, you're not going to tell me you really killed Satan, are you?"

The voice of Wade Wilson followed, filled with surprise and curiosity.

"What do you think?"

Zhou Cheng simply replied with a meaningful question but did not elaborate further.

Wade Wilson demonstrated the good conduct of a mercenary by not prying further.

"By the way, Wade, do one more thing for me."

After some thought, Zhou Cheng made another request to Wade Wilson.The other party agreed without hesitation.

So, what happened after that?

Just go about your business as if nothing happened.

There's nothing to do.

Or rather, the only thing to do is to wait for nightfall.


One o'clock in the morning.

Hell's Kitchen.

In front of an abandoned building.

A place that was rarely visited, not even by the homeless, now had two rows of black sedans parked here.

In front of the cars stood a group of tall, well-dressed men, standing like spears.

Anyone with insight could tell that these weren't ordinary men; all of them had professional combat training.

They all had bulges at their waists, clearly armed.

At the very front of these men stood a middle-aged man wearing glasses, looking rather cultured.

Without a doubt.

This middle-aged man, seemingly out of place in this atmosphere, was the one in charge here.

This person was none other than James Wesley, Wilson Fisk's right-hand man.

"Do you really think the Satan has been killed?"

In the quiet of the night.

A bald henchman next to Wesley broke the silence.

Ever since the Satan had been causing trouble in Hell's Kitchen, Wesley was naturally ordered to investigate.

According to the intelligence.

That guy had a pair of wings that could fly and could launch feathers from his wings to injure people.

Quite formidable.

Not someone an ordinary person could handle.

"That's precisely the question we need to clarify next, isn't it?"

Wesley pushed up his glasses and replied expressionlessly.

The bald henchman nodded and said nothing more.


At that moment, a flash of light streaked by.

Wesley and his men perked up; the mercenary who took the bounty had arrived!


The next moment.

Under the watchful eyes of Wesley and his men, a black sedan slowly came to a stop in front of them.

The car door opened.

And a young Asian face came into view.

Unquestionably, it was Zhou Cheng.

Swish, swish, swish!

All eyes were fixed on Zhou Cheng.

Was this the man who killed the Satan?

He didn't look the part, did he?

With such a small frame, this "yellow monkey," did he have what it takes?

"This is... one of Fisk's men!"

While Wesley and his entourage were observing Zhou Cheng, Zhou Cheng was doing the same.

He kept a poker face but immediately noticed Wesley.

Even though he couldn't recall the name, Zhou Cheng remembered that the glasses-wearing guy seemed to be Fisk's confidant.

So, the one who put a bounty on his head must really be Fisk.

This matched the information from Wade Wilson.

"Where's the money?"

Zhou Cheng's mind raced through these thoughts, then he got straight to the point with a frosty tone.

"Where's Satan?"

Wesley responded in kind.

"In the trunk."

Zhou Cheng replied casually.

Wesley gestured to one of his men.

The henchman understood and immediately came forward to Zhou Cheng's car, intending to check the trunk.

But Zhou Cheng stretched out his hand and held the trunk shut.

"Where's the money?"

He stared intently at Wesley once more.

Wesley gestured again.

Another henchman approached, carrying a black briefcase, and opened it in front of Zhou Cheng.

Inside were stacks of US dollars.