

Sazil_Maduka · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


John sees things in another perspective from other people views ,his mood of dressing is totally different from others , most times people regards him as the most dumbest person on earth and he don't care about what people talks about him.

His parents sent him to school to study but he never pays attention in the school.

One day his mathematics teacher was teaching in the class while john was busy playing with an object, the mathematics teacher wrote something on the board and asked the class what's the answer when the mathematics teacher turn around to face the class to know who can answer his question he discovered that john was the only person playing with an object while the rest of the students was silent looking at the board , that caught the teacher's attention and pointed at John to answer the question.

John stood up and was looking at the teacher and the board lustfully .


Yes John can you find the square root of XY ?

John kept quiet for some seconds and replied.

John replied find the square root of XY !!! the teacher replied yes what's the answer, john replied sir I don't have the clue where you kept it tell me let me go and find it for you, the whole students burst out laughing at him while the teacher was so infuriated on John's answer .

Teacher:-you this dumb a**ss will you sit down!!

John wasn't good in mathematics and he is not happy about that he has a friend called peter , peter is one of the best student in the class.

Most times John's parents compare john to peter .

Oh God why don't you give me a son like peter instead of giving me a useless son called john .