

13TH JANUARY, 2019 (7:10am)

It was morning, every where was dead silent. John opened his eyes, stretched and stands up. At least, he's had a good night rest. He extinguished the fire🔥 , arranged all the items in the backpack and stands. He thinks for a while and says aloud, "I think I'll head south into the next town and see what has happened, I hope they'll be survivors there."So he sets out ,moving southwards, taking breaks at intervals during the day and camping at night. He continues this for five days until he came upon sight of a town. Immediately he caught sight of the town, he felt a sudden burst of energy running through his body. He made a start for the town when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. This town to has been destroyed. He fell on his knees and screamed, "What is going on?" He looks up at the sign post in front of him. It largely reads;


...Peak of excellence...

" So this place is called crest town" he mumbled. He looked into his bag, seems he's almost out of supplies. He decides to check what this town holds. Starting form the sites be searched the town. He came across a tailor's shop and finds a worn-out cloth. He says, "Well this is better than the rags on me." he also find a needle. The search continues for hours...


He's barely found any food. He thinks the town has nothing more to offer and he's about to leave when he came across the one building he hadn't searched, the police station. He enters through the gate and he's greeted by a sea of dead bodies. He entered the garage. He happens to find spare parts of cars, a broken bicycle 🚲 ,a torch, couple boxes of matches and a few litres of gasoline. He thinks, " I think I can try to make a bicycle from this."


After a couple of hours, he finally crafted up a bicycle, happy with the latest development, he moves to the infirmary, here he finds;

>plasters and bandages

>3 doses of anti-radiation drugs

>some pain reliever, a respirator, an energy booster.

He grabs all of this and does it in his backpack. He then checks the cafeteria, here, he finds a lot of food supplies including;

>Few bottles of water

>Raw meats, raw pasta and raw rice

>Loafs of bread and so on.

He then scurries off to the headquarters. He keeps searching for a few hours...


After the long hours of continues searching, he finds a bunker at the back of the building. The lid isn't shut which means someone must have been here. He thinks for a while...

John: Well, night is fast approaching, i must either take shelter or see what lies in the bunker below (thinks). That's a chance that there will be a survivor or even clues.

With this, be holds the torch in the left hand and brings out the pistol which he holds in his right hand. Slowly, he lowered himself into the bunker.


In the bunker

He moves forward until he reaches a dead end with did on either side. Once of the door reads, armory, the second had it's sign torn off. He enters the armory. He searches but find no traces of a survivor, he starts to lose hope. Even so, he continues his search. After searching for a little while he only finds a armored cloth and a fully loaded AK-47 rifle. Leaving the room, he enters the second room. Immediately he enters the room, he felt a glimpse of hope as he saw a man, still alive lying on the floor. He approaches the man. The man has almost reached his breaking point he better ask him for explanations fast.

John: My name is John Reckam. I went unconscious just before this "apocalypse". And now every one has disappeared and only destruction remains.

Unknown man:(coughing) A nuclear bomb went off and destroyed every where, only a few of us was able to survive by taking shelter in this bunker (coughs) or supplies started running out a.. and my comrades started getting hungry. Violence broke out they attacked each other and gradually turn into cannibals. Up on the counter you'll see a journal were i recorded every thing that happened

John: (Takes the book and puts it in his bag). Thank you a lot.

Unknown man: (coughs more violently) Joh...Johnny boy, please make sure you survive for me.. (dies)

John: Dammit!!

He stands up and made to leave the bunker.

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