
Jobless Knight

Reincarnated in a Fantasy world with swords and magic everyone dream right, But Even in this World there is Shortage of Job and my dream is to become Strongest Knight But Money and Power rules Everyworld So come with me to the Journey of jobless knight who will become the strongest.

hitesh_kumar_8387 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Magical Knight

After Speech , all fresher reached their classroom

The classroom was very big ,it has a seating of 100 students like normal colleges but everything was very shining like wall was white and gold color mix and one magical board in which you just have to say how to use spell or tell about something ,it will show in video format but it is more real than our normal Smart board we have in our school.

So many different races are there like humans like me ,dwarf, demi-human, orcs, fairy(but they are size of human with wings), hobgoblins ,some races I am not familiar with, and last is my favorite and think most people like me will like our beautiful Elves.

Viyas bro see so many beautiful girls are there ,should i go and ask someone its been ages and as i was trying something so courageous(talk to elf girl or girls) and just in that moment teacher came in classroom.

Teacher was tall like six feet ,he is demi-human body havin features like owl face but body structure is like human

Good Morning Students ,

I am Ivan The first Owl,

I will be your class teacher for First Year

So, without wasting any time lets discuss something like if anyone have any problem just tell me ,

some rules are there like no fighting but if you need to practice like a dual or something ask me i will book the duel and if i am not here you can directly ask any teacher for permission and you can duel under their supervision and also try to learn both magic and swordsmanship ,don't think any of them higher than another sometime you need both of them to win

That's all from me ,any questions ... ok then will start our first lecture

Our first lecture is about defense

how to defend yourself against illusion magic

is there anyone in class know about illusion magic or anyone can use it??

Zed raised his hand

I know sir illusion magic shows us thing which are not real but they show us possible outcome so, sometime we cannot understand if its real or not.

very good what's your name said Ivan(class teacher)

My name is Zed.

ok said sir

Anyone else ???

Yes sir ,said One Elf girl ,she had silver hair, bright eyes and very shining skin

I know how to use it

very good ,so which type of illusion magic you will use said sir

I just started learning and i can use normal like in forest i will illusion magic on hunters to protect animals.

Very good keep it up and if you need any advance guidance you can meet me after class ,i will introduce to you to some seniors

Thank you Sir

So, Now back to Topic

illusion magic, how to defend against it

First you have to learn some basic illusion magic

You can also use anti illusion Ring or other magical items

Fastest way to learn is to ask someone to cast illusion magic and see how much you can resist it and try to overcome by using barrier magic like making a magic field around your head and its very simple just imagine any form of magic like if you are water mage ,imagine you are in river and water is around your head.

So, practice this things and i will see you next week

and Like that

next came another teacher he was our martial arts teacher,

then sword fighting instructor

and this things goes on for whole first year

And Then in Second year they separated as our magic class ,like water mages, dark mages, magical swordsman ,fire mage and so on and nothing happened i am still single even though everything change in me in this life but still i am not able to approach girls and ask them out but i made friends.

I learned so much about magic and how to use it with my fighting style as of now i have skills compared to senior knight level but i lack experience.

And then Second year and half third year passed away so quickly

(Zed is talking to himself by laying down on grass as he was seeing the clouds)

Now finally ,I am on my final phase to reach my dream to become the Greatest Knight and can help everyone

Just need to compete in "Magical_Swordman Competition " and get recognization from our teachers and from Assistant knight of "Commander of Knights" by showing our skills against Real Experienced Knights ,It will not be Easy but its necessary to get experience before going in a real fights with Criminals.

A Loud voice came Attention Everyone

this voice is Vice chancellor 'Igneel Sir' Zed said

Everyone After thirty Days From today the "Magical_Swordman Competion " will be held in our city Arena

So,whomever wants to participate ,they can apply

And For Mages ,if anyone wants to participate in "Clash of Mages" they can apply now and it will happen in forty days from today in our City Arena

So,Everyone Quickly Apply and Starts Practising

Best of Luck Everyone
