
Jobless Knight

Reincarnated in a Fantasy world with swords and magic everyone dream right, But Even in this World there is Shortage of Job and my dream is to become Strongest Knight But Money and Power rules Everyworld So come with me to the Journey of jobless knight who will become the strongest.

hitesh_kumar_8387 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


Myself Zed I turned 4 year old just today but what's so special about it you might ask, today is special because I just got all my memories back from my previous life but there is one thing I got reincarnated in fantasy world with swords, magic, mythical beasts, demi humans etc just a perfect fantasy world and now I will learn more about this world, my current family but somehow I don't remember how I died maybe later I will remember let's see happens.

After reading books, seeing everyone, everything around me I can say I live in Ashva kingdom and this kingdom is known for the best horses and horse riders in the world. I am the son of one guy

who works for Lord.

In my family there is one mother and father and 3 boys and 1 girl and i am the youngest boy.

some things are little bit same here like oldest brother has to take care of house, business or any family related but i am the youngest so, there is no responsibility chains attach to me So, this time I will enjoy life as well as become the strongest, so I can help the people without relying on anyone's help.

So, let's talk about my previous life,

In my previous life I was a police inspector and I belong to the police family like my father, brother, grandfather, sister, mother almost everyone was in police Or military service some people will say our family 'justice family' and I enjoyed every day helping people it was very nice but sometime I couldn't help someone because I was not strong enough that time but this time I will surpass my limits and help everyone.

After searching like how can I help in this world like what is the order here then I found that you have to study and learn sword fighting and magic to become a 'KNIGHT' and here knight is someone who can go to any kingdom and help someone he doesn't need permission from his superior.

but there are two type of knights one are those who works in small cities and can't take big decision without asking their superior, they are those who cannot use magic that well but know sword fighting and all other things.

And on the other hand , the second type of knights can travel anywhere in the world and can do his duty in every country.

'Timelapse of 10 years'

Now, After 10 years the Zed finally came to age of 14 years and now he can apply for

"National Institute of sword and magic"

But in this Institute there is one thing, there is no limited seats everyone can join , only thing is that they should be able to pay the fees.

In this 10 years, I have done so much, learn so much about fighting and magic, fighting was little difficult because in my previous world fighting was not that much appreciated but for me magic was easy because to learn magic, first you have to study and do practical and i don't need other person with me to practice but sometime it's nice to have some expert help but nobody have that much expectations from me, In the end my best use is for political marriage, it's ok don't feel sad for me , every place has some good and bad sides.

Now, only one day left for exam, in this exam process is somewhat ordinary, first they will take written test in every city and then after they will call the candidates and round 2 is based on team groups, first we have to reach one place anyone can accompany us till their like bodyguard or anyone but after that they will separate the candidates in groups and give them maps and the candidates have to find the final test location and final round will be Interview.

for this exam I am ready let's see what happens tomorrow...

Now, exam day is finally here

Zed woke up early in the morning and got ready for the exam and as he came out of his room everyone in his house gave him best wishes and then he finally went to his father's cabin and his father was a six feet man with a perfectly trimmed beard on his diamond faced shape and he wears a fully five piece formal coat pant and then he said with a happy face do your best my Son and make me proud, I have very high expectations you are the first in our family who is so good in magic

'Best of luck my Son'

After hearing this from his father Zed became so happy and he said thank you father I will do my best and he left the house and went to examination.

Now, Finally the time has come for me to take first step toward my dream but the things is I reached the exam center very early and no one is here it's still one hour before the exam will start and as I was waiting one guy came to me and said how are you I said i am fine, what about you?

I am also fine. but i don't mean to be rude but do i know you zed said

bro! are you serious I am Viyas , your childhood friend but due to some family I moved to different city.

Ohhh! sorry bro now I remember it's been 5 years, when did you came back

just previous week to give this exam, you remember that day when we both promised to become knights.

yeah bro , how can i forget it was a very happy and sad day because you left the city on that day (in a very low and sad voice)

ohh! said viyas don't make me sad again, today is very good day let's hug each other and let's hope both of us will clear this exam with flying colours.

1...2...3...lets go both of them said together

Both of them talked with each other and exam time came and they both went inside the exam building , the exam building was 3 story in 5000 square feet with so many classes and the exam was two hours and after the exam it will take 1 months for Results and result will be delivered to everyone individuals by magical birds and these magical birds are themselves like when the bird reach you then you have to touch it and tell your name It can automatically identify you and then change into marksheet.

Let's see the result in next chapter....... .