
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

Time Stream

Jayden turned his head toward Swan, enough to be able to look at her, and smiled "No you are right" He reached the door of his home "I understand what you meant and I will try my best to leave my past behind" He smiled.

"Thank you so much!" After she approached him, she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and blushed. To avoid any awkwardness, she swiftly changed the topic, "Don't ask me to come in today!" She knew he was going to invite her in.

"Why not?" Jayden asked.

"Because… well… maybe some other time!" She quickly turned back, she was not prepared to meet his mom, she was nervous.

"Okay? No problem!" He raised an eyebrow, unsure of what had happened to her.

"See you tomorrow" She attempted to suppress her smile but was unsuccessful.

At first, he stood still, watching her walk away until she disappeared within the fog, then he went inside.

While this is how Jayden welcomed his night, Rose was also trying to sleep when a knock on her door startled her, not that she was asleep but she was confused about who could this be at this time of the night.

She stared at the clock it was 2:30. She opened the door and found Ryanne standing in front of the door.

"I need to talk to you about something!" He stepped inside as soon as she invited him inside.

"I had a really bad dream and it didn't feel like a dream at all." He was shaking.

"What was it about?" She rubbed his shoulder to comfort him.

"I saw someone drowning in the dark sea, I saw everything turning into dust… It was.. it was too… I mean I can't explain" He face palmed.

"Hey hey… It's alright… It was just a dream." She took him in and then poured water into the glass and offered him.

As soon as he took a sip his mouth felt burning from the inside, he dropped the glass. Rose could clearly see the smoke coming out of his mouth.

"Oh my God, what is happening to you?" She stared at the broken glass with surprise.

He held his throat as he felt as if someone had poured acid into his mouth. She wanted to go for help but he clasped her wrist to make her stop.

"But you need help!" She begged but he nodded in denial.

So she had no choice left but to stay, As he opened his mouth she could see his burnt tongue with blisters recovering in front of her eyes, he overcame the pain too but the blisters were still there.

He collapsed down, breathing heavily, and pushed himself back until his back rested on the footboard of the bed.

"Lucky I was just able to pour a small drop in my mouth! When was the last time you drank the water in your room?" His gaze was stuck on the broken glass.

"I… I think I drank some in the morning, then I wasn't even in the room all day." She pinched the middle of her eyebrows "I don't understand why did that happened?"

"Maybe someone is trying to poison you, Rose! We will investigate it but promise me you won't talk about it with anyone else!" He looked her in the eyes.

"I am just saying this because, whoever did this could attempt another trick to kill you, and I am hundred percent sure whoever it is… it is inside the Vampsion.

I don't want them to know that we've suspected!" As he explained Rose agreed to his terms, after all, she also felt suspicious about why would anyone poison her, as she hardly knew any of them.

Since the Vampsion was assembled Rose has been spending nights in the Vampsion and she had the habit of keeping the jug and a glass of water in her room, but this scared her.

In the morning she woke up and totally forgot what happened last night, she got to her table and drank the water from the jug.

After she drank half a glass she realized that she hadn't even refilled the jug but it was still there.

However, nothing extraordinary occurred as the water tasted like plain water, and she exhaled contentedly.

Meanwhile, Jayden woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He checked and saw that it was Emric calling.

"You need to see this, quick!" He said.

When Jayden arrived, they brought him to Brigid who was staring at him intently.

After a lot of consideration, she finally decided to say everything she had to "Jayden… There's something you need to see!" She said.

There was a goblet on a small table, a regular-sized goblet, she took out Rose's hair and dropped it inside that goblet.

"Now, to uncover the truth, look within. To return, seek her hair in the water." She glanced at the goblet.

"Return from where?" He asked.

""Don't stay in the stream of time for too long," she explained. "Or you will die, and your subconscious will get stuck there forever." She warned him.

Afterward, she dropped the hair in the goblet.

Jayden looked inside and his head started spinning so bad that he had to close his eyes, but he remembered to look as she told him to, so he opened his eyes and found himself falling inside a river stream from the sky.

He screamed his lungs out as he fell into the water, causing a big ripple.

He opened his eyes again and found himself standing on the ground in front of a stone house.

A man with a beard and long hair walked out of the door, he was wearing peasant clothes, he walked to a tree stump and smashed the wood log with his axe.

"Hello!" Jayden greeted him, but he didn't hear him.

Jayden opened the door and entered the house, there was a woman sitting on the floor with her son.

"I am in the wrong time!" Jayden spoke to himself and turned around.

As soon as he opened the door he saw a big house and there was a party going on, women with long gowns and men with big hats were dancing together.

There he saw a man and woman standing side by side on the staircase, greeting the guests, and they resembled the man who was chopping the wood, which made him realize they were siblings.

He turned back to the gate he just got out from and realized it was just a bathroom.

He closed the door and re-opened it but there was no exit there.

"Excuse me?" When Jayden turned back he saw a man standing behind "I need to use the room!"