
Its Almost Perfect

I have perfect boyfriend. He is the man that all women dream of. he is not afraid to be proud of you at all for being his girlfriend. He so sweet at the same time strict. I have a fairy tale princess love story until something happened that all the promises broke and all the dreams fade away.

Areeei · Thanh xuân
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18 Chs

First Time

"It's boring" Sam whispered at me.

"Shh" I scoled her. She pouted at me.

Two hours per subject is not a joke. We have 4 subject today. This is the last subject but I also feel lazy. We can't use our phone and Chadd really texting me again. I can feel my phone vibration. I was like, really brother? don't you have a class? Every second you texted me.

I pout "You ok?" Sam looking at me worriedly. I nodded. "What are you thinking?"

"My brother" I answer right away.

"Is he texting you again nonstop?" I nodded "Wow" She covered her mouth like she was really amazed "does he have no class?" I frowned. She just laughing at me quietly.

I decide to change our topic "Did you notice anything today?"

She shake her head instantly "Why?"

"I just noticed that our professors just looks strict and scary today" I pouted and lean my back.

I saw her looking at our professor and pouted "You're right" She sigh and look straight in my eyes "I wish tomorrow a hot, good looking and sexy professor come in. That will make my whole semester great" she look at the professor again and look at me in my eyes "I don't want a sugar daddy. I don't like them"

I want to laugh but I can't. No one in this room want to speak. We just whispering. We don't want our first day become our worst.

I wanted to say something when I saw at the corner of my eye stood our professor. I just did not continue what I was going to say. "Class dismissed" sam and I looked at each other "We have one hour left but we have nothing to do so just go home early"

The two of us just covered our ears when suddenly there was a fiesta inside our room. We were all happy to finish the class early. There is no work left and nothing to do.

"Where do you want to go?" It looks like she become excited.

I smiled and shake my head "My brother will be mad"

She pouted "Boring"

I giggle and stared at her fixes her belongings while frowning "This is our first day. I want to celebrate. I want to have fun with you"

I nodded "I understand. I want it too" I sigh "Should I talk to him?"

Her face become excited again "Goooooo"

I read my brother text first and nervous as I typed what I was going to say. This is the first time I'm doing this.

''I already finished my class'

I did not wait long because he answered immediately 'You can go here to wait me. Lets go home together'

"He really a caring brother, huh?" I looked at her. I noticed that she was reading the conversation my brother and I had. She look at me, our eyes met "Tell him" I nodded.

'Can I go out with my friend?'



'Just the two of you?'



Did he doubting me now? 'Yes'



'Ok. I'll call you when I'm there. Call me right away if something happened'

"Does he really agree?"

"Let's go to the mall" Sam said.

I put my cellphone in the bag. We walked out of school together. We waited for a taxi and decided to split the fee. We went straight to the movies. The show is only for one hour so we can still roam after watching, it's still early.

"This is my first time" Sam immediately turn her eyes to me.

"Watching movies"

I shake my head "Nah" I sigh "I mean. Going out with friend"

Her mouth form a circle. She was amazed by that. "Really?"

I nodded. "My brother did not allow me before. So, I was surprised earlier when he agreed"

I was surprised when sh suddenly grabbed my hand and stared into my eyes "Let's make this day the happiest" I smiled at what she said.

We both fell silent when the movie started. We look at each other when we laugh together. We do not fight either. We always get along when we say what we hate in the movie.

After the movie we decided to buy milktea. We both like milktea but it just has a different flavor. I love cookies and cream but she loves chocolate. While we were drinking the milktea, we passed by the bookstore. We decide to look. We both love to read.

It's funny to think that we have similarities. I bought two books that I liked while she bought five books. We did more than we expected until we need to say goodbye to each other.

"My brother already text me" I said to her.

"That's fine. We already do a lot" I sigh "There is still tomorrow" She smiled at me "And this is our first day so I think this is enough" I hug her "Why?" I shake my head. She hug me back.

"Thank you" I said.

"For what" I let her go and pouted.

"For tonight. I really have fun with you"

"I'm glad. I thought you will find me boring"

"No" I defense "You are the best" she smiled at me.

"So, see you tomorrow?"

She nodded and we give our goodbye to each other for today. Its really fun that I have a friend to called.

"You are late" I pouted to him.

"Its just 5 mins"

He smiled "Is she your new friend?"

I nodded "Yeah, I will introduce you next time to her"


We were going home when I can't focus, there is something bothering me.

"Are you ok, Chadd?"

He look at me for a second and smile "Why?"

"Seems like you are quiet now"

"About your friend" He paused for a second. I'm staring at him to wait "Are you really want to be friend of her?"

I nodded "Yes" I smiled while remembering the moments we have together earlier "I really love her"

"You love her more than me?" He raised his eyebrow and look at me when I didn't answer right away.


"Wow" He smiled "You hurt me" I laugh at him "Nothing funny"

"Just kidding" I approached him a little "I love you more than anything or anyone, Chadd"

"You really mean that?"

I nodded "You are the best for me. No one can replace you"

I saw him smile, so I tease him. He become good mood. There is no awkward silent between us.

Upon arrival at home. I took a shower before going to sleep. I forgot to get Sam's number. I will get it tomorrow. I hope nothing bad happened tomorrow.