
Itachi Uchiha The Bringer of Hope

Mc gets reborn as Itachi Uchiha, see how he lives his life and saves his clan and family.

gaurav_Kumar_1424 · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Obito Uchiha

"Then see you at compound Mom"

I sprinted in full speed as the door slammed behind me.

" Morning Itachi" greeted the neighbors, as I ran past them while greeting them back. As I ran at full speed I could already see the first turn coming in front of me but rather than slowing down, I concentrated on my chakra and pushed on my foot. I accelerated even more and directly jumped at the wall and ran on it vertically, mocking the gravity since it's so useless in front of me. 

I bolted from one rooftop to another, soaking in that fresh Konoha air at full tilt.

Down on the streets of Uchiha residence, people can be seen going on with their daily life , some children of my age running, housewives bartering like their lives depended on it, and this old granny carrying more weight than she could hope to carry in her whole life.

Just as I was about to jump down to the street to help her I saw a boy with goofy glasses and shinobi gear stepping up, offering her help. The granny hesitated at first, but eventually, she gave in and let him help.

(3rd POV)

Obito crouched down, adjusting the grocery bags on his shoulders. Just as he stood up he heard someone jumping behind him , startled he jumped ahead clumsily and fell on his ass.

 He looked back to see Itachi, the little genius, the son of the clan head looking at him innocently.

" sigh, Itachi you scared me " he said

" sorry Obito-nii" said Itachi while giggling


It was almost 6 months ago he met Itachi the boy wonder, he seemed a little mature for his tender age and when he first met him near the lake where he seemed to practice walking on water with chakra. He was really surprised to see a child, almost a toddler practicing such an advanced chakra control exercise. Even he, a genin only learned it a week ago. 

 " Hey, you are using too much chakra," said Obito, trying to help the little guy.

The little Uchiha genius looked at him for a second, a little confused. A shiver pass down Obito's spine as the little uchiha stared at him with such dead eyes as if he had killed the whole clan but just after that look the little boy took a long breath and shook his head.

" too much chakra huh" 

 Again as if nothing had happened, the boy again jump in the river and he stood on water for a minute and just as he took another step he fell into it like a rock.

Just as Obito was about to jump to save the little kid he saw something mind boggling. Rather than asking for help or crying he gripped the water surface as if it was solid ground and pulled himself out of water. 

 Again as if nothing had happened ,the boy jumped into the river and tried again. This time he was even more stable. He took some wobbly steps in front of him… one step, two steps ,three steps and he got drowned in the water.

Obito again tried to jump in the river to save him but as if to prove him wrong the Uchiha genius did the same thing and came out of water on his own.





After roughly two hours, a little kid, soaked in cold water, could be spotted joyfully bouncing on the river surface as if it were solid ground. The water rippled beneath his feet, but he remained afloat, captivating a boy with goofy glasses who stood wide-eyed, completely in awe of the little genius's performance.


"Obito-nii …. Obito-nii, are you listening?"

Obito came out of his reverie and replied "ohh ,yeah…"

" So, aren't you going be late?" said Itachi

 " huh b…but I..I was trying to help this old grandmaaaa….awww" stammered Obito with pain as old lady chopped him on head.

" I am not old, you brat. I am just turning seventy this year" said the old grandma while giving him a candy.

(1st POV)

I giggled at this old granny's antics.

" Don't worry Obito-nii, I will help her"

" You will… thank you Itachi ,you are a lifesaver. I will treat you next time" said Obito as he gifted me with his burden 

I looked at old granny and said with my most innocent cute smile

 " Let's go beautiful nee-chan"


After helping the old granny and little chapter with Obito I walked towards the Uchiha compound while enjoying the sweet candy to see Mom.

When I met Obito for the first time…..the moment I laid eyes on Obito my first instinct was to kill him right there. This goofball, seemingly carefree and oblivious, was the reason my entire clan got massacred.

 If only this goofball had not unleashed the nine tails , the Fourth Hokage would have been alive , Danzo wouldn't have seized the opportunity to tighten his grip on the Uchiha, subjecting them to constant surveillance, pushing them into rebellion and the sinister plan for the Uchiha clan massacre might never have unfolded.

In my past life, I might have felt sympathy for him, but in this lifetime, all I could think about was wanting to take him down. However, as he continued to assist me in my training and crossed paths with me repeatedly, that urge to end him gradually faded. After all, he's just a kid, and on top of that, his sensei is Minato. I didn't want to push my luck against the Flying Raijin..

Anyway I made sure to replace his candy he got from grandma with a diarrhoea one. Some retaliation is my birth right.

" Itachi, here" I heard Mom's voice, waving at me from the other side of the road.

I dashed over to her and leaped, wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug. She embraced me back, holding me like I was a sack of potatoes.

Some might get embarrassed by this show of childishness but I have decided to embrace my identity as a child plus it helps in keeping my facade of a child. 

" What took you so long ? and you even went ahead of me too." she questioned as we strolled toward our destination.

"Ohh I was helping an old granny with her heavy bags " I said in an oblivious childish tone.

She ruffled by hair and said in her very proud motherly voice

 " Very good sweety, as your reward we will go to the place of your choice for lunch."

I giggled and almost screamed 

"" let's go to Ichiraku Ramen🍜 , you know "" and at the same time someone else shouted the exact words 


Words like litlle , genius and child are mostly reserved for Itachi, I hope you didn't get confused with it.

Also I was hoping that you guys can suggest some nickname for little Itachi since he is going to be a child for some time (maybe 10 or 12 chapters).


It turned out pretty well I guess.

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