
Chapter 2

The blood drained from Jade's face.

"What... did you just.. say?" She wanted to leave the room but Nell was closer and blocked the exit with his whole body.

"I said you either abort the baby or I beat you until you have a miscarriage," he said calmly, narrowing his eyes at her, "so, what's your choice?" he crossed his arms and planted himself in front of the door.

"Nell.. are you a psychopath? What are you talking about?" Jade was shocked, she had never expected that her usually gentle boyfriend would have such a side to him. If she were to reject the idea of abortion again would he really beat her up?

"Perhaps I am, but it's not like you have any other choice but to do what I say anyways," he said, smirking mockingly at her as he continued, "Or do you really think you can escape from me with that weak body of yours?"

He wasn't going to let her run away. Jade knew that for sure now. She took another step back and found her body in front of a large, wide open window. When she looked behind her, a glimmer of hope sparked within her as she was reminded of the fact that Nell lived only on the fourth floor, and that there was a large tree in front of this window. She looked back at Nell one last time and shouted, "I will never abort my own flesh and blood!"

When she saw Nell heading closer to her with the same vicious glare in his eyes, she jumped.

This chapter is a litttttleee bit longer hehehe but WOAH over 300 views???? on my first chapter??? In just 12 hours??? Thank you guys so much ?? Please continue supporting me and leave comments too maybe :P

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