
Beautiful I can’t take my eyes of her

As May walked it to the school she was getting stared at up and down she didn't take notice as it's not the first time something like this had happened.

"Whoa would you look at that body nice legs don't even get me started on her ass. I think that's my new conquest"the boy smirked as May walked past.

"May report to the headmasters office now"

Ugh already getting in to trouble on my first day back

As she turned around she saw a group of boys blocking her way she walked right up to one of the boys faces and she said "move"

As she said that the boy said "but first tell me your name and maybe if I'm free we can go out sometime".

"OMG really you and me I am not going to ask you again move out of the way"May said as she rolled her eyes. She had an aura of and Alfa male she was dangerously beautiful what was under that beautiful skin laid the devils daughter.

"Hey hey calm down beautiful no need to be angry"

May was so close to losing her shit

Out of nowhere may put her bag on the floor along with any thing she had in her pockets her car keys and pushed it to the side with one swift movement she kicked him in the face he went flying through the crowd of people and hit him self on the lockers

"I asked you nicely to move but you kept on pestering me right boys


all the boys group started agreeing with her fools she thought to her self now I have to got to the headmasters office excuse me out of nowhere the boys parted like when the Red Sea parted in the bible.

Damn right show some respect I could kill you if i really wanted to but that would be a big hassle

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