
biology class....

"BEEP BEEP BEEP" I hear my alarm going of that wouldn't be a problem if I had not forgotten that is was school that day I look at the time 7:49 "shit shit shit!!" i whisper to myself I jump out of bed wide awake grab a pair of baggy jeans and a oversized hoodie throw my hair into a messy bun throw my books into my bag and head out the door I just made it on time to catch my bus -time skip- I arrive at school and get out the bus and stop to see my best friend Ashley running at me "wow maddie what happend to you" she laughed "I woke up late" I said "I can tell" Ashely said "anyway im so bored already and we havent even started class" I say with a annoyed voice " girl same and we start of with biology can you believe that 8 in the morning and biology already im gonna die" she said as we walk in the halls I go to my locker " I just need to get some stuff out of my locker" Ashley nodded I grab some books I forgot at home and close my locker "okay now we need to go to biology" Ashley said " do we have to" I said "if you want detention then yeah you can stay here" she laughed , I laugh and walk of to class with her. We arrive at biology and sit down then the teacher comes in and says this "alright alright settle down.. today we wil be working on a project that wil take 5 weeks" the entire class frowns "and I wil be putting you guys in pairs of 2" the whole class looks annoyed and with that she Starts saying names " Bryan & Amelia " " Ashley & jack" " Amanda & Ian " " haley & Brandon " " Maddie & Zach" Ashley gasped and laughed a little I was in shock.... I WAS PAIRED WITH MY CRUSH !?