'' How?!'' angry Naoto takes Takemichi by his collar and shook him '' What did you do for this to happen?!'' '' W-what,gh...'' Takemichi struggle to breath. His face is shoved in front of a map with Japan and all her cities '' What did you do? What did you change for this to happen Takemichi?'' Naoto said defeated letting Takemichi go On the wall was a map that before, on red was showing all Toman territory. Now on the same map on purple this time, was showing an entire new gang that was clearly warring with Toman. '' Tell me Takemichi, what happen for there to be an entire new gang made of even more vicious people? You repeated this Time Leap, what changed?'' Naoto asked looking more calm, his hands still trembling. '' Pah friend Girlfriend. The one that was in the hospital. Her name was Hyoma Tsubaki. Everything else I did the same, Naoto.'' or that time when Takemichi jumps two times the same day and messes up.
In 1960 began.
In 1975 they thinned.
1979 December early '80 First era of Sukeban ended.
In 2000 , summer, Sora Danuja, together with her friends, Tsubaki and Junko, with the dream of protecting abused victims of all types, of showing the world that they aren't just some no names that though themselves above all, begins the Second era of Sukeban.
In the beginning no-one took them seriously, three 10 years old formed a gang made of them and their dogs. It sounded like a bad joke until in wasn't anymore.
Together, using the money that Danuja have from her faceless parents, they bought cameras, giving the police video's if the crime they come across was too big or they just wanted to get rid of them faster. They payed for lesson for their dogs and for Sensei's to teach them how to fight, at how many hits they get people will become suspicious. The only thing Danuja needed now is a call from her faceless parents to berate her.
They dressed themselves in long skirts, hiding chains and razors, shortened blouse, running shoes, sneakers, bracelets of choice and embroideries or stickers on their clothes. At some point they begin to wear jackets as well, purple ones with their motto on the back.
They patrolled without fear the streets by night or day, stopping molestation in trains or corner streets, sexual assault that people averted their eyes, small children or teenagers disappearing, the rape that no matter the time was still happening. The abuse that come in too many types and ways.
Three years later, their gang raised absurdly in number. They didn't raise like the other gangs, with dozens or hundreds members to fight. They raised from the medics, nurses that were always close when needed, from shop owners that helped them and patched them up, from woman working on the streets or clubs telling them what's new. The secretary's warning if the police was too close. The students, teenagers that know all about new gangs and where they were. The teachers that didn't forget them. The secrets forums that posted situations. Even some policemen after they saved their daughters from unfortunate situation. It was a never ending chain of woman, girls, teenagers helping and fighting however they could.
If those things weren't know then, their gang wasn't big like others, having just 15 members actively fighting and 8 guarding and attack dogs with them. The other nine dogs have their own thing. There were runners with package, there were rescue dogs that found victims faster than them, hunters that found aggressors faster than them.
Despise that they ruled over Setagaya, their base close to the border with Shibuya and Suginami. Really it was just Danuja house that become a glorified base.
That doesn't mean that other gangs liked it. A group of chicks messing around. That's what they said.
2001, 3 MARCH
Danuja, together with Kiyoko and Kasumi, their first new members since declaring they become a gang, were in Danuja home, sewing clouds, flowers, skulls, faces and flames embroideries on their skirts. Their dogs on the couch behind them, Suzume and Shoto, Danuja Doberman's with Dango, Kasumi German Shepard. Suddenly a panting Tsubaki throws open the front door and yells
'' The Haitani brothers are destroying the cars in Matsubara district.'' she says trying to catch her breath.
Danuja is on her feet immediately, her companions beside her. '' Anyone hurt?'' she ask skillfully putting her chain on her leg. It took hours to do it right, the same with running with it, the damage was great though.
'' No, but some mothers with their kids can't enter their houses now. They are blocking the path and they are too scared.'' Tsubaki said finally calming down, giving Danuja her sneakers
'' Hm. Stay here with those two, make sure they put whatever they like on their skirts.'' then Danuja whispers '' Kiyoko likes butterfly's but spouts something about being too girly. You know what to do.'' Tsubaki nods smiling
'' I'm calling Junko and her's for back up.'' Danuja speaks normally. Putting her sneakers, arranging her skirt Danuja begins running, Suzume and Shoto in front of her. She shots a quick text to Junko to go there before her.
'' Ah...this make me want a motorcycle..'' Danuja says to herself maintaining her pace. From her home to Matsubara were 3 km. Clicking her tongue hard she begins running faster.
It wouldn't do any good if the Haitani were getting impatient.
'' How is going?'' Danuja says making Junko jump.
'' Stop doing that. And it's actually pretty good if you forget all the cars destroyed and the incoming fire. They look kinda bored now.'' Junko said nodding towards the two.
Sighing Danuja opens her palm hand forwards, Suzume and Shoto stays unmoved.
Moving away from Junko, closer to the brothers Danuja yells ''Oi!'' the brothers turn to her, one confused another smiling widely upon seeing her. His gaze fixated on her exposed waist
'' What did you come for?'' she says getting straight to the point
'' There's talk of a new gang rising in Setagaya.'' one of them said
''Heard those guys fight with dogs too. Even more fun.'' the one smiling widely said
'' Hah.'' Danuja goes closer to them, her hands relaxed. The smiling one looks curious at her while the other was looking suspicious. '' That's funny.'' she stops in front of them. Destroyed cars around them with no one in sight.
The sound of chains touching makes both boys looks at her curiously. Danuja smiles and in a blink of a eye her feet was between the smiling brother legs, a crunch heard in the closed space. Cocking he calls his brother ''Ran''
'' Rindo!'' With the other brother running towards her Danuja hits the smiling brother, Rindo, in the head throwing the 14-15 years old on the ground.
'' You bitch!'' the other brother, Ran, hits Danuja in her gut, making her chock as well. A fury of punches hits her, half her face numb the same with her side. She spits on the ground blood, smiling with bloodied teeth.
'' You come in my territory, making a mess, scare my people and for what? Attention? Fighting? '' she lunges at him, her fingers pressing his eyes, elbows at his neck, her legs around him. '' You piece of shit! Didn't you want attention?'' she is throw on the ground rolling. When she gets up, both brothers were on their feet, Rindo looking angrier
'' Your territory? You're funny little girl.'' Danuja gets up as well her hand diagonally across her chest. The Haitani brothers run at her, Danuja smiling widely. Two jumps later The Haitani wake up on the ground two black dogs on their back and a a pair of fangs at their necks.
'' Yeah, it's funny that you both come in a new territory unprepared. Really funny.'' Danuja says pleasant, not showing that her throbbing side bothered her.
The Haitani's were throw out of Setagaya, their clothes ripped and a cigarette burn on their ear. Spitting mad, with bloodied eyes, Ran, and barely walking without adrenaline, Rindo, they got back in Roppongi. Months later they were throw in juvie for destroying multiple cars, starting a fire and numerous fights.
Word spread of a girl gang, Sukeban , making other gangs more and more curious.
2002, Setagaya
Rumors under rumors under rumors. Bit by bit by bit. Danuja gang was gaining power and recognition from other gangs. It was a thing she wasn't pleasant with. It was much better when it was just a still talked but unrelieved rumor.
Martial art's and self-defense increased. Training lesson increased. The razors increased. The active members human and dog alike. Their credibility raised.
Once again in Danuja house, that was becoming slowly a base really, Danuja gang with all it's new members where munching on snacks doing their new uniforms. Their dogs in the backyard or on the streets. Really the fact that Danuja didn't heard from her parent in the last five years but where still sending money was a blessing.
'' How about razors in our shoes?'' Kiyoko says looking up from the new painted sneakers. Butterfly's and razor were her favorite thing, that and her two husky, Yoshi and Yori.
'' Too complicate, and I'm not sure if the blade will be hidden enough or at last get out when needed.'' Junko says ever the rational, her new ear piercings glimmering. In response Kiyoko pouts. '' We can hide more under your skirt though'' Junko said ever the weakest at Kiyoko pout
'' You know what I realized?'' Ayuna says scratching her black with red strikes hair '' We don't have a name.''
Blinking Danuja looks up from her papers and say '' Not even a rumor name? Or something it come up at school?'' question Danuja surprised
'' Ah, it's true.'' Nariko says making her cousin Nakano and younger sister, Sachiko look up from their skirts. '' Beside the Mad Dog Bitches that all those idiots give us when they try to take over, there is none.'' her sister and cousin nod as well looking at Danuja curiously
'' Right, you three didn't found a name when you formed the gang? I actually though it was a secret name or something.'' Kasumi said tilting her head, her black hair falling over her shoulder, blue eyes looking at Danuja as well. She was the newest member, joining not even a week ago.
'' Ah...not really. '' Tsubaki said beside Danuja '' We actually though that someone will come up with a cool name and roll with it.'' she said laughing
'' Yeah..'' Danuja said absently '' We weren't thinking of a name when we come up with this.'' she pushes the files away, can't concentrate now.
'' Why not just Mad Dogs?'' Soushi said from where she was sprawled on the floor, her new blonde hair tangled.
'' Kyoken..'' Danuja said thinking. At some point they will really need a name, they can't remain with Mad Dog Bitches.
'' Ah. Bellona.'' Tatsuo says looking up from her phone, she was looking at the forums '' It's a Roman goddess of war.''
'' Setagaya Association of Woman '' Katsuki puts her idea as well, her brown hair in a falling bun.
'' Danuja-sama gang?'' Tsubaki jokes . From that point on all girls where throwing in ideas of names their clothes forgotten. Tatsuo even posted on the forum.
A phone call stops them however and they all look curious or determinate at Danuja who answer. After 2 minutes she ends the call.
'' Alright! Tatsuo and Katsu you are with me. Go outside and wait with our partners I explain outside.'' The girls hurry outside saying their bye's to the girls . After they leave Danuja say '' There is an unknown possible gang member who run away. Granny Mizu found him all bloody. I go with those two '' before the girls could complain she hurry's '' when I come back I want a name!''
The girls took a cab, their dogs barely fit but they made do.
'' Uhh, we really need a van or something.'' groans Katsu, her pink hair getting in her mouth. Hakku, a shaggy black dog sits in her lap.
'' Shut up.'' Tatsuo said trying to get Izumi, her wolf dog to not break her rib
'' We are close..'' Danuja said barely breathing her two Doberman on her.
When they exit the cab Danuja say '' We are totally getting a van, or motorcycles..''
Granny Mizu was waiting for them in front of her house on a chair. It looked like she was having a nape at the sun not hiding a possible gang member in her backyard. They enter, leaving Hakku at the exit.
Exactly how Granny Mizu said, a bloodied boy, looking a little older than them by a year or two was asleep. A flower pillow under his head courtesy to Granny Mizu.
Inspecting him closely, the most eye catching signs of him where his hands.
'Sin' on left and 'Punishment' on right.
'' Such a dramatic mess.'' Danuja say
Back at Danuja house the girls were fighting over their gang name.
On the floor were Danuja seats, on the papers were names and photos of gangs and dangerous individuals that require more back-up. Courtesy Mister Akita from the police and Madam Kuro from the Red House. Gang names, bigger than them, smaller than them, the ones without morals, the ones with it. The ones that were know for rape and assault and the ones that were just big-headed.
Under the pile of papers a photo of a young boy of 14 years old ,purple eyes and black hair. His tattooed hands were on full display still looking quite red. Hanma Shuji was a dangerous individual, great fighter that just begin to jump from gang to gang fighting their strongest and leaving without a trace after.