
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Winter Mansion [1]

Morning, Marth woke up with a renewed refreshed feeling. Yesterday was a hectic day that seemed like a dream for him. Reincarnated into a game world, his sister was one of the heroines, and he kissed her. 

He didn't want to think that this is only a dream. But he couldn't let go of that thought inside his mind. Even last night when he wants to go to sleep, he feared that he would suddenly awake in a hospital and what happened in this world just only a sweet dream. That made him unable to fell asleep until it was midnight.

Fortunately, the next morning he awoke still in Marth's body. This means that this is his new reality, and the body named Hisyam Agil from Earth was already dead. 

Though, his mind could think clearly ..., a wave of sleepiness flooded his mind and once again he fell asleep.

Sometime after that ... Marth woke up from his short nap again, he sat down on his bed and yawned

"Good Morning, Young Master Marth." the blonde maid bowed and stated with her sweet-sounding voice.

She was a beautiful woman in her late twenties. With bombshell and curvaceous body alongside her oval face and tall nose. Her eyes shone in azure light, and her thin pink lips decorated her face even more.

Marth looked her with his sleepy eyes. She was not bad, actually, she was a lethal beauty that could draw every male in the pub. And such beauty ..., was wearing maid clothes just like that in the anime and manga.

"Un, good morning."

He rubbed his eyes and stood up into the small washing closet. The maid followed right after.

After Marth stood in front of the closet, she kneeled right behind him. Even while kneeling on both of her knees, she was taller than the current young boy Marth. She opened his pants and underwear before holding his family jewel.

"Huh?" Marth who was still half asleep now able to think more clearly, he shouted, "Ehhhh!?!"

"What's wrong, Young Master Marth? Are you feeling ill somewhere?" worried the blonde maid, and yes, still with his penis on her hand.

"N-no! I mean, hey, why are you here?! A-and ..., what are you doing?"

This probably was the first time he felt embarrassed about the opposites gender. No, actually he had prior dark experience with women. But this is perhaps his most terrible one. 

He just wanted to take a pee, what's with this maid-san who holds his penis. Is this some kind of punishment game? Isn't this too much, what's with this humiliating situation?

"I am helping Young Master relieve himself just like usual ..., is there any problem? Is there something you feel uncomfortable?"

'You're here holding my dick is uncomfortable enough! Though I want to say that ..., it's embarrassing. Moreover, who the hell is this woman? Ah, I see ..., I recalled her face, she is my caretaker. What is her name again?' 

He glanced at the blonde maid behind him after whispering the magic word for appraisal.


Rosetta ◊ [Human | ♀️ | 27] Level: 18 Class: [Maid] HP: 21/21 MP: 24/24 Stats: [STR 12] [VIT 14] [INT 5] [MND 7] [AGL 22] [DEX 24] Skill: [Linguistic 4] [Pickpocket 4] [Dagger 5] [Crisis Perception 3] [Arithmetic 1] [Cleaning 3] [Cooking -] [Stealth 3] [Eavesdropping 1] [Spy 2] [Night Service 1]


'What's with this skill list? Is she a spy or something ..., wait a minute, I never heard that my caretaker actually a spy before?!'

Marth was having a hard time to digest the new information after reading her status detail through the [Appraisal] magic.

The skill list shown on the Status Detail was already arranged based on the time the person got the skills. Even if the person didn't put any effort to raise the skill level, it will still exist name only. 

For Marth, it was [Sword -], and for this maid older sister it was [Cooking -]. Both have the skill that hasn't unlocked yet. Having only the skill name doesn't mean they could do nothing with that at all. Having only the skill name and not raise it into the preliminary level 1 only mean that they didn't receive the gods/goddesses' assistance when executing the skill.

But the dangerous thing in his mind was that this seemingly kind and caring blonde maid, that was also in his strike zone ..., have such dangerous skills. 

Her skill list was suspicious, [Pickpocket], [Dagger], and [Crisis Perception] before she learned [Arithmetic], [Cleaning], [Cooking] and some bizarre rogue-related skills. There was also the lewd sounding skill like this [Night Service].

Was she perhaps some random thief from the street before becoming a maid of this household? And after finished maid training, she also aimed to be a spy?

Marth looked at her with this empty gaze as if trying to confirm something.

"What's wrong, Young Master Marth? Are you not going to pee? Does your stomach ache? Do you want to poo-poo?" the maid asked worriedly.

'Actually, it's not that bad, isn't it? This situation, I can accept this. I didn't get morning wood, but if you keep holding my dick, then I probably get a reaction. Ahh, here we go... it's starting to get stiff.'

Marth was a real dickhead. Well, for him who captured his own sister as if she was some kind of collectible, and even thought of having another lucky-pervert encounter with another girl the next morning. His personality was really the worst.

"Uhm ..., Rosetta-san!" he called her.

"Yes, what is it, Young Master Marth? Tell me if you feel something that bothers you! I will obediently comply with anything you said!" and received a high-tension answer from the blonde maid.

"Um ..., when did you get here? Aren't you still in the Korperkorb yesterday?" he turned his head from her, hiding his reddened face. 

Although he was thick-skinned, when the thing like this already done, he couldn't help but feel ashamed. Yes, he was embarrassed by this situation. Even if he wanted to enjoy it to his heart content.

"Hai~, after hearing from Madam, I immediately departed. After all, when I am not near Young Master Marth, I cannot calm myself. Especially after seeing Young Master who was really strange yesterday morning... Therefore, I ran straight off to this mansion last night." she stroked the stiffened shaft of the little master's manhood.

Because of her smooth finger stroking his shaft, alongside with his vesicula urinaria becoming like an unstable dam trying it's best to hold back from leaking ..., Marth urinated. Still with her hand on his hardened shaft, caressing and guiding the shaft to shot it's chlorine-stink liquid accurately.

While he basked his lower body into the heavenly comfort provided by his maid Rosetta, Marth was having some mental dilemma.

'Ahhh ..., I can't live with head held up high. What's with this maid, really!? Stroking my dick just like that? This is clearly sexual harassment! Though, I don't mind with this actually. Aishhh ..., if only this world is not [Golden Ark] but eroge like that [Funboob Fantasy] or something, this will be one of the lucky pervert events.'

'Oh yaa, wait a sec! If this world is not an eroge ..., can't I just turn it into one? My ultimate dream is to collect all twenty-four heroines of the [Golden Ark] and make all of them my women ..., but, to be a great man, I can't just be content with just them, right?'

Marth shook his head lightly to let go of whatever in his mind before this. He asked, "Are you alright? Did you encounter some monsters along the way?" 

"Ee ..., it is fine. No need to worry about me, Young Master Marth. I killed whatever that come to me along the way. They were pretty tough, but I can just flee and safely escape." Rosette let out a chuckle with her crystal clear voice.

Marth immediately thought about the possible scenario in his mind to gain Rosetta's positive impression and also her affection. 

Though, after hearing she immediately go after him into this place at night, when it was the most dangerous time. He suspected that perhaps, she already had a feeling for him. Not love, but more like adoration of a mature woman to a child. Like a mother to her son.

From the original Marth's memories, this maid older sister was always in his memories. Rosetta and an old maid was his caretaker since he was a baby, unfortunately, the old maid was dead when he was five years old. After that, it was this woman who always with him. In fact, he spent more of his childhood time period with Rosetta than with his own mother, Petra.

Though, none of that matters to him who didn't inherit the feeling of the twelve-years-old brat. Marth saw Rosetta as a capturable target. Even if she wasn't one of the heroines from the game, he was definitely interested in her. 

Or ..., maybe his dick took control over his head.

After he finished formulating a plan, he immediately put the plan into realization.

"Really, alright? Rosetta-san don't lie, right? You don't have any injury, really?!" Marth asked after making up a child-like tone.

'The f*ck with this voice?' he cursed himself inside his mind.

Technically he's still a brat, but his mind was that of 22 years-old virgin male. He wanted to puke with this made-up voice, it was as if an adult trying to act like a little boy. His adult mind was screaming, as this was really cringeworthy thing to do.

Marth unleashed the urine inside his bladder, Rosetta then took a bowl full of clean water and washed his shaft. She then answered his question.

"Ee~ ..., I am fine. Young Master Marth probably don't know about this, but actually, I'm really strong you know~?"

"Ohr really? So Rosetta-san can fight?"

"Yes, that is true. I can fight." Rosetta finished wiping his penis and then proceed to strip the rest of his clothes, "I will proceed to wipe your body and also change your clothes. What color did Young Master fancy to wear today?"

"Hmm ..., what Rosetta-san think good for me?" 

She didn't immediately answer, her hand also didn't stop. She skillfully stripped all of his clothes, now he was stark naked. But he didn't feel embarrassed by this. His dick stiffened, but Marth and Rosetta ignored that peculiar organ. She wiped the boy's body and finally answered.

"Today is Samstag ..., and looking at the weather, it will be clear summer sky throughout the day. How about something bright in color made from thin fabric?"

"Un, then what about orange ...?"

"Orange suit is it? Alright, I will prepare accordingly Young Master. Hehehe ..." she continued wiping Marth's body.

And by no means, his dick didn't react. It was erect wonderfully just like ..., Just like a space rocket that was in the final countdown, ready to pierce the sky.

"Ah~!" when Rosetta finally noticed the majestic copulating tools that stood out on his crotch, she gasped in shock. She was perplexed with this peculiar reaction from Marth, she carefully asked, "Young Master Marth?"

He wonderfully put up an innocent face and avoided her gaze, while getting embarrassed by himself and reddened cheek, he said, "I-I'm sorry Rosetta-san! I don't know what happen but my wee-wee suddenly becomes like this. Is this strange?"

His acting skill was perfect. He tried to put up his innocent face and panicked expression, add that with teary-eyed. With a 'holding back tears expression', he grabbed the blonde maid's shoulder with his small hand.

'Chehehe ..., take this secret technique called innocent mask! I am an adult male in the body of a boy, you can't beat this me!'

"Young Master Marth ..." the maid looked away with a red face after calling his name.

'Is this maid perhaps ..., a virgin? Nah, with that last skill ..., she can't be a young inexperienced virgin woman. Well, by the standard of this world, she can't be called young anymore. Well, let's add some extra punch.'

"Hey ..., why has this become like this? Rosetta-san, tell me ..., am I weird?"

"N-no!! By any means, Young Master Marth is not weird, this is a normal reaction!" She frantically shook her head while glancing at Marth with a red face. She caressed the hardened 17 frickin cm shaft with her smooth finger and said, "This is really normal reaction, my Master. There's nothing wrong with having an erection ..., every adult male can do this. So, Young Master Marth doesn't need to panic!"

From a simple caress into a gentle rub, she used both of her hands and then rub it. The elongated and stiffened shaft becomes stiffer.

"It's amazing ..., Young Master Marth! The size and shape ..., it's beautiful!"

For people of his age, it was indeed amazing. And although he didn't want to admit it, the earthling that possessed Marth's body also though that Marth's dick size was abnormal. It was five cm longer than his member on the peak stage. And Marth was a young boy 12 years of age! What monstrous size this child could reach in the future?

"R-really? It's not weird at all? Is this normal? Uhm ..., but Rosetta-san, I feel something weird! Your hand! Your hand is making me feel weird." here we go again, playing dumb and innocent. 

"Please hold it back for a moment Young Master Marth, I will relieve you from this agony! I have mastered the art of Night Service. This much, I can do this, yes I definitely can do this!" she said, the first one was to reassure Marth, but the later was like convincing herself.

Her face was getting closer to his dick, and with steamy breath ..., she opened her mouth. And, "Hauph!" 

She swallowed the dick into her mouth. Receiving such intense stimulation, Marth couldn't hold back his ejaculation. This may be his first time experiencing blowjob. Fortunately enough, he could control the intense pleasure and not ejaculate early.

"Ro-rosetta-san! What are you doing?! It's dirty! Why are you putting it into your mouth! No~, ahh, don't!" there, still with his child acting.

"Hmmm ..., hmphaahhh!!" she let go of his member from her mouth and let out a steamy sigh, she then licked the shaft with her long tongue. Staring his eyes with droopy upturned eyes, "Do not worry~ ..., it is not dirty at all! There is no way, Young Master Marth is dirty! If it is true, that master's big dick is dirty, then I shall clean it with my mouth, so there is no need to worry!~"

Her speech pattern become uselessly long! With her kneeling and lowering her head to match with his crotch, add that with a critical strike of glancing with upturned eyes. It was a deathly combo that could make his dick visit heaven before it's time.

"But it makes me want to pee again! Ahh, Rosetta-san! Not that again ..., ah!" he wanted to protest, but Rosetta once again swallowed his penis and sucked it while twirling her long tongue on its tip.

"Mhpahhh!! Just let it out, Young Master Marth! Please, you can let it all out inside my mouth! It will make you feel really comfortable, so, please just enjoy this service to your heart content."

"No, it's dirty! How can I urinate inside your mouth? Arghhh!!" while he tried to protest, and yeah still with his acting like an innocent child, Rosetta once again sucked his dick and moved her head back and forth. Her dainty hand massages the scrotum also giving additional pleasure for him.

Marth couldn't hold back this sensation anymore. It was a thousand more pleasant than playing it with his hand, or even with the boiled cucumber while watching porn. After all, the real deal was a hundred or even a million times greater than the false illusion.

'What's with this? Ahh!! I can't think straight anymore! It's too damn pleasant! Ohh, yeah that's ..., there, that spot! Ahh, lick it, suck it ..., ouhhh!' 

This kind of blowjob was something that Marth only saw behind the LCD screen. Watching it while pathetically fapping. But, hell yeahh ..., his dream come true! Not only he managed to kiss a woman, that also his sister, he also made beautiful blonde-haired maid to blow his member!

"Rosetta-san! Rosetta-san! I ..., I'm gonna, I ...."

Rosetta didn't let go of his penis, rather, she hastens the movement of her hand and mouth. The long shaft inside her mouth was starting to twitch since long ago. With her extended knowledge about night service, she knew that Marth soon reaches his limit.

After a few more seconds of stroking and sucking, there isn't any sign of him ejaculating. Rosetta was surprised, what an endurance ..., although he was a young boy, Marth could hold back her technique. 

She let go of her mouth from his penis and said, "Phuahhh!! Just let it out, inside my mouth, nee~," before continuing with the fellatio.

Unable to endure it anymore, Marth grabbed a hold of her blonde hair tied in a simple braid and rocked his waist into her throat. This rather rough treatment surprised even the maid, but she then adjusted into it and positioned her head to not obstruct her master's dick from invading her.

"Rosetta-san! This is just too pleasant! What is this ...! Ahhh ..."

He pumped his waist to enter the deepest part of her throat that could be reached with his penis. While feeling rather curious, he grabbed a hold of her breast and play with it.

It was different compared to the springy-like sensation from Venetia's. He can say that Venetia won in terms of size and sensation. But right now, the only thing that matters was what right in front of him. 

And that was Rosetta's breast. It was less of the volume and more of the compactness. But all in all, her breast was really superb.

Along with her sending a never-ending blow, Marth soon reached his limit.

'Agh, damn it! Screw it, I'm gonna cum!'

"Ahh ...! Rosetta-san! I'm gonna,... I'm gonna ..., I'm really gonna pee!" for some reason, he still sticks with his innocent child act.

His rocked hard his waist into her, it was trembling and then ...

Splurt ..., splurt ..., splurt ...

Three straight shot to her throat and mouth. The blonde maid widened her eyes with dreamy eyes while sucking the white slimy liquid greedily. After the initial shot, Marth let out some small aftermath shot.


Rosetta let go of his dick and put both of her hands into her mouth, she then spits out the sperm and semen. Spewing hot and steamy breath.

With 'kind older sister next door'-like tone, she said, "Look here, Young Master Marth ..., you do not urinate, you know~ ..., this is called semen! Men will let out this liquid when they are having fun ..., hehehe, what a thick strong taste. Ahhh ..., I can't hold it back. Slurpp ..." and then she sucked it back before swallowing it.

Marth felt the power to maintain his balance lost and he fell down with butt first. His waist felt like it cut the connection with the neural system. And there was this lingering aftertaste on his crotch and back. 

Just like how Rosetta let out a steamy breath, he also rushed his breath. He looked at the blonde maid in front of him. She was still having this entranced look, it seems she didn't have it enough with just this.

'What should I do ...'