
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Warning and Interrogation

13. Warning and Interrogation

Eula took a deep breath controlling her raging emotion. She then walked to the guest room with her spiffing hot coffee mug in her hand. She approached the woman, she will send a severe warning to this random bitch before she lay her hand on her little Arman.

"Hmm ... are you Arman's friend?" she asked, starting the conversation.

Shan Yuezhi stared at the beautiful Korean woman dumbfoundedly, she felt somewhat familiar as if she has seen her from somewhere. It took few minutes for her to recover from her absentmindedness.

She then stood up and bowed. "Ah, uhm ... pleased to meet you, my name is Shan Yuezhi."

"Koei Eula." Eula closed her eyes and tilted her head slightly to the left side, it was her unique way of nodding after introducing herself. She thought it's cool or something. "Ms. Shan Yuezhi, may I ask. What did you do for a living?"

"... currently, I do not have a job." she shrank her back as she has an inferiority complex because of it.

"Ahh ... a jobless then. Heh." though, she was no better because she's a shut-in freelancer who dabbles on everything she could, but Eula has a stable income and it was quite a large sum. She accumulated great pride because of that. "Then, where did you graduate from?"

"I ... did not attend any formal advanced academy." Shan Yuezhi avoided Eula's stare, for somehow, this is like she's being questioned by her mother-in-law or something.

"Ohhh ... I could see a brilliant future from you, a jobless without a degree, perfect," said Eula as she leaned her back on the wall, blowing the hot coffee slowly.

To those who didn't know her, can only see the irony behind her word that is quite severe. But she was actually praising and referring to herself. Because she's also decided to not pursue a degree or attend an advanced academy. She was complimenting Shan Yuezhi as she walked the same path that Eula choose. Though Shan Yuezhi who has been criticized because of her decision back then and the inferiority complex she has gained throughout the years ... she heard her word only as a mockery and ridicule.

"So what is your plan for a living? You know that woman cannot just rely on her man to live a good life. What will you do?"

"I ... can fight. I have trained under a martial artist expert for the past three years. I am planning on joining a security company."

Knitting her brow, Eula asked. "Hmm ... are you a super?"

"Yes, I am."

Nodding vigorously, at last, there is one thing she's confident about.

"Really now ... if you are going to join a security company, it means that your superpower must be combat-type. But why didn't you join the military?"

"I didn't meet the requirement to be a soldier, it seems."

"... really? So there's the case when a super got rejected because of lack of qualification. So what is it they found you lacking?"

"I have no sense of direction, I'm not suitable to be a soldier. So they said." she shrugged her shoulder, know herself that she's so bad at it.


Eula said nothing as she heard Arman's door opened. She blows the steam out of her coffee and takes a small sip. Arman showed up already changed to riding attire. Jeans pants, black printed shirt, and leather jacket. When he noticed Eula stood there leaning on the wall, he furrowed his brow but said nothing. He turned to Shan Yuezhi and plainly said.

"I'm ready, let's go."

"Ah, where will you go?"

"To send her home, I told you before, didn't I?"

"I mean, where is her home? If you passed McDodol on the road, buy me two Big Mac with one strawberry McFlurry, will you?"

"... but tonight, we'll be having a hotpot for the dinner. You sure you can finish it all?"

"I'll probably skip the dinner."

"But it's my celebration party ... will you really skip it?"

"... just forget it then. However, you have to buy my Big Mac for tomorrow!" she turned around and didn't sound like she's mind with it. "Ah and have you check the snack rack? I think I've emptied the chips. Check it now so you can buy some of them along the way!"

"Why didn't you do it your- ... sigh, fine." he went to the kitchen.

Seeing that Arman already left, Eula hurriedly strode to the Chinese woman. And called her name.

"Ms. Shan Yuezhi ..." leaning forward, she said in an icy voice. "Take this as a warning, don't you dare to get closer with my Arman. As we Koei sisters have taken dips on him. My mother has let us grow together with him, and he will soon become my and big sis' boyfriend, then later on our husband. I don't think I need to give you a reminder of how strong and influential my family is to you."

Receiving the blank eyes that look a bit crazed, Shan Yuezhi somehow trembled in fear. What kind of person could stare at others with that eye? To be honest, it's too scary. Somehow Shan Yuezhi got goosebumps all over her body.

"So ... have we reach a common understanding, now?"

Shan Yuezhi gulped a mouthful of saliva and intoned, "Apologies, miss Eula, I never had the intention of getting closer with him or anything. To me, Arman is just a friend and nothing else. Your word has no meaning to me."

"Good. As long as you know your own position. But if you dare not heed this warning, remember that Koei is not some third-rate clan you can ever provoke." she threatened in a flat tone.

"We're lacking some protein bar and the chips ..." Arman came out from the hallway and was puzzled seeing his sister who was leaning close to Shan Yuezhi. "What are you guys doing?"

Eula changed her expression almost instantly, and she returned to her usual lazy noble young lady mode. She turned her head to him and shook her head with a slight arc on her beautiful thin lips.

"Nothing, I just want to say some parting word to your friend. Ah, right ... can I ask you to buy a cadbury chocolate please, and thank you. I somehow want to drink hot chocolate tonight."

"Okay ... I'll buy some on my way back."

I stopped at the front gate of an enormous mansion with a palm tree on it. But really, this place's indeed pretty big ... it's bigger than aunt Yumi's summer villa. And it's located downtown in Harahap Street, it'd probably worth hundreds of millions.

"Is this your house?"

"Yes, it is. Thank you for giving me a ride back home. I'm thankful."

Along the way, she spoke nothing aside from telling me what is her house looks like. Asking her about 'where' is kinda asking to get lost on the way. It's better to trust my gut, map app, and God above.

"Right, if my sister said something funny to you, just don't take her words at face value. She got several screws loose on her head, so it's better not to take her word seriously."

"Er, umm ... as her brother, shouldn't you protect her good name and not divulge on her shortcoming to an outsider?"

"Well, yeah I think I should do just that. But the thing is, she's too amazing that I couldn't find any fault aside from that ... so, hmmhh ... I don't know what should I say about it. Even if I didn't tell you about that, you know how amazing she is right?"

"What's so special about her?"

"Hmmm ... for example how she's a successful webtoon artist, streamer, stock trader, programmer and having a net worth of several million. While never for once leaving the house."

"Webtoon artist ... your sister is?"

"Yeah, do you know Almighty? Or maybe you've heard Couple in Another Lifetime. She's the author of those series."

I don't read CiAL because it has some kind of BL-vibe on it. But Almighty is pretty darn lit with a progressive and fresh story plot and an engaging action scene. Whenever my classmate read it in their free time, I always feel so proud for somehow or another.

"Oh, wait! Is she really Yukihi? I always love the series from her, especially CiAL! I never know that your sister is Yukihi. Wow, is it really? I think I'm still dreaming now. Hey, Arman can I ... next time go visit your sister?"

Yukihi is Eula pen name. What can I say ... she is Eula's fan, so it seems.

"Ah, of course ... you're very welcomed."

"Great ... thank you so much. Next time we meet, I have to get her autograph and maybe we can take a picture together. Hey, why didn't you tell me that your sister is such a famous person?"

"As you see ... she didn't like to be disturbed. And just look at her, she's basically a shut-in princess. It's rare to see her meet and greet and even share few words with the guest whenever she comes out from her room it might be to take a bath or picking up some snack. I'm happy to see her coming out and talk with you. She rarely gives a damn to anything that happened outside of her room. I even joked that if there's another Harban invasion, she would rather stay inside that room of hers until the conflict ended."

"Hihihi ..." Shan Yuezhi giggled merrily. "You said she's also a streamer?"

"Oh yeah, she has a YouTube channel. You should check it out. The channel's name is, Euleka. The video is mainly about her doing some odd thing with her superpower. But she's quite popular around the community."

"... I always have this feeling that I've seen her somewhere before. Maybe it was one of her videos, but I still didn't know who she is." she nodded convincingly. "Your right ... your sister is indeed amazing."

"I told you, right?" I somehow put on a face that painted a total smugness. I'm very proud of my big sister Eula. "I need to get going. I have to back before three o'clock."

"Oh sure, thanks once again for riding me back home."

"Humm ... you might want to hire a driver or something to bring you along." based on this enormous mansion, she seems wealthy. She should at least hire a driver to not end up lost in the traditional market like this noon.

"... I have my personal escort. But she's sick and takes a day leave so I'm hopeless now."

"Hahaha ... if that's the case, maybe you can ask me to be your temporary chauffeur next time. If I have free time and I'm not in school, maybe I can be of help to you."

"You're very kind ... I'll remember it."

I bade farewell and ride my bike back home. It's about 8 Km distance from this street, I need to make a long detour because it's a one-way street. After about ten minutes of the ride, I finally reached the tower. I parked my bike in the basement and hit the lift. I entered the apartment.

"I'm home ... ah, sis Sunna, hello."

Sis Sunna already returned, the two sisters were in the front room. Eula still in her casual clothes sitting lazily on the sofa, and Sunna in her military academy uniform stood not that far from her.

"Hello, your sister!" she shouted putting on an angry face.

"Erm ... what's wrong sis Sun? Did I somehow upset you?" I asked while trying to figure it out, where and when did I ever offend her?

"I heard everything from Eul. What the hell with that woman, is she your girlfriend? And tell me in great detail why did you spending your night in the Gregoria neighborhood with dozen of women. If you don't give me an explanation, I think we'll talk it out with mom. And don't blame if it becomes nasty." she snorted with arm akimbo.

Instantly, I feel that the temperature in the room dropped considerably. I heard some crunching sound ... damn Eula. Why you're eating your snack and watch from the side as if it's unrelated? Didn't I tell you that there's nothing going on with Shan Yuezhi?

Although, yeah ... I have the intention to fuck her in order to acquire her power, that's for the latter. For now, I'm still with my PDKT, the approaching stage trying to get along with her.

"Okay ... first of all, why would you ever think that she's my girlfriend. Yes, she's a girl and my friend. But that doesn't mean she's my girlfriend. Please don't mess up with the basic concept here. We don't have any relationship whatsoever. And secondly, it's my own business whether I'm having a girlfriend or not. Why is it that you so nosy about it? Third, sister Eula, I don't know even know where I was last night, so how and why you know about it?"

"Oh about that ... I tracked down your phone and hacked the surveillance camera around that house. I spend all night trying to break through the mansion security system, but it was futile. I only know that there's a bunch of hot chicks in military attire entering the house. I don't know what happens thereafter." Eula said with a lighthearted tone, still munching her snack. "And little one, you forget my chocolate."

Fuck your sister with your fucking chocolate!? You still have quite the leisure to ask that after confessing your own crime. You're trying to hack the military you know?

"Now then ... care to give us some explanation?"

"Explanation or whatever, this has nothing to do with you. They're taking me to that place to test my superpower ability ... those female soldiers are there to help the testing."

"I see then, but why do they brought you into some luxurious mansion, and moreover, they took you right after your awakening. That's not normal, even Eula and I have to wait for a week before we tested our supers. And the test supposed to be in the Training Hall. What's going on? Did you awakened S-rank ability?"

"I'm sorry, but I've signed the seal order from the military. I can't disclose it, classified information."

"... then, what's with those women? What did they do to you?"

"I'm tired, I don't want to talk about it." I shook my head and headed to my room.

"Hold on, young man. If I ask, then you'll answer. You mustn't disobey my word, did you hear?"

"We will stop bothering you after we know what happened last night? So just spit it out and we'll leave on our own business. Although, I think you still need to go out and buy me some choco."

What's with them suddenly interrogating me like that? Who are they to question me?

"Why you two are so persistent in this? What I did last night is not so important to you guys, isn't it?"

"It. is. Important."

"Agreed. Verily."

An instant reply. I was at receiving end on their dead-serious eyes narrowed into a slit. Heaving a tired sigh, I turned at them.

"Fine ... if you want to know, then come to my room!"

Heh, so you want to know what I did that night? I'll let you know, no not only know ... but I'll also make you so that you two won't forget about it.