
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Violation of the Natural Law

This is story of the unborn, the one who couldn't and shouldn't be in this world. His body is aberration, and his soul is accursed. He questioned the authority of the king, temple, and even gods above themselves. He is the violator, rebel, and destroyer. Wherever he went he always brought change or destruction.

Before that ..., he was but an ordinary guy, who just died by a traffic accident. He was transmigrated into the world that he writes, the world with him as the author. But he's not transmigrated as the protagonist, instead his soul resided in the dead tutorial boss-level villain.

What should he do? Should he fight his way against the protagonist like how the previous body was in the past? Or would he live a different kind of lifestyle? Oh, there's also this convenient cheat ability, should he create a harem then?


Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Author Transmigrated

I just died. And it was quite unusual dead.

I died on my way back to my rented room. After I finished strolling in the flea market downtown the city. As there was quite the distance between the flea market and the rented room, I decided to use the shortcut road. But that would mean I must cross the meandering hills and pine forest. 

The pine forest was eerily quiet that noon, and it was only me on the lonely road. It's creepy, and I had goosebumps because of it. I unconsciously sped up the Yamaha Mio that I rode. But then, a white shadow like that of kuntilanak flashed in front of me. Panicked, I pulled the front brake ..., and was sent flying because of that.

I fell and rolled in the asphalt; it seems I broke some of my bone. But before I got the time to stood up and catch a breather in the roadside ..., a huge ass truck hit and then crush me just as it is. 

I died ... sigh, it's still a little early for me, a man who hadn't even pass 20 years old to die. I am dead ..., but why I retain the ability to think? Oh, my vision and other senses returned, I saw someone. A sea of people, they are all hanging their head down as if given up on life. 

No, they -we- are all not alive. We are mere souls wandering along this river. There was no shortage of gloomy soul who's still regretting the fact that they're already dead.

"Release me!?! Do you know who I am? I demand you to release me and return me back to where I belong!?"

Some even not realized that he is already dead, shouting loudly, raising a commotion. Though, not long after that he was whipped by a dark shadowy being. Is that hell gatekeeper angel? Or rather, angels?

"You, you dare to whip me? Don't you know that I'm the Prince of Shu, Son of the King of Wu, descendant of the Emperor Lu of the Southern Bu Dynasty? I'll let you taste the wrath of the Royal Family! I led two hundred thousand of horsemen to raid and raze the Tang Country! Yet, you dare to lay a hand on me?"

Oh wow, that's some identity you got there. But the (presumably) angel who was enshrouded in black vestment just continue his whipping not caring nor listening about the past achievement of the Prince of Shu whatnot. The Angel then picked and then tossed the soul of that so-called prince to somewhere else. Finally, some quietness.

Am I ..., really dead, then? When I thought of that, my non-existent feet stopped. I am already at the end of the line. I looked up to see the hell gatekeeper angel.

"Aram Hadrian, 19 years old, virgin. Cause of death: Crushed by a trailer truck ..., huh? You, you're not supposed to be in here!"

I know I'm virgin, but why you must state it out loud. And ..., what do you mean I'm not supposed to be in here? Should I go bother another angel then?

I saw the black-vested angel took out some kind of orb and whispered something on that very orb. After some time, come another person. This time it was a person wearing all white. Unlike the black-vested, this one looks like having the body figure of a woman.

"What's wrong, Black Imperfection?" asked the white-robed with feminine voice.

Black Imperfection ..., so, this mean you two are Black and White Imperfection? I heard about them; I've seen these two in the Legend of Monkey King. They are two servants of the underworld, serving under Yama the King of the Underworld of their version. 

But ..., am I going to enter the cycle of reincarnation? I don't adhere the belief in reincarnation, I'm a believer of afterlife. Though, with how short I've lived on earth ..., I just hope my good deed overthrown the bad one so I could enter Heaven. 

I see now, so that's what it means that I'm not supposed to be in here. I don't believe in reincarnation bullshit, so I shouldn't be here.

"He ..., just take a look at his life record." the Black Imperfection handed the scroll of life to her.

"Huh, he's not from our system ..., why he got sent here?"

"I don't know, that's why I ask you to come here. What should we do? Can we just send it back to them?"

"That won't do, you know how troublesome it is ..., so, should we just let him pass and get reincarnated to another realm of our system?"

The Black and White Imperfection started discussing what would they do to me. What, what? Sent it back ..., what?

"No, this is a grave matter ..., I think we should notify His Majesty about this, lest there's a mistake on our judgement." the Black Imperfection said after careful consideration.

"Right, let just do that ..." the White Imperfection nodded agreeing with him.

I was dragged to see their 'His Majesty'. Upon entering the spacious hall-like room, I could see a fat Chin--, correction, oriental middle-aged man wearing golden robe with dragon embroidery sitting in high throne.

"Your Majesty, I beg your pardon for the intrusion ...,"

"I beg your pardon."

The White Imperfection kneeled as she loudly stated, the Black Imperfection parroted her and also kneeling.

"Oh, so you have come ...," the yellow-robed fat man lukewarmly said.

"You insolent puny soul! You are in His Majesty, Yama, the King of Underworld. Bend your knees and kneel while basked with glory in His presence!" the old man wearing grey robe and holding a feather fan loudly berated. He was the person standing beside that fat middle-aged Yama in this spacious hall.

But why in the world I should kneel? I don't kneel in front of him as I feel I don't need to. I glared at that feather-fan old man with such thought.

"Hahaha, don't be like that Advisor. I spent a great deal of trouble just to fish him out from the Abrahamic system."

Wait, Abrahamic ..., system? Abraham, that's the Biblical name of Ibrahim ..., the sixth Prophet of the known twenty-five. But what intrigued me the most is the 'system', this keyword. 

So, faith and belief are a system? So, you enter the hell, heaven, or even reincarnate ..., depending on what 'system' you believed?

What ..., I don't, I don't want to approve this. This is blasphemy?! I should just forget this whole thing; I don't want to believe and to be a part of any of this?! I don't and I won't!

"You must be puzzled why your soul got dragged into my domain, Yellow River, and not to the Barzakh Realm." said Yama plainly. 

So, he did know about Barzakh Realm. Explaining it on the simpler term, the Barzakh Realm is the realm of the death. Before entering the Afterlife, the death would be buried. And the soul of the death would be tortured or receive light and saving in that realm. It's all depended on your deed when you're still alive.

"I want to ask you something ..., Aram Hadrian, or should I say, amethystgemfragment? Be damned, that's quite mouthful pen name you got there."

That's quite surprising, I never thought I would hear it in this kind of place ..., and after I died. It's been a while since I heard that name.

Starting from the tenth grade of Highschool, I did a lot of writing as a way to kill some free time. It was ..., mainly about wuxia or eastern fantasy, I got hooked in that kind of novel at that time and decided to write some of it. I uploaded it in a webnovel platform and got average views of 2k per chapter. Even though it received a lot of spicy criticism, most of the readers liked my writing. 

I tried to improve my writing and noted what I'm lacking from their criticisms, and everything went smooth after that. Some of the reader also donated on my payme account. Though, two years after ..., I stopped because I must focus on my final exam and university entrance exam. The story left abandoned when it was about chapter 400 or something. 

I hadn't got the chance to continue writing even now then-, because I'm dead now and won't ever had the chance to continue writing. 

It's ... something personal, whenever I sat down in front of my laptop, I just can't think of any idea to continue the writing. Even after I organized the general outline and thought of the story flow ..., I can't write a paragraph.

Still, there's no worth on bothering it as I'm already dead. The question is ..., why this Yama know about that? About the account name that I used to upload my writing in the past.

"Are you one of my readers? You've read [Dragon King Hegemony]?"

"Yes, yes ..., [Dragon King Hegemony], I am, indeed have read it." Yama said so, but his tone sound like he's eating a bitter pill. "And I'm very disappointed! Why you abandon your work without notice!? We were waiting for more update!? But you're gone just like that! Can't you, can't you imagine how it's felt to be hanged in a cliff of an unfinished story? I need more update, MOARRR!?!"

Suddenly, Yama cried as he complained on how irresponsible I was. Well, what can I say, I got busier these days after I entered the college. And it's not like I wanted to, but I got stuck whenever I want to write something. I can't think of new idea, and every new scenario that I could think of is just a cliché and overused trope.

Yama rambled on an on about everything, pointing some plot-hole that I overlooked before, and critiquing my over-plagiarized characters. He's quite observant reader, I respect him for that. But see, I also feel rather weird hearing your 'honest' criticism. My heart can't bear this anymore.

"..., and now you're death so suddenly. How can I, how do you expect the readers to think? This just like the second Lucky Ca--"

"Alright, alright ..., in the end, what do you want me to do?" I hastily stopped him from saying anymore words.

"Huh?" Yama stopped his rambling and looked at me.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do ..., I'm here now, you want to hear the draft that I wrote but yet to upload? Or what? I've grown tired hearing you complains." 

Yama put on creepy smile; I got a bad feeling about this.

"Hehehe, now we're talking. What I want from you is pretty simple, I want you to continue the story. To continue the [Dragon King Hegemony]. You left before we could even begin to guess who will be the Dragon King yet ..., I want you to continue the thing that you have left."

Right ..., before that, let me tell you about the bit of details about my story. The story is your usual wuxia with a lot of cultivation and martial art going about, but the main focus is the succession of the Dragon King. The protagonist is an orphan that lived in the slums, he relied on his quick feet and long hand to steal thing to eat his filling.

Recently, the protagonist of a wuxia webnovel is a transmigrated or reincarnated people. But I personally don't like that setting, it's overused and some turn out to be bad and made the protagonist looks foolish. So, I write him as original native person of that world. Anyway, the story revolved around him.

One day, he stole an insignia of a certain noblewoman and was chased after. When he thought that he was already safe from their chasing, he was hit in the neck and fainted. The protagonist then woke up inside a mansion. His ragged and filthy rag he called clothing is gone, replacing it was a silk pajama. And then there was a maidservant who referred him as 'Esteemed Guest'. This situation baffled him furthermore.

He met with the noblewoman whom he stole the insignia from. At first, he wanted to immediately run away, but the noblewoman stopped him and tied him into submission before explaining how things end up like this to him. And then ..., she said that the insignia that he just stole was a magic item that will resonate with certain soul. It will light up only in the hand of the worthy descendant of the Founder Dragon Emperor. Long story short, he was a candidate for the next Dragon King. 

After the protagonist was recognized as the candidate of the Dragon King on the Dragonbone Throne, he then began his campaign as the Dragon King Candidate with that noblewoman sponsoring him.

I admit, I plagiarized a little bit of that setting from a certain anime. No, not just a little ..., but a lot.

But to continue the story, so you mean I must write the continuation of that? Wait, so I must write?

"Like right here, and now?"

"No, not like that ..., Aram Hadrian, do you know who I am?" he asked, suddenly changing the subject.

"You're Yama, right? The King of Underworld from ..., I don't know, Buddhist or Kong Hu Chu maybe?"

"I am, indeed. I oversee the cycle of reincarnation, and river of the souls. Hehehe ..." he laughed creepily.

"Alright, alright, I know you're awesome and so-on and so-forth ..., so, what do you want?"

"You can continue the story, by experiencing it yourself. You know, I found a new hobby recently ..., that is, transmigrating dead author into the world that they have written. You should consider yourself lucky that I fond of your [Dragon King Hegemony]. Some of unfortunate writer who wrote something like NTR, tragedy, or cthulhu thrill horror might found this is some kind of torture."

"Wait ..., so you mean, that I'm going to reincarnated into that world? Into the Fallen Dragon Continent? So, what should I do after that, then? Do I have to be the Dragon King or something? Will I get a new body or replace some dead body?"

"Aye, your existence there is just to make the world keep running ..., as for your objective, just stay alive. And you're not reincarnated into a new body, you will be replacing the soul of Yang Xian after his untimely death on chapter 49."

"Huh, that useless noble son?"

It was a side character that his only use is as a steppingstone for the protagonist. I wrote him as a typical dandy good-for-nothing noble son who lusted over beauty and vanity. He was jealous over the protagonist, because he is always seen with Yu Huiqin, that noblewoman who supported him. Despite having himself a beautiful fiancée, Yang Xian lusted over Yu Huiqin beauty. And thus, the showdown between him and the protagonist.

Yang Xian has issued a duel against him, but he was utterly defeated. And thus, he resorted in hiring assassin to eliminate the protagonist. But that also failed. It was then, in the Blackforest, Yang Xian along with ten of his lackeys ambushed him. He battled the protagonist and his group. But at that time, the protagonist is already above him in term of strength. He was defeated and then killed thereafter.

I don't know what I should feel about this ..., in a sense, do I have another choice?

"It seems I don't have other choice, don't I?" 

"Yeah, that's the strongest -deceased- character in your story so ..., or maybe you want to be transmigrated into the body of a background character with poor talent?"

"I'll gladly take Yang Xian then."

"Good ..., now, stand there and be prepared, this will be hurt a little."

"Ah, don't I have to drink granny Meng soup or something to make me forget about the memory of my previous life?"

"Huh, then what's the point in transmigrating you to that world if you suffered from amnesia? That'd be no fun, would it?"

"Right, you got a point."

So, you admit that this is only for the sake of your amusement. Well, whatever. Even if I transmigrated into Yang Xian, should I live as that person myself? Nah, I better not. Protagonist would hack me down whenever he sees me anyway. Our grudge is just that awful. 

While thinking so, I was transmigrated into another world that I wrote. Well, my soul was.

Ah, I forget to ask whether I will get a cheat or not. Oh well, even if Yama didn't bestow me additional abilities, I could just get it by myself.

Let's see ..., hmm, northwest from the Blackforest is where the Dalucien Ruin was found, right? I recall writing about Purple Poisonous Orb or something there. Oh, oh ..., I should also visit the Imperial Library and get the Slot's Ring there.