
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

New Start [4]

It was a refreshing new morning. He felt his head was very light as if having some quality sleep last night. When the gentle and cold wind ticked his face, he raised the urge to wake up.

'Wait ..., something is wrong, why it's soo windy in my bedroom?'

He finally opened the pairs of emerald eyes in that crumpled face. A white ceiling but scorched in black and full of tear and scratch just like it survived from a disaster, or something greeted his vision.

'What happened?'

He frowned upon seeing the state of his bedroom ceiling. Adjusting his line of sight, he saw his master and tutor standing while gazing curiously at his direction. He followed their line of sight, and by then, he realized the source of the cold wind that wakes him up.

'The f*ck! Why am I naked?'

He was stark naked with his manhood on its morning wood proudly erected.

"Its different from before, now it's green ...," 

"I wonder, what is this thing, yano~?"


He hurriedly tried to cover his lower part with a blanket. Just what was happening here? Lin Yue and Kassandra Nagi were gazing curiously at his lower part while discussing about that peculiar thing.

'Wait, green? I heard Master Lin already has a husband and a daughter, right? So why ...?'

He noticed the strange word they use to describe his mighty dick, there's no way the color was green. And it was too strange for an experienced housewife such as Lin Yue to not know what that thing was.

"Oh, you're finally awake, Marth-boya? How're ya feelin'?" Lin Yue asked, finally turned her attention to the young boy.

"I ..., I'm good, standard. But uhm ..., why master Lin and teacher Nagi are in my room? And what's happened here? It's like there's a typhoon in this very room last night. And lastly, why am I naked?" he asked while feeling puzzled.

Lin Yue sighed exasperatedly, she gazed at him with her narrow eyes that opened slightly.

She shook her head before saying, "I don't know myself, yano ..., yesterday you're always keeping inside this room and never walk'd out. It's obviously your doin' yano ... Nagi-shi, you said you heard some explosion and stuff, yaka?" 

"Eehhh ..., I heard .., uhmm ..., yeah ..." the dark magician woman from the western desert mumbled something while averting her gaze from him.

He noticed another strange thing from their statement.

"Master Lin ..., you said yesterday, right?" 

"Yeah, what 'bout it?"

"And you said I was always inside this room and never gone outside. But wasn't last night we have supper together?"

"That's the day before yesterday yano~..."


"Ehh ...?"

Now, even Marth found something was not right. 

The last thing he remembers was when he went asleep after taking care of the nosebleed on Diana's nape and face and put the fainted girl to a more comfortable position on his bed. And before that, he was having dinner with Lin Yue and Kassandra Nagi. 

So, what's exactly happening here? Why's that Lin Yue said it was the day before yesterday?

"Just to make sure, what's today date?"

The one who answered was Kassandra Nagi, "Salasa, 19 Dzumadl Akhr 391," but with a different calendar.

"Nagi-shi ..., that's lunar calendar of you the desert people yaka~?" Lin shook her head and then answered with the solar calendar that was widely used on the continent, "It's Tuesday, 8th June 522."

"Tuesday .... Huh? isn't that supposed to be tomorrow?"

"Nay~aaa, today is Tuesday yano~ ..."

"Then, what exactly happened yesterday ... I mean, how come my bedroom becomes this messy? And what did I do yesterday? Why can't I remember anything about that day? And ... huh? What's this?" 

When he asked a series of questions to them, he noticed there was a strange square-shaped metal device with glass coated surface glowing like it was an OLED touchscreen of a tablet.

"I thought you know somethin' bout this ..., when I put your hand on top of it, it lit up in green yano ..."

"Marth-kun, do you know what is this magic device?"

While casually ignored their question, he picked up the tablet-PC. And then frowned upon seeing UI that using the language and letter he knew from Earth.

'A tablet ...?'

He frowned even more. It was impossible for such things to exist in this world. After all, a tablet ..., or maybe a silicon-based computer was a product of modern earth. And even if he wanted to build such an intricate device, he needs how many years before he could assemble it.

However, in front of him, there's a usable computer! And what more, he could utilize it just like how normal tablet PC! 

The OS and GUI was something like a Tablet Mode on the Microsoft Windows 10 (TM). And there was a note attached in the Notification Panel.

[Read me!]

Tapping the oblivious [read me.txt], he usually ignored such text, but with how bizarre this device was he thought that he needs to read it thoroughly.

BHRE Tablet V1.0 

(Brainwave High-frequency Repulsory Emmiter Tablet)


Device specifications

Device name: BHRE-AAE128 Processor: Kintel(R) Enchanted Core(TM) C112 @ 1,120 PHz Installed RAM: 2 PB (1,98 PB usable) Storage: 200 PB (98,18% used) - please delete or move some files to optimize device performance System type: Brain-wave Interchanging Module


Janela specifications

Edition: Janela(TM) 1.0 Version: 608 Installed on: 08/06/552 OS build: 0001


Display specifications ... ...

'The f☆ck with this! I want some kind of explanation ..., and not device specification ... What more, the hell with PB and PHz? Is this supposed to be peta prefix? That 'peta' of 10^15? And again, why the specifications look like some kind of copy-paste from System About in MS Windows?'

He felt dizzy with the nonsense that was the device specification. Yet he couldn't argue about it.

He wanted to know who was the maker of this device, but he couldn't. There's nothing that stated something like 'Made in China' or 'Made in Philippines' or anything like that in this metal tablet-PC. 

He wanted to see that 'Made in X' in this, or maybe the name of the company or person who made this. Yet, there was absolutely nothing like that in this.

He scrolled down on the readme text that should be the system about. And finally found some kind of note directed to the user made by the device maker.



Specific notes

[01] - Folder Categorization; I categorized folders into 6 tier, based on how crucial they are and the danger it impose. Here's the tier list and it's name:

[01.1] - Tier 1 is [General Knowledge], it's not dangerous and you could share it to the rest of the continents. 

Just don't let the [Demon] to grab a hold of those, though ..., I bet they won't want it even if you give one to them. They have the tendency to destroy anything that made by human after all.

[01.2] - Tier 2 is [Applied Magical-Science Knowledge], there's nothing wrong to share this. But please be aware that this could be turned into a fortune.

[01.3] - Tier 3 is [Industrial and Manufacturing Knowledge], again this is very profitable, you should use everything in this tier wisely.

[01.4] - Tier 4 is [War and Military Knowledge], some are lethal, so don't share it willingly. Use carefully, and share and teach this to those you trust the most. Or a slave that tied in a contract!

[01.5] - Tier 5 is [Skill and Spell Book], there should be something that not too dangerous, but for safety measure, please don't carelessly share it to anyone that weren't your unconditional ally.

[01.6] - Tier 6 is [Special Note about this World, and something about Heroines and Beauties of the Continent]. This is the accumulated knowledge I have throughout that countless lives.

Please read those if you have the time, to familiarize yourself with them and know what thing you can do, and what you can not. Because how the thing is, I bet you already forget some of them, but they will greatly help you in your life. And I feel somewhat pity if they ended up with different man. But, as you are not me ..., I'll refrain in forcing you to conquer all of them. Just ..., choose what you want to, and if you have the other party's consent, f*ck her!

[02] - Who's your true enemy.

[02.1] - Your enemy is [DEMON], I repeat the true enemy is [Demon] from the [Demon World]. It's not technically you and yours only enemy, it's the enemy of all inhabitants of this world. The knowledge you have now from the game is key to gain the most perfect ending. 

The perfect ending is just like how it ended up in the game, [Roman Alyssia Einvogel] chased away the [Demon Lord - Haecatonkar] and resealed the dimensional barrier of this world. So don't try to meddle anything and let him do all the crazy hero stuff! Just read the [D:\T6\Alternative Route\Possible Happy Ending] and pick the most apt scenario as your grand plan.

[02.2] - Beware of the other human ..., not everyone have a good heart and a martyr just like the Hero of the Continent. I noted down some suspicious people that perhaps will be the enemy for you, your family, and perhaps the mankind itself. It's in the Tier 6, in the folder directory [D:\T6\Boss, Villain and Mobs].

[02.3] - Don't ever reject Venetia, or hand her over to anyone else! She has fragile heart that will crumble if she can't live with the people she love. Even if you think this is immoral, make up with her. 

That is ..., if you don't want to see a yandere older sister stabbing the girl that supposed to be your fiancée. Yeah, she surely will do that ..., and I see more than one route she turned into something like that.

[02.4] - Whenever you wanted to capture a woman, please be aware that this is not a game, and she's not a Pok☆mon! Don't treat them as if they were an NPC. You must woo them and make them feel special, at least treat them humanly. Or ..., you could just shove your dick to them if you feel like it. But, you know ..., in the end, it's gotta catch 'em all!

[02.5] - I repeat this once again. Your true enemy is the [DEMON]. They are unreasonable bunch of lunatic that didn't fear death and capable of enduring nuclear bomb! 

Please, be discreet about this and if somehow Roman failed in his mission, you must have some backup plan and made some kind of ultra top secret weapon to defeat them! Annihilate their legacy! And never let them step into this continent ever again!

[03] - Thing to note about this device.

[03.1] - I made this device in a bit hasty, and not in the right mind. Please prepare some backup in other device. I think you should open the [D:\T3\Magical Data Storage] and make something in that folder.

[03.2] - This BHRE Tablet isn't stable. Although I made it with the latest and most advanced magical technology. Perhaps you would find numerous bug and flaws. 

I bet you won't even understand when that time happen. So, please learn the necessary knowledge about this. 

You can start by looking at the [D:\T2\Computational Enchantment Magic] and made some improvement of this original one. 

[03.3] - I suggest you to start learning about the truest of the Material Science. You are someone from the Chemical Engineering Major, so this topic shouldn't be far off from your major. You may experimenting what the best material to use in which magic device and the characteristic of each materials.

[03.4] - Best of luck, I hope you won't crumble like the way I did. And ..., hopefully you won't meet with the white-dressed woman in the dream again.

'The one who made this tablet ..., just who is this guy. He or she knew about me who was a person from Earth, and knew that I've played this world as a game. He also encourages me to take care of Venee-san, while also saying she would likely to turn into yandere if I don't do so ... it's like this dude, know about me?'

Marth was puzzled even more. It was as if the person who made this tablet really know about him inside out. As if he/she was very familiar with him. Never he thought that he himself was the creator of the thing on his hand, and his conjecture was almost in the right direction.

'And in the note, he/she told me that my true enemy would be the Demon, but ..., in the first place, I never wanted to wage a war against them. The hurdle is too high for me who wanted to live without any needless concern. And yeah, I surely will make that Roman do all the dangerous heroic task.'

He never sympathetic regarding the lives of the other. While it's true he would save someone he knows. But if it was just some random dude he could easily find on the street, he would ignore them even if they plead with tear and snot. That was the kind of man he was.

'But ..., really, whoever made this device, I will surely kowtow, no prostrate, or even kiss his/her leg! What the hell with this! It's literally knowledge cheat that made me all invincible! Not only the technological knowledge, but the magic section is also fascinating!!

He browsed through the BHRE Tablet while grinning widely. He has made blueprint about soap making production line, but it wasn't as efficient and cost-healthy as the one in this tablet. 

And there were thousands if not a hundred thousand formula and mixture to make a different kind of soaps. If he wanted to get all of those, he needs to do numerous experiments and perhaps a few years before getting this much of formula.

Not only soap, numerous products that he was familiar with in modern earth also available on this tablet. Something like the combustion engine, milling machine, electronic instruments, and many more, were free for him to grab and learn.

"Fuha ..., fuhahahaha ..., gehehehahahahahaah!!!!" inadvertently he let out three-stage laughter. The last stage was more sinister and lack in restrain.

This made the two mature women unconsciously avoid him for the time being. They gazed at each other while having a question mark on their face. Just ..., what kind of thought was Marth having at the moment for him to laugh deranged like this.

By this time, Rosetta was already gotten back and then shouted.

"Wakadana-sama[modern_footnote]Young Master(?)[/modern_footnote]!"

She hastily moved her step and stood on his side. Longing and worry filled her eyes.

"Fuhahaha ..." he ceased his laughter while letting out a tired sigh. Glancing at the blonde maid, he said "hyuhh ..., that's one hella satisfying laughter. Rosetta-san, I'm a bit thirsty, could you get me a cup of water?"

"Water is it? Certainly, I will." she bowed her head and receive the order, but didn't leave at once, "But before that, Marth-sama, is there anything you find uncomfortable? Yesterday ..., just, just what happened with you yesterday?"

"I ..., Rosetta-san, is today really Dienstag? And not Montag?"

"Ee ..., today is Dienstag, 8th June 522."

"This is really weird ...,"

In his memory of the last thing he remembers..., was that yesterday should be Sontag, 6th June. The day when his family departed out of this region. By that, today should be Montag. But the others said today was Dienstag and not Montag?

'It's no use, I can't recall anything ..., are they pulling some kind of prank with me? But for what purpose?'

Even he began doubting them. But there were too many details that made him unable to refute them in the face. Like why the room become like this, what's with this Tablet PC and the familiar electronic(?) instrument on the table and floor. Why he was naked without any clothes? 

Nah, probably he was naked because someone stripped him off. Presumably, Rosetta's doing.

"I see that you're back to normal yanoo~, Marth-boya?" 

Lin Yue's question brought him back from his stupor, he turned his attention to her. She walked and then grabbed his chin, calmly gazing at his green irises with hers that covered by the narrow opening.

"There's no malice or anything hidden behind your eyes, yaka. ... this is something curious, just what happened with you yesterday, Marth-boya~?"

"Uhmm ..., Master Lin, what happened with me yesterday?" he decided to ask directly because he also wanted to know, just what the hell is happening with him.

Lin Yue shook her head and didn't have an answer prepared for that question, "Let's begin your training this morning. I'll see you in the east wing yard. Come on, let's go, Nagi-shi!"

"Uwheehh!! Ahh ..., o-okay ..." 

The Dark Mage left the room albeit reluctantly, sometimes took a glance at his lower part before the myrmidon pulled her out of the room with a little force. 

And with that, they left his bedroom.

Leaving the heir of Zwarteschwan family with his personal caretaker that was also a lethal beauty by themselves in this survived-from-typhoon bedroom.