
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

New Start [3]

– 05:32, Dienstag, 8th June 522 –

"You're surprisingly awake fast, yano~..., Nagi-shi."

"It just, I feel uncomfortable doing nothing while enjoying that much luxury provided by the servant of this mansion. I feel like I wronged Petra if I don't properly do what she has asked. Lin also, you wake up quite early."

"Well ... we plainswoman always wake on the first light of the morning ..., and perhaps I'm feeling the same as you."

"Same feeling about what ...?"

"..., I also feel restless. I did nothing yesterday, so I thought it'd be better for me to train in the sword dance this morning."

The second day during their stay in the Winter Mansion, Lin Yue and Kassandra Nagi felt restless.

The day before yesterday was their arrival so they could do nothing about it. But yesterday was different, they should be training(tutoring) the Young Master of Zwarteschwan household starting from that day.

It was a request from their past comrade, Petra Grossvelg who wanted her son to excel in both sword and magic.

The two of them were indebted to Petra for what she had done in the past. And thus, they agreed to stay in this mansion to teach her son.

But, they were unable to start their job.

They didn't hear what was exactly happened. From Rosetta, the personal caretaker of the Marth Zwarteschwan, she said that Young Master Marth seems not in a good condition and didn't want to go out of his room.

If that was the case then they would not worry needlessly. If that was only the case ...

However, that day, they heard some kind of disturbing noise come out from inside his room. Sometimes it was the sound of an explosion, tearing of the wind, or even a thunder roar.

Kassandra, who was a Dark Mage also felt the mana fluctuation from that room. And she pondered, just what kind of Elemental spell he already mastered. But to train it in his room, wasn't that a bit too much?

She tried to come into his room and ask him not to tear down the house with his spell and change the place to train his spell. But he just brushed her off from his room.

And she was helpless against him. She didn't know why, but his aura was made him unapproachable.

Not the unapproachable like the kind of anti-social person who was in the middle of the crowd, but more to the psychopath who was on the verge of erupting. That kind of aura that shove off everyone to avoid him.

She felt that kind of aura even when she hadn't entered the room. And it made her who was familiar with dark-attribute to feel dread.

"Na ..., what do you think about Marth-boya yesterday, Nagi-shi?" asked Lin Yue who was walking like a straight spear in the corridor.

"..., have you visited his room yesterday, Lin?" Kassandra asked after shuddering a bit.

"Yea, just before the diner I walked past his room ..." the myrmidon was frowning.

"Did you feel something were off from him?"

"The aura leaked from that room, yesterday. It was as if there resides a grudge-filled demon inside. The kind that bears too much hatred inside the heart ..., I feel repulsed by it and unconsciously wanted to avoid his room."

"I thought it was just me, but do you also think that way ...?"

"Just what happened with him, for him to bear that much of grudge ..." Lin Yue narrowed her eyes and looked at what in front of her, "That girl ..., she is the boya's maid right?"

In front of Marth's room, there was the figure of Marth's personal caretaker Rosetta who was using some kind of emergency lockpick from hairpin fiddling the keyhole to his room.

"That hella looks suspicious ..., Lin, let me do this."

"Oy, Nagi-shi, just what are you ..."

Before she heard Lin Yue's reprimand, Kassandra already closed her obsidian eyes.

She mumbled some kind of incantation. Then a dark hand crept from her shadow. It crawled into Rosetta's shadow, hidden by the darkness and shadow of the morning sun.

But, as if sensing the crawling hand of darkness she leaped to the doorknob and then jumped back with a head flip.

There was a curved dagger on Rosetta's left hand, holding it with a backhand grip. She glared suspiciously at Kassandra and her purplish dark hands which just now tried to catch her off guards.

"What is the meaning of this, Nagi-sama, Lin-sama?" Rosetta asked with a heavy tone.

She was only a maid of the Zwarteschwan household, while the other party was the guest invited by her mistress. She shouldn't be baring a fang against them. But if they were a hostile party, then there was no point in treating them as guests.

However, she understood that Lin Yue and Kassandra Nagi was Madam Petra's close friends. And thus, she wanted to know what was the reason for this sudden hostile intention. And if somehow it was started from a misunderstanding, she would let it pass and apologize for it.

"Ohh ..., that's should be my question, Ms..., Maid? Uhmm, Lin, what's her name again?"

"And you ask me that, Nagi-shi?"

"You know, I don't like remembering the name of mob chara #1 and the likes of them ...,"

Placing her palm on the forehead, Lin heaved a tired sigh, "Sigh ..., I'm sorry ..., Rosetta, is it? This girl just attacked you on her own. We don't have the intention of harming you or anything."

Lin didn't show aggressive attitude as Kassandra does, but she was also guarded in front of Rosetta. Her left hand never left the scabbard of that katana.

Rosetta didn't put the dagger down, she glared at both of them with her dangerous blue eyes.

"Nagi-shi, cancel your spell!" Lin suddenly said.

"But Lin~!!"

"...!" after receiving the glare of narrow-eyed woman, Kassandra canceled the tentacle-like [Dark Hand] spell.

"Rosetta, also ..., please calm down and hear me out ..." she returned her attention to the maid.

"..." Rosetta put down the dagger but didn't return it back to the sheath.

"I am sorry for her rash conduct and hope you to clear away the misunderstanding ..., Nagi-shi, you also ..., apologize properly!" Lin Yue bowed to make a perfect 120-degree angle.

"Why would I! And Lin, you don't need to bow your head to something like a servant girl of your friend's house!"

"NA~ GIII~ SHIII!!" she pulled the obstinate Dark Mage to follow what she did.

And thus, the two of them bowed her head in front of a maid. Rosetta was perplexed by the sudden apologies. She didn't stop leaking dangerous aura on her. But she still doubted them.

"Lin-sama, Nagi-sama I think there's some misunderstanding here. Care to explain what's with the sudden attack, Nagi-sama?"

The two guests raised their heads.

"Isn't it you who behave suspiciously ..." Kassandra begrudgingly let out a complaint in a tiny voice.

"Rosetta, did you lost the main key or what? Why are you trying to lockpick Marth-boya's room?" Lin asked straight to the point.

"Ahh, so that's why ..." Rosetta nodded her head as if understanding what part did they misunderstand.

And then she began explaining her circumstances.

Actually, she holds the spare key to the main bedroom of this mansion. As the only one who was responsible for Marth's well-being, she must sneak into his room every morning to attend his needs.

But she lost that spare key, and she just realized about it this morning. Because she thought it was too troublesome and time-consuming to search it around the whole mansion ..., she used her all-rounder ability as a rogue to open the locked door with her hairpin.

"..., I see, she said so, Nagi-shi?" after hearing her full recount of the matters, Lin asked Kassandra who averted her gazes.

She squirming around for some time before turned to Rosetta and said.

"Uhhmm ..., I'm sorry, Rosetta, for jumping on my own conclusion and then act based on that."

"I also, have to apologize for causing this misunderstanding in the first place."

The two of them bowed their head and apologized.

"Then, we'll be on our way ...," Lin bowed and wanted to leave.

"Please wait for a moment, Lin-sama, Nagi-sama!" Rosetta called.


"Can you help me ..., no, that's not it ..., can you accompany me to enter Young Master Marth's room?" Rosetta asked while shivering slightly.



"It's ..., uh, how can I say it, Young Lord, his condition was really worrying yesterday. And I feared that something happened right now. Can you please accompany me to his room?"

Yesterday, when Rosetta snuggled into his embrace she feeling something was off about Marth. She didn't know what happened with him, but after he showed that rare fear, anxiety, and dread on his facial expression. She was convinced that there must be something happening with him.

"So it's not just me after all ..." Kassandra sighed under her muslin.

"Well, it's indeed not that surprising. A small boya like him suddenly has that terrifying aura. I doubt there were only one or two people who'd notice that peculiarity, yano~..."

"Alright then ..., I also want to ask, what happen yesterday, and what he did in that room ..."


And with that, Rosetta went back with her lockpicking business. It made the two guests feels weird, but there was no helping it because she lost the key herself.


The door lock opened and the three women entered the chaotic; ruined bedroom. It was like there was a typhoon happening yesterday or there was a monster rampaging inside this room.

The walls were filled with scratch and creak, some parts of the ceiling and floor were scorched with ash and burn residue. It was a total mess.

The furniture inside the room was all gone except the bed and the simple night desk. But there were some bizarre tools and instruments made out of woods, metals, and glasses scattered here and there. Something that they have never seen before.

Hell, even the windows and the door lead to the balcony were all gone!

In the middle of the bed, lied Marth who was sleeping quite without sound in this horrible messy bedroom. His face was as if devoid of worry or anything that weighted his mind.

"Young Master Marth!!" Rosetta hurriedly checked his whole body. Stripping his pajama to check his condition.

She was worried about whether there was a problem with his body. The condition of this room itself was really strange, just what kind of demonic creatures that visited and responsible for this whole mess.

When Rosetta took his loose sleeping pants, Marth finally got a reaction.

"Munyaa ~ ..." he said sleepily.

But what caught the three mature woman was not that, it was something that bulging on his crotch that supposed to be his noteworthy big dick in morning wood.

Rosetta has seen that amazing meat stick two days ago when she finally able to service the naughty cock with her mouth. But for the two other women, it was their first time seeing such strong and amazing manhood. Though, he still a boy in a sense.

The blonde maid didn't stop with just that. Because she really 'worried' about his wellbeing, she also pulled down the comfortable trunk and showcased his mighty dick to the world ..., and to the two mature women.

"Wha-what are you doing, Ro-rosetta!"

The Dark Mage who was unable to stop the hasty maid stripping a young boy attire closed her face with both of her palms, her obsidian eyes peeked between those dainty fingers. Her gaze never left that majestic hairless-dick.

"Why are you in such a panic, yara? You're an adult aren't ya'? Flustered after seeing boy not even half of your age naked, it just doesn't feel right, yano~!?" Lin shook her head seeing the innocent reaction of the old virgin.

Just, what kind of life this Kassandra went through all this time? For her to be flustered after seeing a man jewel. And it was from a young boy at that. Isn't she too much of innocent despite being a [Dark Mage]?

A person who meddled with [Dark] magic, when thinking about [Dark Mage] they would think about [Shaman]. However, both of them are fundamentally different.

[Shaman] is someone who learned about [Curse] magic, it's magic to attached some kind of curse/debuff into the other. While the [Dark Mage] is someone who learned about [Ancient] Magic, their spell is in dark-ish hue and looks really spooky.

Just take an example with Kassandra's spell just now, she used [Dark Hand] that looks like a tentacle(hands) crawling beneath the floor. It was really creepy spell that made people avoid it and repulsed against it. They were often misunderstood as [Shaman] just because their spell looks like it was a curse or some sort of that.

However, because of this prejudice and stereotype, the [Dark Mage] was often lumped together with the same with [Shaman]. And thus, they were often ostracized by the community. And such, some of the [Dark Mage] often have a cruel hard and harsh view of the world. Because of that, they often raise troubles for others.

"L-Lin! How can you be so calm when seeing 'that'! I mean look at that 'thing', it different from what depicted in those books you know! It's bigger and it's really scary you know!"

"What are you saying? I think it's norm-..." Lin Yue's words come into a halt, she shook her head lightly, a dangerous glint on her narrow slit eyes, "..., No, actually, 'that' is definitely not normal. It's bigger and fatter than what that blockhead has yaka~? And he's just a boy 12 years of age, yano .... Petra-shi really blessed with a jewel of a son."

"I'll be away for a moment to take a bowl of water and towel. Nagi-sama, Lin-sama, please watch over Young Master Marth."

By now Rosetta already walked to the bathroom to take cleaning tools, she wanted to clean his body that was drenched with cold sweat. 

When the maid left, it was only the [Dark Mage] and the [Myrmidon]. Kassandra still hasn't come to her mind, she just gazing curiously at his manhood. As for the swordswoman Lin ...

"..., what's this?" she picked up the metal tablet-PC because it was glowing with weird blue phosphorous light and really conspicuous.

The glowing part becomes more apparent, it was in the shape of a palm. In wonder, Lin Yue put her hand on top of the palm-like glows.

[Scanning ...]

Some weird symbols flickered on the top corner of the tablet. Soon, the flickering words come to a stop and then showed a balloon with 'X' in the color of dangerous red.

[ID not recognized. Access Denied.]

She couldn't read the letter, it's not because she was illiterate, but because the writing was something that out of this world. It was a UI with the Latin alphabet and the English Language.

"Nagi-shi ..., take a look at this thing ..., do you know what is this?"

"Fhuwaiii!?! I'm not, I'm not imagining anything indecent you know!?" Kassandra flustered when Lin called her.

"Just come here ..." Lin rolled her eyes at the innocent old virgin.

Kassandra approached her, yet she kept glancing at the boy proudly standing manhood.

'Just why Rosetta stripped his clothes! Ah, that thing ..., why it becomes so big? When I dissected some male specimen, that thing is soo small. So why, this one is really big?' she asked that in her heart.

For some reason, her heart throbbed violently. And her breath becomes ragged like after she was running. And her cheek was tinted in a lovely color of pink. If only she would open her muslin gauze, it probably becomes a picturesque sight.

"Huh ..., this is?" her attention turned into the 'thing' on Lin's hand.

It was a magic device in the shape of a tablet. Just like Lin Yue, it was her first time seeing something like this.

"Did I just need to put my hand on top of this?"

"I've tried it yano~. But then it showed some unknown letter in red. You try it ..." Lin Yue handed the tablet-PC to her.

Just like Lin Yue, Kassandra Nagi also put her hand on the palm print recognition. But as expected, the only person who was registered on this PC was Marth only. So anyone than him could not access it. A similar red balloon with giant X showed up on the screen.

"I can't ..., I know it's the letter that Marth-kun knows, but I can't read it ..."

"Huh, you said that this Marth-boya knows about these letters?"

"Yeah ..., two days ago I saw him writing something like this?"

"Maybe ..., maybe it could only work on Marth-boya? Horaa, look at here ..., the palm in this tablet also very small just like his palm. Nagi-shi, try to put his hand on top of the tablet!"

Kassandra Nagi nodded and then put his palm on top of the tablet.

[Scanning ...]

[Successfully recognized User ID. HAMPZ-0001. Access Granted]

[Initializing Memory Archive ... Starting Automatic Download]

[Downloading Memory Back-up #1 ..., Download in-progress ...]

He has prepared all of this, that he also put some kind of special program before he did the memory wipe. This program was to back up all of the original Marth and Hisyam's memories and then automatically download it into his brain that already suffered from amnesia after his magic [Format].

The palm-print recognition also something that he prepared as a countermeasure. If someone else touched it and then downloaded his memories, wouldn't that cause a huge problem? Won't that person become Hisyam Agil and also Marth Zwarteschwan add that with his/her original personality?

He also made the tablet glowing suspiciously so it would make the new him who was like a blank slate to notice the tablet.

And thus ..., he regained his memories, excluding all of the tragedies that last for eternity.