
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

For Science! For the Community!

3. For Science! For the Community!

The metallic bed was pulled out and nurse Agrias loosen the strap that bound me. I am feeling extremely weak right now. All over my body still feeling sore, but this blonde nurse did whatever she could to lay her hand on my body.

"Ms. Agrias, if you may ..., please don't touch my body too much, it stills aching."

"S-sorry, I didn't mean." the nurse retracted her hand in panic.

After that, she escorted me to the changing room; she helps me wipe my body from the sweat with a clean towel. I have no strength to resist right now, but she mostly caresses my skin with her hand.

"Haa haa haa ..." is it just me, or she looked at me with a vacant gaze in her eyes. And her breath got rougher too. She blurted, "Arman 'lil bro, did you know you look so delicious right now?" 

"Huh? Sorry, what?"

"You, did you remember what Guidance Whisper told you? What kind of superpower you have awakened?"

"It's ..., something inappropriate. It's better if Ms. Agrias don't know about it." I looked away from her flirty glance.

"In fact, I have some ideas about what it might be. It's something related to ..., this, right?" she pointed at the bulging thing in my crotch.

I looked away in embarrassment because she was right. But how come she knows about it?

"And I bet it also has charm passive or something because before this you look like a somewhat cool and adorable younger brother. But now ...," she licked her lips and leaned closer to my face, and stopped just beside my ear. She whispered. "You're a sexy young man, I can't hold back to eat you."

She pulled back her face and chuckled. On the next second, her lips met mine. My mind went blank and a sliver of shock ran throughout all over my body. She grabbed my head and pushed her tongue to lick all over my mouth and whatever is inside.

I pushed her out of my way and shouted in urgency. "Ms. Agrias, please get a grip of yourself."

"What happens?" someone pulled out the curtain and asked. 

It was a man in his mid-twenties wearing a military uniform. His face looked stoic, and he has a stony face and eyes. Seeing this person, the nurse who was still leaning on me back down few steps.

"L-lieutenant Harris."

"Miss nurse, what did you do to him?" the man asked.

"His charm ability affected me ...,."

"Wu-wait, what? So it's become my fault? Hey, it's not me who sexually harassed someone who's currently very weak and lethargic, it's you! And you're wrong, I don't have charm ability or whatever it is you're talking about."

"Ms. Agrias, it is sexual harassment if you force yourself on him. If you would, could you follow me ..., and Mr. Maul, please wait here for a moment, I will send someone over to help you."

The blonde nurse followed him out with face facing the earth. Sometimes later, a male nurse came and helped me wipe my body and change my clothes back to the school uniform. Yeah, thankfully he didn't go crazy, tease and kiss me as Ms. Agrias did. It'll be a hell of disgusting if a man assaulted me.

"Hello, Mr. Maul. My name is Eren Saul, I'm a doctor and also researcher focused on Supercell and cellulite node. If I may ask, what kind of superpower you have awakened? It is my first time seeing cellulite nodes on gonad and reproduction system got activated ..., and I'm dying to know what kind of power is it?" 

"My power is ..., dr. Saul, are you sure that you can ask something like this?" I carefully asked.

"That's right, Saul you can't ask new supers about their ability before we classified its rank." the cold-faced Harris shown up once again.

"Lieutenant Harris ..., I know that, but I will also extract some files from your database later on, so what's wrong with asking about it beforehand?"

"Anyway, there's a procedure that must be done first before you could know about it. And you can't breach the protocol. Mr. Maul ..., come with me, this way!" 

Lt. Harris escorted me out, and we went to the main courtyard. Along the way, he introduced himself to me, his name is Samsul Harris. We entered one classroom.

"Sit down ...," he pointed at one desk and handed me a paper and pen. "Alright, you can start filling this form." 

The form started with my basic bio-data and then at the end, there's a box to describe my power and its condition. I don't understand why the bureaucracy still uses outdated media like this paper and pen. Even our school uses digital media for learning, why stick to something this ancient?

Now then, what should I do? By the sound of it ..., seems like they already know that I have an ability that is related to my penis. But, did they know I awakened three Supercells? I filled the form and decided to not write the fact that I have three different superpowers. 

This is what I wrote.


(1) Golden Rod, penis with strong virility and endurance.

(2) Enhancement Sperm, male reproduction gametes that could enhance body and life force.


(1) Activation trigger, needs to be stimulated to activate the Golden Rod. Enhancement Sperm must be warmed up and delivered through the Golden Rod for it to be effective.

(2) Availability; testicle only produces 10 ml of Enhancement Sperm every month.

It's not exactly two Supercells... but it is still within one system. I remember there's a Super who awakened two superpowers, but it's still considered as one kind of Supercell. So this is not a problem. I awakened Supercell in my dick and balls. Yeah, there's no way I'd brag about that to my friends and family. 

But with this, I keep a lot of secrets about my super condition. After all, I don't want my ball to get stabbed by syringes. I still have trauma thanks to my almost unsuccessful circumcision. I handed over the paper form to Lt. Harris.

"..., you know that lying to the military is never a clever idea, right?" he asked with a frown.

"I can say that everything I write in that form is true."

He gazed at me doubtfully before continue reading the form sheet.

"But enhancement, eh? Now that's one rare ability. Is it permanent or temporary enhancement? And what kind of enhancement is taking effect? Hmmm ..., this is interesting. Mr. Maul, I'm afraid I have to bring you back to somewhere else for a further experiment to verify your power. We can learn more about your power by then."

"Ermm, can I ..., refuse? Or maybe postpone it."

"No." he didn't even give a bargain.

"Fine then, seems that I must follow the arrangement. Where we'll be going? Ah, can I say something to my family member first?"

"Alright, go then." Lt. Harris nodded. "But you are forbidden to say a word about your power to anyone else."

"Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut." I headed out from the room with a wobbling leg.

I walked back to the gym and waved my eyes upon seeing aunt Yumi. She hurriedly approached and asked worriedly while looking up and down as if trying to find a scratch on me.

"Are you okay, Arman?"

"Don't worry, aunt. I'm fine. And I've awakened my Supercell!" 

"Really? That's great, but I'm happier seeing that you're alright and well." she pulled me into a hug and patted my head. She didn't let go of the hug even after sometimes passed. Is it just my imagination or aunt Yumi is sniffing my hair? 

"Ermm ..., aunt Yumi, can you let me go? This is embarrassing." I reminded her that and she released me from her bountiful bosom.

"Oh, o-okay, so sorry about that." it's rare to see her flustering.

And her face is red too, did she contracted a cold? But she seems alright just this morning. Don't tell me, ..., is that a physiological reaction known as a blush? Really? This aunt Yumi ... she's capable of that too? Oh, I feel so stupid thinking about it. She's also a human being.

But why she's blushing like that? And she's sniffing out my body too. Is it because of my body odor? Is it addictive to the female? That nurse also said something about charm passive, is there something wrong or changed with my body that even I didn't know about?

"Aunt, it seems like I need to follow the military to conduct research about my ability."

"You mean right now? Can't it wait for another time? Sunna and Eula have their ability tested one week after their awakening, so why it must be now?"

"Well, my ability is special and they need to verify it immediately—,"

"Mr. Maul, you can't divulge your ability before we find out its rank and classification." a man in military uniform suddenly interrupted.

"I know, I know ..." I smiled bitterly as I didn't realize that this person is following me all the way. "That's why, please go back home and wait for my return, aunt."

"..., alright, I'll prepare a celebration feast for you. What do you want to eat?"

"Really? Then can I ask for a hotpot?"

"Sure, I'll prepare it for you."

I bade farewell to aunt Yumi. After that, the man in military uniform brought me into an SUV. He put a black cloth to cover my head.

"Is this necessary?" I muttered.

"Yes." that man answered perfunctorily.

Well, what can I say ..., they're being too cautious. It's not like they'll be taking me to some secret military base or something, will they? 

Samsul Harris called his direct higher-up about Arman Maul's ability. But upon hearing the ridiculous ability, his higher-up almost got enraged and flared up. 

"Harris, I don't think that this is the time to crack a joke."

"Major, it's all true."

"..., so you said that this youth's ball produces semen that could enhance superpower? But you don't know how to check the exact value of enhancement, so you consult it with me?"

"I ..., don't know if it could enhance Supercell or not. But in the form, he writes he could enhance body and life force by inseminating woman."

"Are you sure the boy isn't tricking you and trying to get sex for free?"

"I used my power on him, and he's stating the truth. Moreover, dr. Eren Saul also confirmed that his cellulite nodes are concentrated on his crotch. And he said there are at least one thousand active cellulite nodes."

"Huh? Did you just say one thousand cellulite nodes? Isn't that beyond peak tier already?"

"Yes, sir. I did say that."

"... I still cannot believe it. Just what kind of nonsensical power is this to enhance a person by shooting his sperm inside a woman cunt?"

"Major Eckel, sir. A century ago no one believes in the existence of aliens, magic, and superpower in this world. It's an ever-changing world, and we must accept this change to drive us forward and develop. Enhancement-type Supercell is very rare, and it is not self-enhancement ..., but target enhancement. There's an unlimited future in this!" Samsul Harris stated, excited by the prospect. 

"Fine, I'll arrange it. Send the boy to the private mansion number 20 in the Gregoria Housing Complex. You can conduct your test there whether his power is the real deal. But if it's not, pay the consequence for telling me all of this nonsense."

"Yes, sir."

"Good, I'll hang up now."

Samsul Harris then notifies his subordinate who was driving with Arman. He also asked for volunteers to the group of women supers in his division. After posted his message he left back to the gym. But he stopped his step and thought.

'I forgot about this ..., is there someone who will volunteer in such an absurd experiment?'

It was a lunch break in the military base camp. And on the table which crowded by the women, a girl with ponytail hair muttered out loud after reading the message on her smartwatch. 

"Lieutenant Harris. I never thought that he's this ..., what should I say, direct."

"You just mentioned young lieutenant, what's with him?" asked someone beside her.

"Go check your watch, he posted something absurd in the server."

The girl operated her smartwatch and read it.

(LT Harris:: We need a volunteer to help with the super condition experiment. There is a boy who awakened a new and unprecedented power. It works similarly to Liao Gong's buff spell from Zhonghua, but with a weird condition. As you can see from the picture of his form, he must inseminate a woman to make his superpower work. We need some volunteers to do that with the subject. If there's any of you interested in taking part in this experiment, please contact me.)

"Wow, this is so ..., gross. So he wants us volunteering to fuck a high school boy? Is this some kind of new joke? I never thought that Lieutenant Harris is someone like this."

"What, what, what's with fucking a high school boy?" a woman with a slender body asked.

"Go read it yourself, it's in the group."

"This sounds like a joke, but Lieutenant Harris posted this. Maybe it's true ... we know that he's someone very strict, there's no way he could think of something like this as a ruse."

"And if the effect is true, it could enhance our Supercell. Isn't that too amazing?"

"Yeah, but there's still 'if' attached. What if it's not, what if this is just some lie pulled by the high school boy?"

"That's why it's called an experiment. If the ability works, or if the boy is lying ..., we need to do it first with him."

"Wait, why are you saying we? I'm not doing it, there's no way I'll do something like that!" a woman with short bob-cut hair stood up suddenly and slammed her metal tray with a reddened cheek.

"Lily, I'm not saying 'we' to refer ourselves. I'm saying we as in the military and the government."

"Aaahh ...," the woman named Lily sit down while blushing fiercely. 

"Hahaha ..., Lily, don't tell me ..., you secretly want to volunteer in this experiment?"

"I'm not!"

"Did you guys forget Lieutenant Harris's power? His eyes could detect an aura of a person, he can easily notice if the boy is lying or not by detecting the change of his aura. If he posts this up, it should be true. Oh, the lieutenant posted another picture. OMG, girls look at this boy! He's so ..., adorable!" they shout turned their attention back on the group chat. After looking at the profile shot of the boy, the girl also started commenting.

"Ehh, is this the boy who posses that lewd superpower? I can't believe it."

"Right, he's cute. Not bad ..., not bad at all." the pony-tailed young woman complimented, and then said, "I'll take part in this experiment."

"What, Sheila are you crazy!?"

"Really, I never thought that you are someone like that!"

Almost suddenly, her comrades shouted as if they couldn't believe what she just said.

"What's wrong with volunteering in this experiment?"

"But that means that you and the boy will ..., err, having sex, isn't that right?"

"Oh bitch, come on ..., it's not like you're some virgin maiden or something. You've done it with your boyfriend, no? Besides, I just broke up with my boyfriend. Heh, don't get jealous of me later on. Maybe I could get a new younger boyfriend this time around, and if not, well I got the chance to fuck a pretty boy. Isn't that a plus? If he truly possesses such an extraordinary superpower, then it'll be a good thing for me too."

"But err ..., this is kind feels wrong you know."

"Yeah, having sex for such a reason. It feels so off."

"Alright, it's Sheila's business for whatever she did. Why you guys are such a busybody." another woman with a shoulder-length side-bang interrupted. "And I think ..., we all should go there if one of us volunteered in this."

"Ahh, but why? Team leader, are you sure you're not sick?"

"Karla, tomorrow you'll begin the training by running for fifteen laps." the lady coldly stated.

"... copy that, Ma'am." sighed the girl named Karla in resignation. 

"Alright, let me tell you why we should go. Recently ..., you guys didn't have any progress on your superpower, right? If this keeps happening, then you'll be a Level 2 for the rest of your service. If this boy could enhance the Supercell of a person, and the effect is not temporary buff like Liao Gong but permanent enhancement ..., that's mean we could level up with the help of this pretty boy!"

"..., but that's impossible, I never heard such a superpower before."

"There's too many new Supercell appearing in the world right now, so what's wrong if you haven't heard it before? And ..., there's no need to worry guys, I just ask Lieutenant Harris, and he told me that Major Eckel authorize this experiment. So you'll get military merit by completing this."

"Merit? How much will we get if we do this?"

"Heh, enough for you to take part in the boot camp and tackle the promotion exam."

Hearing that, the girl's eyes started to lit up despite their initial reluctance. Sheila, the first to agree to be a volunteer, asked with an unconcealed grin.

"What do you say, girls? This is fuck for science, fuck for the community!"