
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Consecutive 100-times Nakadashi, Can We Do That?

21. Consecutive 100-times Nakadashi, Can We Do That?

They want to have fifteen minutes for themselves to prepare. Six minutes left before my time to enter their room, but I'm still clueless on who should I choose. Which Koei is the fittest to be my first wife?

Should I go after aunt Yumi? Although ... she's an exceptional woman, I can only see her as more like an excellent mother rather than a wife material. It's not that she can't be one, but seeing the age gap that almost twice my age ... I don't think that will be a good idea.

Then how about Sunna? Sunna might be the best choice seeing that her state of mind is stable and not that abnormal. She's also quite strict because of aunt Yumi's upbringing. As for her age, she's older than me by two years, but that's fine I don't mind having an older sister as my wife.

But the problem is Eula ... I need to say this, sometimes Eula is crazy. I'm not talking about her stalking and hacking hobby, but her when she's mentally unstable. To be honest, she's cute at normal times. It is fine if I choose her, but I don't know what would happen if I chose the other two. I really don't know what she would do if her mind got disordered because of it.

Sigh ... now, who should I choose then?




"Alright now, it's the 488th Inner Mind Conference. The motion for this discussion is, who among the three Koei will Main choose as the first wife? Let's stop the useless argument already, we're a mess without the President. I vote for Eula." the vice president of the Mind Conference, Logic, hurriedly began the voting. He knows it won't end well if they began an open forum discussion about it, it would end up in a mess.

"Shit, how I wish I had a doppelganger or something ... that'd be helpful in this situation."

"Distraction, stop your daydream. Although, to be honest, it's quite the marvel idea, how about we search for a superwoman with that ability?"

"If talking about some cool super condition, shouldn't we aim for some imbalanced ability like spacetime power?"

Seeing his conference mate started a discussion that was out of topic, Logic put them back in line, "Guys, focus ... we're not talking about that right now. Let's get straight to the vote because our time is running out."

"I'll also go for Eula. It'd be a hell of trouble if she turns crazy. I don't think we can handle her." followed by Reason with his reasoning.

"That reasoning is just too dumb ain't it? You choose her because you ... fear her going mad? And why would you rather go for small breasts when there's bigger pair? I'm into aunt Yumi." Distraction stated.

"Disgusting, albeit she is alright right now, just you wait five or ten more years, and see if you still like her saggy old body after then. If talking about the first choice, I'll go for Sunna." 

"Oh, I never thought you're into her, brother Disgust." Reason commented.

"She's the most normal Koei in this house ... of course, I'll vote for her."

"Hmmm ... but in the first place, why we limited the choice to just three Koei? And you guys know that no one sitting in this platform really loves them, right?"

"Doubt, do not talk before you think it through. Even if we truly have no romantic feeling for them, but at least, we lusted for their body. Isn't that enough?" retorted Logic answering Doubt's statement.

"... fine then, I'll go with Sunna. I always have this gut feeling that there's something wrong with Eula and aunt Yumi. But the first daughter is alright, she's the least doubtful."

"Proc, there's only you are remaining with the absence of Impatience. Give us your vote."

"Ah, is it my turn now? Alright, I'll vote for aunt Yumi. Heck, a mature woman is the one to go! No competition for me."

"Two votes for Yumi, two for Sunna, and also two for Eula. So, it's a tie then ... let's go call Impatience to get the last voice."

"Hold a moment ..." a dignified voice from the other side of the door.

A rhythmical footstep resounded getting closer, the door opened and four Armans entered. The first one was wearing a black party suit, he walked with full stride and his eyes clear. He is the president of the conference, Morality.

Beside him was Arman wearing a tight military-styled office uniform, his back was like a spear, stood straight as his eyes pierced through everything. He is the Dignity. 

Behind the military attired Arman was a timid-looking Arman wearing a swimming pant unfit of the situation. He is called Shame.

And then the last one was Arman in a white v-neck shirt and ripped jean pants. He looks unrestrained and lackadaisical, just like Procrastination. He is Desire.

"President Morality, it's good to see you again."

"En." Morality just nodded at Logic's greeting. "And what is it all about? Are you guys having a discussion or something?"

"It's actually like this ..." Logic briefed the situation to the four newcomers. 

After understanding the situation, Morality nodded, and he spoke. "I understand."

"Err, Mr. President. Your vote?"

"Oh, I'll tell you my choice later. Let them give their vote first." Morality said with a thin smile.

"I see ... then which of the three Koei you'll choose as the Main Wife and First Lady?"

"I'll go with Sunna, Eula's a bit small and Yumi's skin has lost its firmness. So, Sunna is the only way to go, she's also a virgin. How I want to deflower her .... hehehe," Desire lustfully stated. He then linked his arm on Shame's shoulder asking, "What about you, Shame bro?" 

"I ... abstain," told him in a mosquito voice.

"Heh, you're still shy as ever. He said he'll go for Sunna too."

"Shame said that he'll abstain from voting. Desire, don't you play your shitty game here." Dignity glared at Desire with intense desire, after finished scaring him off, he said. "I'm in for Eula." 

"One vote goes to Sunna and Eula, currently 3 votes for Sunna and Eula ... and 2 votes for Yumi. Mr. President the final vote, please ...." Logic asked the silent Morality.

"Guys, guys, guys! Here, look at this, take a damn fucking look at this!?!" the last member barged in bringing some stack of paper with him.

"Woah, slow down brother Impatience ... take a deep breath and calm yourself."

"Weren't you busy organizing and analyzing the newly gained information? How come you have the time to come here?"

"Nice to see you full of spirit, Impatience." 

Reason, Logic, and Morality responded to Impatience's sudden barging.

"There's no time for that, here ... look at this!"

He took a sheet of paper and put it on the round table. On it, there was a sentence that stood out from the rest. 

[Successfully Stored Yumi Koei's??? Fragmented Power (1/100)]

"Huh, someone please remind me, hadn't aunt Yumi never awoken her Super ability?"

"Yeah, your memory hasn't failed you, Doubt. Aunt Yumi is a normal person without a Super condition."

"And so, what is this ...?"

"... so, this means we can also store the Super ability from the non-awakened? Though, we need to do it for a hundred times than the Superwoman."

"Hell, this made the range of fuckable women broader! Oh yeah baby, I wanna fuck all the women in this world!? No, I'll gonna make them can't live without me!? I'll let them taste my Golden Rod and make them drink my viscous body fluid source of ecstasy! Ahhhh ... I can't hold it back, let's go out and find some random women to fuck!"

"Shut it Desire, cease your lusty thought! And that's kinda gross, the filthy thing you just said." Disgust commented. "Copulating it's not just about fulfilling your crooked needs, now it has become our source of power. We shouldn't carelessly do it like that, so disgusting. You who are thinking with only your crotch are so intolerable."

"I, Doubt agree with what Disgust just said. However, could you not use the word copulate, that sound like what animal do. Are we animals?"

"Aren't we a bunch of ungrateful animals? If not, then we would never lay a hand on the Koei. We should never even think about doing it in the slightest."

The room suddenly turned quiet after Disgust said that. Morality and Dignity wore dark faces soon after. The former said after mulling over it.

"... we've done it with the dozen military women. What's wrong with doing it with the Koei's? And we all know how the mother and daughters love us, so ... isn't it better if we reciprocate their tender care?"

"And sissy boy, aren't you also raised your hand to vote for Sunna? If you never agreed with the notion. Why don't you abstain from voting?"

"... I only thought whom among the three of them who are the most suitable of the position of the First Lady. And I choose Sunna. Although as I hated myself for doing it, I can't stand having a mentally unstable girl or a vicious and experienced grown-up woman of the same age as my late mother, to be my first wife."

"Your first wife? You mean our first wife."

"Distraction, that's not the point." Logic retorted back at Distraction's out-of-place comment, "Impatience, even if it's true that we can store the dormant power hidden in a non-awakened like how we did it normally to the Supers. However, it's just one percent for each cream-... what is the more polite term for cum inside, again?"

"We are all not a boy anymore, I think it's fine using creampie. If you're reluctant to say it out loud, maybe you can just say nakadashi. No one here hates the term nakadashi ... right?"

"I'll use this nakadashi then ... continue with the topic, it is inefficient and cost-deficit if we use our Enhancement Sperm to the normal woman. Just think about it, it's a hundred times the nakadashi while we need to do just one time to the Super! That's a loss."

"Logic, is it just my memory, or the Powerbank really have the condition that we must use Enhancement Sperm to activate it? I recall it only needs us to cre-, I mean, nakadashi inside a woman."

"Doubt is right, the activation condition of the Powerbank is just having nakadashi. There's nothing mentioned about we must use Enhancement Sperm." Reason validated the point raised by Doubt.

"But, if we don't use it ... we need to be cautious about some side-product, do we? Logically, I'm not ready for that. Hell, we're just a high school boy and next year we will enter college. How in the world we leaped out of that step and become a father?"

"... should we started using rubber?" asked Distraction a little distracted.

"That destroys the whole idea of storing the woman's power, we need to have a nakadashi with her, not ... naka -contraception- dashi." retorted Disgust.

"Anyway, anyway! I don't care about what you'll do after knowing this, whether you rape some random passerby, or find some normal girl to fuck with, why would I care about those? What I want to know is only one, and that is aunt Yumi's power." Impatience cut off their talk that went out of topic, "Don't you guys feel curious, what might be her power if she awakened her superpower? If we can have all the hundred of this fragmented power, then we can have her power ..."

"Impatience, if we can do this with aunt Yumi, then we can also do this with other women who failed at their awakening. Why her?"

"You asked such a stupid question, Doubt. It is because she is aunt Yumi and not some other woman that we should do this to her! Why fuck some other women when there's an exquisite MILF in your house? Why would someone ever—" 

"Enough, Distraction ... we got your point. We have another tie now, three votes for all three contenders. One abstaining from the vote, Mr. President ... your choice?"

Morality, who was leaning his back on the chair and rotating it slowly creased his brow, he asked. "Logic, you accept this with just that. I thought you're still gonna argue with Impatience on the child prevention policy."

"I've thought about it for a while. We can just add a minuscule of Enhancement Sperm every time we did it with her. It's not a big deal right, adding just 1/1.000 or 1/10.000 ml of it? And we just keep regenerating new cells every eight hours, there's no way we will lacking those things."

"... so it's like that. But a hundred rounds doing it ... can we really do that? Can our little rod handle it? You know how that thing become after just eleven rounds with the female soldiers."

"Mr. President, it's not like we must do it consecutively, right? Or should we? I mean ... if we can do eleven rounds a day, and five of the shots go to aunt Yumi. Then in just twenty days, we can get her power. Though, if we shot it out in other superwomen, we could get a hundred of super ability stored at our Powerbank. Honestly, it's quite a loss to do it with a normal woman, don't you agree?"

"I concur with what Logic said, let's just take it naturally and not thinking about whether we can get the power out of it. We eventually will gain her power if we did it with aunt Yumi frequently. As for doing it with other normal women, let's put them out of the frame. They're not worth our time and sperm, let's just do it with the supers with aunt Yumi as a special exception." explained Reason in his positive response.

"Agreed, it's all to satiate our curiosity." Procrastination said.

"And enjoying aunt Yumi's thicc body." Distraction also nodded.

Disgust sighed in resignation, "... alright, she always kind to us since the day we were here, let's do this to repay her kindness."

Other members of the round table conference also showed their willingness to just let it go with the flow. At last, Logic returned on the voting on who among the three Koei will be the First Lady. He turned to face Morality who was rotating his chair playfully, asked.

"Mr. President, have you made your mind ...?"

Morality stopped what he was doing and turned to him, he then said, "... the First Lady, this is just a formality title, right? The woman who holds this title will have higher status in my harem. However, ... I don't like that. I'm the one who upholds equality. Although my women can't have higher status than me, they should never have a hierarchy among themselves."

"Ermm ... brother Morality, although it is too late to say this, your--, our women, they have higher status than us. Especially Yumi, not only she's from elder generation, she's a conglomerate, and also like our own mother."

"That's not what I mean, Reason ... what I want to say is, they can't disobey with whatever I dictate. If they are my women, then they must listen to me, her husband. I don't care about their status in the eyes of the world, but if they are my woman, then they must abide by my words. As simple as that ..."

"You're sounding more like Dignity ..." Reason muttered, taking a quick glimpse at the military-suited men beside Morality.

Morality glanced at him before looking toward Logic, he then stated. "I have come into the decision ... this vote, I will abstain."