
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Author Borrowing Money

Chapter 4: Author Borrowing Money

I enjoyed Mu Ying blowing my manhood with her delicious mouth. Though as clumsy as she is, it was pleasant feeling. Before it was only just a dream, but now I know it's not, so the sensation is different. 

I then went to the kitchen. And found out the reason why her cooking is horrible. It's still kitchen but ..., some strange herb and fermented snake or frog in a jar was displayed. This looks like a kitchen of a witch and not normal person.

I casually picked a metal pot, alright it's a cauldron like a dandang. It smell with some herb on this copper cauldron.

"Did you use this pot to cook, or brew concoction?"

When I asked that, Mu Ying look puzzled as she retorted with doubtful question.

"Eh, why I must differentiate it? Wasn't it just a pot?"

"...," I was speechless for a moment.

I look around to see available ingredient, but then found out that 3/4 of the ingredient inside the pantry was not foodstuffs. I don't even know if this is pantry or herb store. I pulled a knife, and it was an iron plate with blackened blade.

"Mu Ying, I want to borrow your money. Do you have any?"

"Huh? Money, I don't mind but ..., how much?"

"At least one gold." one gold coin is worth 100 silver. I checked the trading system and found out that some cooking utensil is worth in silvers. I want to buy all the necessary kitchen set, and I also want to have some to buy a foodstuff.

"Hmmm ..., alright, here." she gave me her coin purse.

There were dozen of gold coins inside, but I just take one coin and passed the purse back to her.

"Thank you ..., look forward for a delicious breakfast. Ah, I don't like it when someone else beside me when I'm doing my work, so ...,"

"Oh, okay ...," Mu Ying nodded and left the kitchen.

After she left, I ordered cooking pot, frying pan, stainless steel kitchen knife, tableware, and gas stove. Yeah, as I didn't have any experience in using firewood stove, why don't I just buy a gas stove? I spent 65 silver coins to buy all that.


[Cooking Pot] [x1] 13 S 22 B x 1 = 13 S 22 B

[Frying Pan] [x1] 14 S 44 B x 1 = 14 S 44 B

[Kitchen Knife] [x1] 15 S x 1 = 15 S

[Butane Stove] [x1] 22 S x 1 = 22 S

[Budi's Porcelain Set] [1] 15 S 24 B x 1 = 15 S 24 B

[Sack of Rice (15 Kg)] [x1] 10 S x 1 = 10 S

[Box of Egg(6 pcs)] [x2] 1 S 20 B x 2 = 2 S 40 B

[White Cabbage] [x2] 30 B x 2 = 60 B

[Indonesiamie 'Hype Abis' Geprek Chicken] [x6] 1 S 15 B x 6 = 6 S 90 B

Total = 99 Silver 80 Bronze

Available Fund = 1 Gold

Return = 20 Bronze

Confirm Purchase [Yes / No]?


I also bought food ingredient. With my limited budget, I bought a sack of rice, egg, bok choy, palm oil, and instant noodles.

The price seems a bit off. I remember one pack of instant noodle is just Rp 3.500 ..., here it become one silver and fifteen bronzes. Though I never bought a kitchen ware, I remember my mom bought a teflon frying pan for Rp 50.000 but this time it was only 14 silver and 44 bronze. The price not that far off in this two case. 

But, the thing was the price of rice is too cheap. I bought the same sack of rice for Rp 125.000, even if I bought it per kg, one kg of rice is about Rp. 10.000. And now, 15 kg sack of rice become only about ..., roughly 9 packs of Indonesiamie, or Rp 31.500! 

Cheap! That's dirt cheap!? But ..., why?! Is it because that's the price of grain in this world? I never bother about such trifle as Yang Xian so I don't know about it, but maybe I should really ask someone who know something about this. 

Or maybe not, I suppose I shouldn't confuse myself with such calculation, it's not like I'll use Rupiah in this place anyway, all the products listed in the system has price tag in this world currency, and that was Bronze, Silver, and Gold coin. There was no point in comparing the system price with the goods price I remembered back on Earth.

The goods is delivered in the nearest graveyard. Why graveyard? Is it because Yama is the King of Underworld. I fetched the goods and secretly went back. It's a bit creepy because it's still dawn, around 5 to 6 AM.

On the way back, I also met some villager along the way and greeted them. Seems like most of them know me, and was concerned with my well being. I politely answered to their question. I returned to the apothecary not long after. 

I watered the rice and cook it using the pot. In the meantime I also boiled water for the noodle. I then prepared the three basic spices chili, onion, and garlic. I found these spice in the spice(herb) rack. I don't know how to cook with various herb, but with just these three, I will get a balance between flavor and fragrance. There is a seasoning powder in the instant noodles, but I don't mind adding another flavoring as long as it doesn't destroy the overall taste.

The water for the noodle is boiled, I put the noodle inside and waited for a bit. I dried the noodle from the water and then fried the ingredients. Garlic first, then onion, and lastly the chili. I then put the seasoning oil and other seasoning powder into the pan. The fragrant of instant seasoning powder really make me nostalgic. I'm in Fallen Dragon Continent, but right now I cook an instant noodle. 

After that, I fried the noodle and the bok choy with it. I still have egg, don't I? Well, let's just put that into the rice pot and let it boiled. I then prepared the platter and put the noodle into it. I hummed some random tune as I waited for the rice.

Fifteen odd minute later, all dish is cooked. Alright ..., fried noodle is ready to be served. I brought the noodle into the dining table and prepared other tableware

"Huh, do we have this beautiful porcelain ware? Boy, where did you get all of these. And this noodle, do you cook it by yourself? That's fast. And I don't remember we have wheat flour for it." granny Jian commented a bit dazed with the fried noodle.

Did she think I really make the noodle myself? From scratch starting from making the dough with flour? I don't have the ability nor knowledge to do so. It's instant noodle. I ..., can't find myself to explain it, how am I suppose to say?

"Though it's nothing much, please enjoy. Ahh, wait a moment, let me slice the egg. Oh this one is half cooked, so this is mine."

Granny Jian and Mu Ying just stared at the table and particularly the noodle in the table without saying a words.

"Why aren't you two eating? The food's getting cold you know."

"I ..., alright, let's sit down first Ah Ying." Granny Jian took a porcelain plate but then examined it closely. She then sighed and put some noodle into the plate. She then gazed at me intensely, I got a scare because of her stare. She then sighed then asked. "First of all, where did all of these tableware come from? Is it from you? Well, that's to be expected ..., but where do you hide it? I didn't see you brought some storage item with you."

"Eh, ahh that ..., I bought it. This morning, when I went out ..., I bought all of this at that time."

"Wait ..., you what? Ohh! Grandma, this is amazing. This is probably the most delicious fried noodle I ever eaten. Just try it!"

"Hmm ..., it really is delicious. At least it's on par with mine cooking." Granny Jian forgot about her interrogation and started eating.

We ate the fried noodle as breakfast, but they won't eat it with rice for some reason. Well, it's fine I guess. Noodle contain it's share of carbohydrates, after all.

Knock, knock

"Excuse me ...," the sound of door knocking, followed by a shout from the outside.

With disgruntled expression because someone interrupted her breakfast, granny Jian nudged her granddaughter. With similar expression, Mu Ying stood up and then opened the door.

"Yes, yes ..., wait a moment. Oh, it's uncle Wang, do you need something?"

The middle-aged man surnamed Wang was in front of the door, holding his clay plate with him. He was 40 or something years, with his head started to go balding from the top.

"Ermm, good morning Mu Ying, grandma. I smell something good in your house, can I ..., err, this is embarrassing but my wife is feeling sick and she can't cook so ..."

"Oh, of course ..., you're very welcome here, uncle Wang. Come on inside, today Alan is cooking the breakfast. And he made a delicious fried noodles."

"Alan? Ah, the young boy ..., " 

Uncle Wang noticed me and immediately understood who I was. I smiled wryly because she hasn't called my name correctly. 

"How are you feeling, boy, you're quite battered back then. Are you alright? Ah, by the way I'm Wang Tu, people call me just old Wang or uncle Wang. I lived next door."

"Uncle Wang and the group of village hunters is the one who found you in the forest." Mu Ying from the side commented. I immediately understood the situation. So the one who brought me to this apothecary is this middle aged man. I should say my thanks to him.

"Thank you for your concern, Uncle Wang. I'm fine already. And thank you for helping me."

"Oh, this is delicious ..., I never eaten something like this in all of my life. Boy, what's your name again? Alan, right? So what's happen back then at the forest, why you end up like--"

"Uncle Wang!" Mu Ying shouted, stopping him from asking. I know what he wanted to ask, but why her reaction is this panicked. "Please, let's just eat the breakfast. Do not ask something unnecessary."

"Oh, ermm ..., alright then."

We ate the breakfast without any interruption thereafter. Or so I thought, there's another knock and shameless neighborhood uncles come intruding. They come under similar reason as uncle Wang, wanted to eat the fried noodle. I don't mind it but, look at the grandma and granddaughter duo. They were obviously mad, aren't they?

We finished the 5 pack of instant noodle in no time with the help of these uncles. Like me, the uncle ate the noodle with the rice ..., as they don't want to keep starving with eating just noodle.

They were sitting around, while Mu Ying served them a cup of tea. It was at this time, Granny Jian said something incredible.

"Right, it's a good thing you've gathered in my house. Let me announce this to you lot." she pointed Mu Ying who was sitting beside me and then said. "My good granddaughter, Mu Ying, will be wedded with this chap here."

Mu Ying blushed after that and lowered her head bashfully. For some reason, I also feel embarrassed and scratched the back of my head while keep avoiding from their gaze.


"Huh, congratulation ..., Mu Ying."

"Ohhh!!! But he's an outsider, is it fine?"

"Outsider or not, the chap survived Ah Ying's cooking. He will be her husband."

"Ahh ..., right, so that's how it is."

"Hehehe, so little Ying would be wedded huh. I still remember when you're still a snotty brat. To think that you've grown into a fine lady."

"Uncle Sun ..." 

The uncles teased Mu Ying and me after that, they bade farewell and promised to let the whole village know about our marriage.

Right ..., after this, what should I do? Oh yeah, procuring money. It's not good to rely on my wife to-be on finance, I must think of a way to make money.

Last night I thought about being a mercenary, but ..., it bothersome. And most of all, the profit is not that big. And thus ..., I have a wild thought.

I am the author of this world, as such, I write this world with how I imagined it to be. This world cultural development is that similar of Ancient China. I took a reference with the Romance of Three Kingdom, on the Spring and Autumn Period from certain game. Though, without all the war of three kingdoms going on about. But yeah, the cultural development is at least that much.

And then ..., with the cheat I got from Yama. Won't this be a ticket to riches. After all this world still ancient, if I brought something from modern Earth, won't that be a rare treasure in this world? I know that some noble clan love to collect those oddments from Yang Xian memories. Even spices or sugar would sell a thousand of gold.

Oh, this ..., this idea is feasible, is it? But ..., to buy something, I need money as the initial fund. And I have none with me.

"Mu Ying ...," 

I lowered my pride and pestered my soon-to-be wife. She gave me ten gold coin after I kissed and hugged her for the whole morning. She enjoyed this, and I also took advantage of her and grope her bountiful breast. I didn't know if the female of this world is this open, or is it just Mu Ying? 

Begging my woman for money, it feels like I'm a gigolo or something. But nah, I borrowed her money and not asking for it. Later, I will definitely pay her back.

"Are you going of somewhere?" she asked meekly.

Right now she was sitting on my lap. Because she's tall, my head rested on her shoulder while I whispered sweet nothing and tickling her earlobes. I kissed her cheek and then stated.

"I heard from uncle Sun, that they want to go to the town to sell their excess meat and animal fur. You know I want to buy something in the town, right? So, I decided to tag along."

"If that's the case, I'll be coming with you."

"Fine by me ...,"

And thus, we tagged along with the group that want to go to the town. Before we depart, there's some problem. Or to make it more precise, there's a troublemaker.