

I remembered my past life when I nearly died. I was a neet-in-shut otaku girl that is obsessed with reading boys' love. I prayed every day that in my next life, I would become a boy. There is a piece of good and bad news. The good news is that it became real, I became a boy. But the bad news is, I was reincarnated into the novel that I read in my previous life. It was R-18 boys love novel, and I'm an anonymous side character.

Xaaaneeey · Võ hiệp
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22 Chs


I immediately book a flight to Korea. After arriving in Korea, I take a break from a fancy restaurant. I eat elegantly and drink wine. After that, I took a train to Busan. I decided to wear casual clothes with a cap on so that people won't recognize me. After arriving at the current location, I stared at a two floors house.

So brother is living with someone? His lover? Is it a woman or a man?

I shook my head and immediately hide when I notices the gate was opening. I hide behind a post. My brother is laughing happily with someone... But not just with someone...

I felt shocked as I didn't take a single move. My mind is blank.

He is walking with someone, but not just with someone. He is walking with Wellian. They are both happy like a normal couple.

But why? How and when?

I was trembling and sat upon the sidewalk. This place... Has many abandoned houses. This is just like a perfect hideout place... So the reason why my brother kept hiding it from me was that I was on good terms with Mr. Hungevszky and once that I found out, I'll immediately tell to Mr. Hungevszky.

But why do I feel betrayed? Why do I feel sad about this? Why can't I support my brother?

I shook my head.

No, maybe because he just doesn't feel like it right? Besides we're not related to each other. I am a child born with a blood of a commoner and he and brother Laven are born with the same mother... So why am I expecting that brother Raspher would open up to me?

He just showered me with kindness because... He just felt responsible for it... After our father left, he carried all of those burdens without blaming or leaning on anyone. As if he was like an actual robot, but now he's happy so why can't I wish him that?

It's just... I wished he just opened up to me... I just wished he could've just told me... I'm his half-brother, even if we're half-blood related...

I'm such a pathetic person. Why am I keep expecting? This is reality.

I didn't notice that tears were streaming down my face. I cried quietly while holding out my voice.

That's it. Let's just go home, I'm tired of this.

After a week, I didn't expect that brother would return... Of course, he returned with Wellian.

"Brother, you said you'd return after a month"

I slowly glance at Wellian and crack a fake smile and curious expression.

"Mister Wellian... Together with brother? What's happening?"

"I know you're shocked and curious but I'll tell you everything"

Brother Raspher looked at Wellian with a reassuring expression and Wellian smiled while holding at his arms.

I looked at how Wellian held into my brother but for an unknown reason, it made me unhappy.

"Then let's talk about this inside"

"I and Wellian are living together, many unexpected things happened... but we love each other"

I sip my tea and look at them. I honestly don't know how to react whether I cause a ruckus or pretend to be nice.

These mixed feelings of mine are driving me crazy. It's like I want to get out of this atmosphere.

I stand up and ready to leave. I looked back and crack a fake smile.

"I have many important things to do brother. And about your relationship with Mr. Wellian, I feel like I have no right to pry. So I won't pry anymore. If you're happy with him, then that's good"

Meaning even as his brother and affiliated with Mr. Hungevszky, I don't want to be involved with them. I left the room without looking at my brother's expression. He doesn't care about me anyway might as well overtime myself with work and have fun later on.

It was midnight and I didn't go home. I was in a motel with three women. I have fun all night together with them and didn't get a chance to sleep. I continue to work without having contact with my brother. He came back to work and Wellian is at our house so it was uncomfortable going home. A week has passed with my usual routine.

"Young master you're bleeding!"

Jeol immediately gave me a handkerchief.

"It's just bleeding. No need to panic, geez"

"But Master, you've never even gone home since boss returned and now you're nose is bleeding. Are you taking care of yourself?"

"Then do you want us to live together, so you could take care of me?"

"Young master!"

His face reddened.

Without a knock, my brother entered and saw the blood on the handkerchief.

"I can't tolerate this anymore. Kyenzi, you're going too far. You—"

I stand up and walked to him and faced him with a deadly expression.

"What brother? What did I do wrong? Did I interfere with you? Did I fool around?"

"You really— haa"

He sighed.

"Why aren't you coming home this past few days?!"

I crack a loud laugh and smiled deadly at him

"Why do you care? This is my life, I can do the things I want as long as I'm working diligently, right? So why bother?"

I was about to leave when brother Raspher grabbed my left arm.

"It's because you're my brother, of course, I care for you! Why are you acting like this again Kyenzi?!"

"But I'm completely normal brother? I work hard and do anything you order. I'm allowed to have fun after work right? Or do you want to chain me down and only let me go straight right home?"

"You keep avoiding my question"

"What do you mean brother, I don't. I'm honestly answering your question. But, maybe you ask the wrong question for me. Like, 'why are you not approaching Wellian'? Is that it?"


"As I've said, I'm out of here. I have nothing to do with your relationship with Mr. Wellian. I'm doing my best to be a good 'half' brother with you. Don't push me to my limit."

Before I could walk out I looked at him.

"If it weren't that I'm born in this family, I would've lived my life peacefully now"

I walked out and go to the bar and drink.

"What does he want from me seriously?!?"

I grabbed the wine glass and throw it away. My hand bleeds but I didn't care.

"I hate this life, why can't I just be reborn just like any other normal people, ha?"

Ha... I don't care anymore. I just wanted to get out of this box and live by myself. Maybe I just have to write a resignation letter and remove my family name. Maybe I could even give my eyes to them as proof that I don't want to be tied with them.

Am I this bad person?

I want my brother to be happy but at the same time, I felt despair. No, I wanted him to have a happy life but he was entangled with Wellian, and once he was entangled with him, he could have a dangerous life. If Mr. Hungevszky finds out, he wouldn't survive... Or so I thought. He has power and wealth, it's like two big trucks collided with each other.

I want brother Raspher to be happy and live a normal life. But I just can't accept that he's happy with that person... And the worst part is he hid it from me for how goddamn long. Am I not trustworthy? Or is it just because I'm just nothing to him? Yeah right, after all, I'm just a child of a servant with no background.

My whole life is a mistake.

I hate myself. But I don't care.

If I end my life right now without anyone knowing, will I be free?

I was walking in the street when I recognized a familiar appearance. It was brother Laven, I haven't seen him for a long time. Does he know?

"What are you doing here?"

Brother Laven is with his wife.

"I just wanted to clear out my head"

"Then come eat with us. My wife cooked a roasted turkey and ham"

I wanted to reject but.

"Please eat with us"

His wife is beautiful. I smiled and agree.

The three of us were eating happily like we have no problems. We take a glass of wine together and drank it. After eating brother Laven and I had a private talk.

"So what is it that you want to ask me?"

Brother Laven is easy to catch up with. I tell him about brother Raspher having a relationship with Mr. Hungevszky's lover or so-called 'possession'

"Brother Laven... Did you already know?"

He sighed. That just means he did, and yet he never tell anything about it at me before. I felt disappointed and betrayed at the same time. But I brushed it off and remembered that I'm not in a position to have these sorts of feelings since we're not completely brothers.

"Kyenzi, brother Raspher might have to hide it with you for a long time but he didn't mean ill intentions of it. He just wanted you to not worry about his personal life."

Worry, huh?

"Don't worry brother Laven. I honestly don't care. Whether he has a lover or not it is nothing of my concern. I have no right to have a feeling of superiority since I'm just an illegitimate child. I don't want to talk about this, so I'm gonna leave now"

I didn't glance back at brother Laven and decided to leave.

It was past midnight when I got home. Brother Raspher was waiting for my arrival, so brother Laven contacted him.

"I'm home"

With deadly eyes, I passed through him but he held my left arm. I glanced at him.

"What does brother want from me? Or should I say... What does Mr. Raspher want from me?"


He looks angry right now but I don't have any feelings of responsibility. I showed him my deadly blank expression and wait for his nagging.

"Please let me go, I'm tired and I still have work tomorrow."

I grabbed my hand and left him. I saw Wellian looking at me with his pajamas and just ignored him and walked past through them.

The next day, I was ready to leave when I noticed the unfamiliar cars parked in front of our mansion. I heard a sudden gunshot and went to where the sounds came from.

I'm walking down the stairs when I saw brother Raspher was holding Wellian in his arms. Mr. Hungevszky has an angry expression

"Let him go"

"Who are you to command him you're trespassing!"

"Ha-ha, you do know that touching my possession will endanger your life Mr. Byanzheki"

"I'll give you chance to put the gun down or I'll call the police!"

"And here I thought I was like an idiot looking all over where did this bastard of mine hide but to think you and him were in an intimate relationship?"

Mr. Hungevszky is not in his right mind right now. If we make a small mistake he could end our life right now. He brought almost half of his men right now, and we're surrounded. Our security is useless.

"Mr. Hungevszky"

The three of them looked at me. I walked down the stairs with a formal expression.

"Can I have your moment?"

The two of us are in my office.

"Mr. Hungevszky, if you kill me right now and my brother the world's organization won't let this go. This might be the end of your career. You've worked hard building the dark organization and it would collapse just because you kill me and my brother."

"So what are you suggesting huh?"

"Mr. Hungevszky, is Mr. Wellian just the only man in this world? Yes, you felt a strong obsession with him right now but you need to wake up. He doesn't have a bit of like towards you. He's happy with my brother"

"Easy for you to say, you're just covering for your brother's mistakes"

I looked at him with a deadly blank expression.

"Do you think I've wished for this? Do you think I was happy with this?! You don't even know a bit of me yet you started speaking ill of my actions"

He was shocked at how I responded.

"At the beginning, I don't want to cross paths with you. I'd rather die than cross paths to the likes of you. If I could just control my brother's feelings then I make him fall in love with someone normal and kind."

"Mr. Byanzheki—"

"You want to kill me? Then kill me right now. I even write a last will not to arrest you. My whole life is a mistake so what's there to cherish, huh?"

"Mr. Byanzheki calm down"

I kept quiet for a while.

"I'll help you"

Mr. Hungevszky looked at me.

"I'll help you forget about Mr. Wellian so please don't kill my brother"