
Knock ! Knock!

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

In a stormy windy night the door bell kept ringing frequently as if someone is in rush . Mr and Mrs Jing an old couple wakes up in anger staring at each other then looks toward the door and very carefully approaches . Mr Jing grabs his walking stick as if he is ready for a war meanwhile Mrs Jing peeps outside only to find a young beautiful girl unconscious in their doorstep.

Mr and Mrs Jing hurries to move the young girl into the guest room. They makes her bed and offs arguing whether it is safe or not to shelter a stranger . Mr Jing is not convinced to shelter an unknown however has to keep his mouth mute because he knows that if he speak a single word his wife will speak hundreds.

Early in the morning Mrs Jing goes to the guest room holding a cup of tea and some sandwiches. The young girl was looking outside feeling the warmth of new sun rays as if it gave her a new birth . "I am Mrs Jing,are you feeling better? " asked Mrs Jing and she replied "I_I_I am" and then collapse . Mrs Jing cries out for help "