

SekaiTech: A story about fantasy and advanced technology. Notice: This Story isn't finished yet, once it's finished the chapter will be rewrite to create much better chapter. Notice: This Novel is still under development, as you saw this, you're now part of the BetaReader. Must: Help me with my story by commenting your suggestions, opinions, and reactions. Read as you'll notice the difference, plots from the vol. 1 will be 'overused' as the whole novel is still underdeveloment. . . . . . . . . thank you for understanding. Synopsis: Siah was an ordinary college student who loved technology and gadgets. One day, he was suddenly transported to a fantasy world where magic and monsters existed. He soon discovered that he had a unique system that allowed him to summon advanced technology from his original world, such as smartphones, drones, robots, and more. He also learned that his system had a shop feature that could let him buy anything he wanted, as long as he had enough points. He could buy skills, items, weapons, and even people with his system. With his system, Siah decided to explore the new world and have fun. He met many friends and foes along the way, and he used his technology to help or hinder them. He also encountered many mysteries and secrets about the world and his system, and he tried to uncover them. He realized that he was not the only one who had a system, and that there were others who had different systems and goals. He had to face many challenges and dangers, but he also enjoyed many adventures and pleasures. However, his life changed when a God appeared before him and told him a shocking truth. The world he was in was divided into 28 continents, each guarded by a God. But one of the Gods, who ruled over the largest continent, had turned into an Evil God and was planning to destroy the other continents and Gods. The 27 Gods had no choice but to pick a soul from another world to stop the Evil God, and they chose Siah. Now, Siah had to use his system and technology to fight against the Evil God and his minions, who also had systems and powers of their own. He had to ally with the other Gods and their chosen ones, and travel to the different continents to find a way to defeat the Evil God. He also had to deal with the consequences of his actions, and the fate of the world and his system. IsekaiTech is a novel that combines science fiction and fantasy, and follows the journey of Siah, a young man who has the power to acquire anything he desires. It is a story of adventure, comedy, romance, and action, set in a world where technology and magic coexist, and where a battle between Gods and Evil is about to begin. updates starts at 0:00, I'll try to make it everyday. Also, I'll rewrite the story if it's done to make it more detailed and undertable. be part of the BetaReaders now!

KLUX · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter 8: Family

[ Sometimes I feel like your just an NPC you know? Hehe, my bad ]

Now what do I mean by floating castle? It's made with advanced technology that would have to meet some requirements to be functional and stable.



To create a functional and stable floating castle, several key components must be incorporated:


1. Power Source: Utilize a combination of nuclear reactors, solar panel arrays, wind turbines, and other renewable energy sources to ensure a continuous and sustainable power supply.


2. Propulsion System: Equip the castle with jet engines, propellers, rockets, and other thrust devices for mobility and altitude control.


3. Navigation System: Implement radars, GPS, compasses, and various sensors to facilitate obstacle avoidance and coordinate with air traffic.


4. Stabilization System: Employ gyroscopes, counterweights, magnets, and other balancing devices to maintain stability and prevent tipping.


5. Life Support System: Integrate greenhouses, filters, generators, and other utility devices to provide oxygen, water, food, and waste disposal for inhabitants.


6. Defense Mechanisms:

Install lasers and electromagnetic pulses for protection.

Power the shield with a separate generator and configure it with transparent, opaque, or reflective modes.

Mount lasers strategically for shooting down enemy aircraft, missiles, or drones, with adjustable settings.


7. Missile System: Develop missiles equipped with radar, GPS, or camera guidance, offering various warheads like explosive, incendiary, or chemical for different threats.


8. Specialized Weapons:

Create a weapon device capable of generating a sonic boom, shock wave, or plasma burst to damage or disable enemy forces.

Activate the weapon device through a remote control, timer, or sensor with adjustable ranges for different situations.


By meticulously integrating these components, the floating castle can achieve optimal functionality, stability, and defense capabilities.



Now why a floating castle, you may ask? Having a floating castle means we can travel anywhere; not only that, transportation for ground vehicles wouldn't be a problem. Fuku and Aciah are currently trying their best not to rely on the system too much, so having a floating castle will help them significantly.




Without the system, they will have a hard time developing, but with them learning more and more advanced technology, they can develop their own technology without the help of the system.




After all, if they only rely on the system, it will be a massive problem if it were to suddenly dissipate. With Fuku developing the power and Aciah making use of the system while they still can, they are both rushing things before it's too late.











While it may be a flouting castle, that's not the only description of it. I mean, how would you fit thousands of people there, right? Not only that, but also the large, advanced vehicles as well. The thing is, it's not only a floating castle but instead a castle with a city.




The city features a circular layout, optimizing resource and service distribution across various sectors, including residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and cultural zones. A well-connected network of roads, bridges, tunnels, and public transportation systems enhances accessibility, while the city's vertical dimension incorporates soaring skyscrapers and structures submerged below water.


Diverse landscapes, including parks, gardens, forests, lakes, and rivers, contribute to the city's aesthetic appeal and ecological balance. Environmental consciousness is central, with solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric generators, and geothermal plants ensuring sustainable electricity production. The city boasts an advanced water management system for efficient collection, purification, and recycling, coupled with an innovative waste management system that converts waste into valuable materials or energy.


Museums, theaters, libraries, and festivals thrive, reflecting a vibrant cultural life. The city's robust economy encompasses biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, and artificial intelligence, establishing it as a competitive hub of innovation and economic strength.



Now, for a large building like this to finish in a month is basically impossible; that's where the cyclopes come in. Again, those cyclopes won't be enough to finish it all in just a month.




But have you forgotten? Siah can buy robots, and with the help of robots specialized in building, with the help of thousands of robots he bought, it's nothing compared to thousands of human workers.




After all, one robot is the equivalent of 100 workers combined; they are fast, well coordinated, and they don't rest; they work day and night nonstop.




The construction robots exhibit a diverse range of sizes and functionalities. Humanoid robots, equipped with advanced articulation and dexterity, contribute to intricate tasks requiring a human touch. These robots are adept at handling delicate construction work, ensuring precision and accuracy.


Vehicle-like robots bring efficiency to large-scale operations, transporting heavy materials and swiftly navigating construction sites. Their robust design enables them to tackle challenging terrains, enhancing mobility and productivity in various environments.


Compact yet highly specialized robots play a crucial role in tasks like welding, showcasing exceptional precision and effectiveness. These small robots can access tight spaces and perform intricate welding operations with utmost accuracy, contributing to the seamless assembly of structures.


Collaborative capabilities define the construction robot ecosystem, as these machines work in tandem to optimize construction processes. The integration of artificial intelligence enables them to adapt to evolving construction needs, making the construction phase both efficient and technologically advanced.




With that and with the help of humans working together, they can build it in a month!



A week later, "Why did you call me Fuku?" Siah said as he entered Fuku's office. "The ambassadors came back from the talk to the kingdom."



"Oh, isn't that good? So why did you call me?" Siah said, sitting down in the chair in front of Fuku's table.



"Siah, the king wants you to marry her daughter."


"Oh, it's a political marriage to say that we can't fight them, right? The marriage is the symbol of alliance."


"You got it right, but, Siah, you don't really care much about females romantically, no?"


"That's right; don't you think there's another way?"


"Well, our ambassadors insisted not to, but this society's tradition needs marriage for alliance or friendship between one another."



"Hmmm, it's only political, right? I could just fake it, accept the marriage, and let her be my wife on paper."



"Oh, I think you misunderstood; she's not your wife; she will be your mistress."


"Huh! What do you mean, mistress? I'm sorry, but I'm confused here."


"The king knows what he's doing; making his daughter your wife is just saying that they have no pride and honor as they use a girl for them to not get attacked, and the king said that as great as you will, he sure to have many wives."


Siah looked at Fuku with dead eyes and asked, "Are you serious?" Siah put his hand on his head and said, "This is getting out of hand; you know fully well that I don't care about such things, no?"



"Yeah, I know that much; it's just his saying that I'm a womanizer."


Fuku giggled. "Well, I kind of get what that king is pointing out; after all, with your power, you can make any girl your wife."



"I'll pass that offer," and he stands up while walking towards the door. "I do not wish such a thing; I want to use my life here to explore the world, to see the beauty of this with my own eyes, to have adventures and meet different kinds of monsters! That is what would make me excited!" And he opened the door.



"As for the political marriage, why don't you accept it?" Siah laughed and left Fuku's office.



Fuku sighed. "He might be smart, but he's quite stubborn."



Siah made it to the training grounds; there's a gym, an open area, simulators, and other uses for training.




"Mae!" Siah said as he walked towards the open area where swordsmen usually train, specifically in friendly duels.



"Let's continue!" 


"Okay," she said happily.



The entire population of the area is gearing up, ready to fight. In the training, what Siah is usually doing is fighting strong monsters, making him stronger and stronger by killing one. Because of this, pairing with a human is hard, making almost all of the people on the training grounds fight him.




It's 1 vs. 200+ people geared up and surrounding him. Siah takes out his sword from his item box without any gear, just his sword.



"Come!" He shouted, and all of them started their plan. Going to all of them at once is reckless; it will be total chaos. That's why the group is divided into two, with swordsmen and shooters with rifles.




In a blink of an eye, dozens of swordsmen were already one step away from him, about to hit with their swords, but it was inevitable that they were all thrown out by a strong force. Before they could even hit him with their swords, Siah had already hit them.




He then starts to attack others too, blinking, and he's right in front of you, like sonic speed; he's overpowering them even though he's only one person.



Dodging thousands of bullets at once, they didn't even manage to hit him once, but Mae managed to fight back, rushing while still busy dealing with others, but her sword was blocked by Siah; unknown to him, it was a trap! Now that Siah is busy dealing with Mae, others go to his back while he is not looking.




However, Siah suddenly appeared on the back of Mae. "Huh!" Mae said, confused. Why is he at her back so suddenly? He was just right there earlier!




Siah then hit Mae on the neck, knocking her down. Minutes passed, and Mae woke up. "Augh, my head hurts," she said, and she sat down. As soon as she looked around her, all the people who were fighting Siah got knocked down as well.



"What?" she said, a bit terrified but also impressed. "He is really worthy of our king," she said. The medics came and treated them.



As for you, is that right? How is he so fast? He's just a human with advanced technology. The reason is:


[Name: Siah]

Title: Master of the Black Dragon, Dungeon Conqueror, Enemy of the Beast, Inferno Warden, Kraken Slayer, Cyclopes Master

Age: 19

Weight: 159

Height: 6'1

Level: 168 (+50)

Attack power: 539 (+220)

Magic power: 10 (+9)

Defense: 188 (+210)

Agility: 883 (+129)




Killing thousands of monsters, conquering dungeons, and even killing a legendary monster named Kraken, of course, would level him up. In this world, there is no such thing as level, but with Siah's system, he could see them. Level is nothing without proper training; he's been fighting thousands of strong beasts and monsters, and it's impossible that he wouldn't improve a bit.




Meanwhile, inside the castle of the kingdom Lara, in a garden filled with different kinds of flowers, there's a gazebo where a man and a woman are having tea.




"Father, why have you called me here?" The girl asked.

[Name: Amelia]

Title: 4th Princess of the Kingdom of Lara

Age: 18

Weight: 89

Height: 6'1

Level: 2 

Attack power: 5

Magic power: 10

Defense: 11

Agility: 1


"I want you to marry someone."

[Name: Duke]

Title: The King of the Kingdom Maya

Age: 64

Weight: 132

Height: 6'3

Level: 92

Attack power: 529

Magic power: 5

Defense: 352

Agility: 89 ]



"Marry someone? Who is it?"


"The rumored Inferno Warden, the Kraken Killer, the man who takes the land on the northwest, the soon-to-be king, Liah"



"Waaaa, with all that great title, he's a great man, isn't he?" She said with innocent eyes and a happy tone.


"Amelia, I'm sorry that I have forced you to marry someone, but you seem to be misunderstanding something. Liah is indeed a great man, but there is no guarantee that he will treat you right. I'm sorry you have to go through this."


"Don't worry, father," she says, holding his hand. "I'm already an adult; I know what I'm doing," she smiles. "If he treated me badly, I'll tell it to you! You will rescue me, right?"



Duke looks at her with guilt in his eyes and reassures her, "Yes, of course I will save you," saying that even though he will send her daughter as a sacrifice, he is ashamed, as a father and a family, for him to choose the country over his daughter.



 [ What do you think about this chapter? ]

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