
Chapter 2 Isekai off you go

Rei Kamishiro, an upperclassman in his third year of high school, had what many would consider handsome looks, but not overly so. He had well-groomed, spiky black hair and a simple yet sharp face, free from any particularly ugly features but also not exceptionally remarkable.

Rei Kamishiro could be described as a loner. Despite his good looks, he didn't have a girlfriend. He lived with his parents, with whom he wasn't particularly close, though he loved them very much. He worked after school and spent a lot of time gaming, watching movies, and anime. At school, he mostly kept to himself, speaking only to one person, Sora Kageyama.

Looking down at the school's open field behind the storage house, he saw it: Sora Kageyama was on the ground, being kicked and stomped on. With an unpleased gaze, Rei watched this happen. He would have intervened, but he couldn't, not only because he wouldn't win the fight but also because he had made a promise to the very same person being attacked.

It was currently lunch break, and Sora Kageyama was just about to get up when he was smacked in the face by a massive bookbag filled with heavy books.

"So, if it isn't the Kageyama brat," sneered one of the three upperclassmen, glaring at the newbie, the newly made second-year.

Groaning, Sora tried to get back up after falling on his back, thanks to the bag now covering his face. However, before he could even reach for the bag, he was grabbed by the neck and lifted up before being dragged out of the class.

As they made their way outside, they passed by many students who either ignored the scene or smirked, seemingly pleased with what was to come.

"Hmm, so you little shit, you think you can steal my little sister's stuff like that?" the tall, almost robust-looking man said in a thuggish manner, getting in Sora's face.

"I- I didn't…"

"Are you fucking calling my big bro Takashi a liar, huh, you Kageyama trash?" Akane spoke up, stepping hard, her heel landing just shy of his groin.

Blushing, Sora squirmed a bit as he remembered what had happened last time.

You see, Sora hadn't always been like this. In fact, he had been quite popular throughout his life, until it became publicly known that he was a Kageyama—one of the biggest mafia families in the country. Once it was known that one of the most vicious warlords in the land had a child who was not strong enough to defend himself, the bullying started. It began small but then escalated over time.

After they had found out that he wouldn't tell his parents, the bullying only got worse and worse. Until now, he had been seen as a spoiled rich kid who now saw himself as being entitled and had been hated for it. However, at the top of the list was Takashi and his younger sister Akane, who he admittedly had a bit of a crush on, as he had been quite the masochist. It turns out that the more she consistently picked on him, the more he started to enjoy it. So much so that last week, when she had gone to a new length and stepped rather roughly on his cock and balls, he had ended up nutting all over the place in his pants before his cock had slipped out when she went to grind it and so some of the last shots went flying landing on her lips which she unintentionally swallowed but had to continue to make it look like nothing had happened and not let the others who would see know.

"No, I really didn't! Someone threw it at me!" Sora screamed, scared.

"Hey sis, is that true? Did you see anything like that happen?"

"Nah, that perverted freak stole my shit probably to run his gross germs all over them."

"Haha, good one, sis. That's probably true though, you know what happens next, right? Little shit." Throwing Sora onto the metal storage house, Takashi slammed a fist into Sora's stomach, pushing the air out of him completely, making him fall. As he and his younger sister started to beat and kick him, Sora could hear their mocking laughter.

After many hours of being beaten, school ended, and Rei walked his way home. He greeted Sora on the way, and so they started to go until they had to split up.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" Rei cheerfully said as he took his shoes off, followed by his jacket and then his bag. As he did, he smiled, making his way through the kitchen, seeing a warm meal and a cup of juice.

Walking up to the table, he picked up the latter, setting it to the side.

"Hey, son. Sorry, we won't be here until much later tonight, and we had to leave earlier to start the party. Don't forget to come by six." Seeing this, the young man smiled as he took the food and drink, making his way into his room.

Arriving, he saw his somewhat messy but not the messiest room. As he went to sit down, putting his headphones on and smiling, he turned his computer on and started watching a video. An hour passed, "Wow, a new episode of my favorite anime came out. Let's go!"

Ring, ring, ring, the alarm on his phone rang, causing him to groan and stuff his mouth with the last of his food as he quickly ran down to put his jacket back on and run out of the house. Getting onto his bike, he started to go faster and faster, not wanting to be late for the party celebrating his parents' success. Smiling widely and thinking about how nice today was, he barely realized that he had just gotten onto the road, and suddenly it happened, just like he had seen in many other anime, although he had imagined this many times before, this still felt different, being in the situation for the first time, at least the beginning death part.

He was about to die. Looking forward, there was a simple-looking truck barreling down at him, and so the last thought he had before being run over by the truck was, "Truck-kun, you came for me after all, huh?"

And so, Rei Kamishiro, a young man of eighteen years old, Sora Kageyama's only friend, died at the hands of Truck-kun, the isekai god known for killing and reincarnating many beings.

The following day in the classroom, Class 1-A,

Sora Kageyama was not having the best of days. The Kageyama family, unlike what most thought, was not as affluent. Instead, the family focused more on tradition, something which, while he found interesting and helpful at times, was quite suffocating. And as much as the family portrayed themselves to be extremely rich, they were not, as thanks to their adherence to traditions, they had been somewhat left behind by new technology and such. And so, the family had been getting themselves deeper and deeper into trouble, trying to maintain a facade that they no longer truly represented.

So, having woken up with a swollen black eye from the day before, the boy got ready for school. After putting a bandage over his eye, he went out, not thinking much of it.

Making his way to school, he smiled, thinking about what he would do once he made it there. As he did, he stopped walking and looked at his phone, seeing the time before he looked around and sighed. Then he saw a black cat come with a little green ball it was chasing. After it stopped and rubbed itself against his leg, he gave it some food, and it meowed at him before jumping off.

'Seems I'm running a bit late. Rei usually comes around this time when we walk to school together. Maybe he went ahead, and I should go and meet him there.' And so, Sora made his way to school, looking forward to talking to his friend again and telling him about the cat he had met that morning.

Nodding after looking around a little more, Sora started to walk away, only to stop at the red light and see a strange truck with a big red patch on it, although he couldn't tell if it was paint or something else, nor did he pay much attention as he continued on his way.

"Dear students, I have grave news for you," the sound of the teacher's voice broke him from his thoughts as he turned to face her as she slid the door open and entered the classroom.

The class quickly quieted down from the small chatter until a student raised their hand.

Michiko was a young woman in her late twenties with soft skin, short bob-cut brown hair, and a curvy body, standing at a height of five feet and four inches. She could easily be mistaken for a young, beautiful eighteen or nineteen-year-old if it were not for a few things, such as her usually skin-tight, short black business suit-like clothing with a short mini skirt with a slit along the side and the more mature and wise aura she gave off. However, even with all that, she was rarely considered to be her actual age of twenty-six with just a simple glance.

Despite what many thought, thanks to her kind and gentle looks and the front she showed, Michiko was not exactly a very happy person. Having been raised as an orphan girl, she never truly met a man to court her, even though this had been one of her biggest dreams. No matter how much she wanted it, she could only dream, as the day seemed never to come, thanks to this, she had picked up a few habits, such as drinking a few bottles at times on occasion, but not as much as a full-time alcoholic. She also threw herself into her work as a teacher, a job she picked thanks to wanting to work with kids and such, to not only feel a bit of what motherhood would have been like had she had the chance to get it, but also to feel more accomplished when working with kids.

She had originally worked with daycare children after being a babysitter at a younger age to sustain herself. She had applied for the job and managed to get it, thanks to her vast experience with children through babysitting and such. She had started out and, after many years, went up to kindergarten and then middle school, and after a few years, she came here to high school. And so, she continued her search for a boyfriend and potential husband, as well as throwing herself into her work. However, she was also very wise and knew how to handle a lot of things and situations, thanks to her having enough time on her hands to do research on a lot of things that she wanted or needed to know about.

"What is the news, Miss Michiko?" The voice of her student broke her from her thoughts as she looked back to see Kuro.

Shaking her head, a gloomy, sad face crossed Michiko's face as she steeled herself.

"Why such a hard look, Miss? Did someone die or something?" Kuro said with a somewhat sarcastic, joking tone, knowing that there wasn't someone dead, and so it should have lightened the mood, except that it did not...

Gritting her teeth, Michiko spoke silently, yet the word seemed to have been screamed out as it reached everyone's ears, echoing in their minds, "Yes, someone did."

Silence, utter and complete silence, filled the room. "WHAT? What do you mean someone died, who, what happened?" No one knew who spoke up this time, but yet they all agreed to let whoever it was speak for them all but one, Rei Kamishiro.

Having arrived in the class, Sora had been quite surprised to not see Rei, as he never skipped class much without a warning and now hearing this.

Looking back, he should have done more. Rei had become somewhat of a big brother to him trying to help however he could but yet each time he would stop him from helping and try to keep him from interfering.

His eyes widened as he slowly turned his head and saw the ghostly smiling image of his big brother Rei, sitting there, smiling at him. Then it happened, as the voices asking the teacher questions seemed to become drowned out and disappear, only leaving Rei's ghost smiling and himself standing there, motionlessly unable to move his body.His eyes widened as he slowly turned his head and saw the

'What is this, is Rai really- is he-...' before he could continue to question what was going on more, he saw it. "Smack!" a sickening bone breaking sound followed by the blood coming from his mouth, eyes, ears, and every other place possible, dropping river upon river of blood from his body as he saw it for some reason he could see and remember something that wasn't his memory but yet it was as if it was there it was Rei getting hit by that truck it was the same truck he saw earlier and that red spot it was…Rei's blood...

'Death, death, death! ALL OF YOU SHOULD JUST DIE!! DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE!!!' the horrifying muffled voices of many deadly-sounding voices, the most prominent seemed to be his own pain-filled voice.


"N-" Stumbling back, Sora fell from his chair before starting to scream.

Having had blocked out the voice of the teacher as this all happened, Rei had not heard the teacher Michiko going over Rei being found dead earlier that day from a car accident, his body smashed to death by a truck. Having had blocked out the voice of the teacher as this all

"What, this no- IT'S- IT SHOULDN'T BE THIS WAY, IT'S YOU, ALL OF YOU!!!" Sora screamed as he stood up and frantically pointed his fingers at the others.

"Rei, calm down, it's okay-"



"Shut up."

"But I- What did I tell you? To keep your damn mouths shut."

"DAMN YOU ALL, RUINING MY LIFE, DESTROYING ME, AND EVEN THAT WASN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU? DID YOU HAD TO TAKE HIM AWAY TOO? MY BIG BROTHER REI!!!" Sora screamed in rage as he saw the people in the class smiling and laughing underneath their breath, and so, tightening his fist, he screamed as he went to attack one of the students, the boy who had been attacking him the last day alongside his sister/crush, Takashi, and Akane.

As Sora was about to make contact, everything started to go white, and subtly, a strange circle of light with many strange symbols and engravings appeared all across the ground and started to glow brighter and brighter.

And so, Rei Kamishiro died, killed by the isekai god himself, Truck-kun, and soon the class known as Class 1-A had disappeared from this world, their fate yet to be known, with no traces left behind, nothing but an empty classroom with no one left inside, and no one would know something even happened here until later that night when the janitor came to clean this room and would not see Miss Michiko there like she was supposed to be.

if you are a older reader of mine and see that this chapter has been uploaded then there is no neee to re read it I simply fixed a mistake in Rei’s school you putting him as a third year or his final year rather then fourth year of school.

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