
Chapter 5- 3 years

"Naruto what was that Aura that surrounded you when you were fighting that Haku guy."

Sasuke 1st C class Mission nearly ended in his death. First he made of problem by underestimating his enemy thinking he was just a few years older than him, and so he shouldn't be too strong, which nearly killed him. Thankfully due to instinct he was able to survive the near fatal blow, but he was still unable to move for a few seconds.

At that time Naruto was somehow able to produce a energy/ aura jutsu or something that was able to increase his speed and power massively which was awfully similar to his own chakra that increased his chakra reserve every time.

"I am not able to tell, Jiji said it is a secret." Naruto replied with an embarrassed face.


"I can he said it is a secret, but I will tell you that I will not let it harm you." Naruto said with determination, which Sasuke couldn't understand.


Chunin Exam

A test in which village sends a group of ninja who are genin to participate in a battle in which they fight and compete with each other for promotion. If the person did well then no matter the result the promotion is promised.

This exam happened year 6 months, in different village and this time It was Konoha turn to host the chunin exam.

Team 7 also participated in this exam.

The 1st test was simple test, which included a written test, where a person answers different answers.

The problem appeared in the 2nd test; a snake entered with the genin and was fighting with a group of genin.


Sasuke-teme and Sakura clan leave I will hold him here" A blond guy said.

"Shut up naruto, we won't be able to escape like this. IF we leave then he will kill us even faster." A Pink hair female replied.

The 3rd member stayed quiet in the whole ideal.

The person with yellow snake like eyes, skin as white as a corpse stood in front of hem.

Naruto after 2 shot was send crashing down. He then turned toward Sasuke and said "Sasuke oi come join me, I can give you strength and knowledge you desire."

Sasuke said "Who are you?"

"Oh how rude I forget to introduce myself, I am Orochimaru the Snake Sanin."

And why would I join you?"

"Well I would kill your friends and then take you no matter you response in you disagree but if you agree, then I can teach you all my knowledge. Don't you wish to kill Itachi, with my help you can do it easily. Come join me."

Thinking about the response he said "Ok I will go with you."

"Oh I didn't expect you will agree so quickly, still welcome under my wind Sasuke-Kun." The guy made a creepy laugh as he spoke.

Sakura was still in shock for the moment as she looked at him still processing his response and said "Sasuke kun you can'...…"

Before she could complete her word, she was punched in her stomach by Sasuke, fainting straight away.

"Let go" Sasuke said to the person in front to him, as they both started using Flicker Justu to leave the site.

Orochimaru said "Sasuke kun do you know that life is like a puzzle, people like us don't fit with the Puzzle and self sacrifice this Konoha is. You are better of searching for you puzze where you will fit."

If there wasn't as creepy smile then they words wouldn't have sounded so gloomy and unfair.

With that the two shadows disappeared in the forest.


"Hokage sama, Orochimaru attacked Team 7 injuring Naruto and taking Sasuke with him."

Hokage who still had a boring expression on his face, put a serious expression letting people know why he was known as 'god of Shinob'i and said in a deep voice "Expain"

The anbu in front of him said "We don't know how but orochimaru appeared in the forest, and attacked team 7. Naruto tried to stop him but was ruthlessy put down. He then offered Sasuke to go with him treatning the lives of Sakura nad Naruto. From the memories we got from the Haruno girl, it seems Sasuke accepted the offer, and attacked sakura who fainted, then left with orochimaru."

Hokage put his hand in his forehead and sighned "Why is such a trouble coming even after all this years, I should really retire, I don't have enough days to face such problems."

"I need you send 2 team of Anbu and 3 team of ninja, to search for Uchiha. While this decision was taken considering safety of his friends, it don't take the fact the thought of betraying the village appered for it."

"Understood" Within a second there was only a old ma left in the room.

Taking out a bunch of leafs from inside his compartment; he stuffed them in his pipe and took a long sip of breath sending breathing out smoke. People he knew will recognize it is different from his usual smoking leafs, he signs. "Damn that Minato killing himself, I can't even chose another successor or that danzo will be all over my head of wishing to be the hokage. Sign"


Orochimaru killed the 4th Kazekage and attacked konoha killing 3rd hokage. This news was explosive, but the person he took was nowhere to be found.

2 years there was no news of Sasuke as if he disappeared, before a explosive news swept the elemental nation. Sasuke Uchiha killed Itachi Uchiha and joined the Akatsuki taking his position.

This news while didn't affect many people, but the leaders of the village were able to understand that, if Sasuke after Itachi didn't return to Konoha but returned instead joined Akatsuki, a organization which gave shelter to his traitor brother from leaf, it probably implied he gave up all his connection to the Leaf.

Naruto was on his travel so he didn't obtain the news, probably Jiraya didn't wish to tell him. After all Sasuke was currently 15 years old, and becoming a S Rank at that age already signified his danger and talent, and let's not forget Itachi was a genius is his own right.

So killing a genius makes him even greater genius and danger as he knew Itachi was loyal to leaf, but if Sasuke knew the truth then he won't have any good feeling towards Konoha.


2 Months Ago


Walking down a dark path, Sasuke returned to the base of the snake.

In front of him Orochimaru was coughing blood in bed, looking at his condition he had no desire to continue the play and said "Orochimaru I am tired of your game. I wish the result of your research on immortality. Don't play game I have no desire to have a word game."

The snake said "Ohoh, is our Sasuke wishing to try to be immortal. Sorry but you can't have them. Firstly I haven't completed the research and second of all I still need time to finish it. IF I give you that research you will probably leave and we can't have that."

Sasuke still expressionless face said "Final Chance"

Orochimaru didn't reply, or didn't get he chance. After 10 second of silence, Sasuke was in front of Orochimaru with Chidori in his hands.

In 2 second he severed the head of Orochimaru from his body, who was unable to even put up a fight.

Knowing it won't be enough; he took out the scroll from his pot and unsealed it, bringing a sword covered in ruins in front of him.

As the headless body of Orochimaru started to twitch, Sasuke already impaled his heart with the sword.

The second it was going to enter his heart; a small head appeared out of the headless body.

As the sword impaled the headless body heart, another body started to appear, but was cut down the very second by the sword, and without giving it a chance impaling the heart.

Looking at the corpse, Sasuke said "I know you are still alive, I don't know how but you are still alive. If only you agreed to share your research you might have lived. You parasite like life will soon end; after all you're not immortal."

With that he left the chamber, and using his clone took over the Village Otogakure.


Joining Akatsuki using Orochimaru ring he finally saw his brother after 7 years. Though it was a projection he could see he had grown and was stronger after all the last time seen him he was just a 13 year old.

Still he had already gotten over his feeling after knowing the truth.

Seeing Sasuke disinterred eye, Itachi eyes slightly shook but he composed himself. After 2 minutes his projection disappeared.

2 Weeks later


A shadow appeared in the gate of the village, a second later a massive fireball destroyed the gate. More than dozen ninja were surrounding he intruder but a person appeared in front of them.

In his cold vice he ordered "Retreat"

With a single command all the ninja and civilian in the nearby are retreated leaving the two people in he entrance of the village.

With a broken door on the floor still red due to fireball heat, the stared at each other.

The Emotionless man hen said to the intruder, "Hello Brother"

There will be 2 chapters per week for now.

if this novel get popular I might add more.

Next chapter will be updated in Saturday.

Plutoniumcreators' thoughts