
Is the devil my boyfriend

This is the story of a girl named Mary Marsh. She's an 18 year old high school student, She starts suspecting her Boyfriend of 5 years, Devin, Could be the devil after an incident happened one day after work, She fainted. Read this story to find out what happens next!

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The Hospital

I blinked my eyes, Bright lights, beeping noises. I couldn't see well, But I could still breathe. ~Am I in the hospital?~ I thought.

"Mary, Mary?" I heard a voice call. I couldn't quite tell who it was, but the person sounded like my mother so I responded, "Yes, What happened?". "I was calling your phone yesterday and you didn't respond so I went to the diner and on my way I saw you there, Laying on the ground. You were still breathing but you wouldn't wake up so I brought you here." Then everything started coming back, The man with the red horns on his head, and me being terrified, and then everything going black. "Oh, Well I don't recall-" "Do you know what happened Mary?" My mom cut me off, Which she does often. "No mom, Not really." "Well what do you remember?" She asked. "All I remember is finishing my shift at the diner and talking to Devin on the way out." "Do you think Devin could have had something to do with what happened?" She asked hesitantly. "I don't know mom, But right now I wanna get out of here." I said, I was tired and hungry, I wanted to go home. "Okay honey i'll go find a doctor." Whenever my mom went out of the room I got up and went to the bathroom. As I was washing my hands I saw something on my arm. It was red devil horn and it read "Did you enjoy it" on the sides. I dried my hands and ran back to the hospital bed, I grabbed my phone and looked up what this could possibly mean. But nothing showed. I was scared, and all I wanted to do was faint again, because maybe then I wouldn't have to deal with all of this. Maybe I would stop breathing and die, Or maybe I would stay asleep long enough to forget about all of this. I heard a noise and I quickly turned around, But with my relief, It was just mom my and a doctor. "Hi Mary!" The doctor said "I'm doctor hunt and I've been taking care of you these past couple of days. It seems you are good to go-" "Yes!" I said under my breath "-So i'm just gonna get everything you need to go and you'll be outta here in just a couple of minuets. Just get your stuff and come to the front desk when your ready to go!" "Alright!" my mom exclaimed as the doctor walked out of the door. Something was odd about that doctor though, Something very odd. I scurried to the bathroom to get changed, As soon as I was done I grabbed my phone and shoes, and I rushed out of the hospital, almost forgetting to grab my papers from the front desk, "Mary! Aren't you forgetting something?" My mother called from down the hall. I ran back to get the papers and met my mom at the car.