
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · Tranh châm biếm
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31 Chs

Chapter 6: Intermission Part 1


Loki Familia's home, the Twilight Manor, was made from a row of towers. They were all connected at the base and by several stone bridges higher up. There was no difficulty traveling from tower to tower.

Loki's quarters were more like an assemblage of random items rather than a living space. Bottles of many types of wine and liquor were all over the place. The bottles themselves came in many sizes and shapes, as well as colors. It was impossible not to see five or six of them in each corner of the room, some of which were open.

An expensive-looking pen and a crystal reflecting seven colors of light sat on top of her desk. A bizarre assortment of old shoes and hats decorated her walls. Spots and shelves not occupied by wine bottles held thick books or small blades like daggers and knives. Loki must've been in the middle of reorganizing because her bed was absently covered with pieces of literature and weapons. It wouldn't be surprising if one or two extremely rare items were lurking in the pile.

Her mind raced with thoughts, her sharp intellect at work. As she continued to clean, her mind replayed the earlier events in her head. Monsters had escaped from the event and started to attack people. And when the Guild seemed to have taken control of the situation, snake-like flower monsters appeared. Ais, Tione, Tiona, and Lefiya had taken care of them. But the moment Lefiya started to cast a spell the monsters were attracted to her and later to Ais when she used her magic. Monsters attracted to magic, something unheard of.

Loki's quarters were located on the highest floor of the middle tower. Ais walked up the spiral staircase, all the way to the top, and knocked on the wooden door.

"Come on in." Loki was in the middle of cleaning up. "Sorry 'bout this. Hang on a sec" she said with a stool in her arms and a smile on her face.

"Thank you" Ais acknowledged with a small nod.

"That's good enough. Let's do this." Loki put everything down and turned to face Aiz.

The girl had found a place to sit at the corner of her bed. Loki patted the stool a few times to indicate Aiz should have a seat.

"Status update," Ais requested, her voice steady and devoid of unnecessary words.

Loki let out a mischievous chuckle before responding, "Ya know, it's been quite a day, hasn't it? Monsters goin' berserk and all."

Ais simply nodded, her gaze unwavering.

Loki's lips curled into a sly grin. "But hey, no worries. We handled 'em just fine, didn't we? You, me, and the rest of the gang. That's what we do. Now, off with the shirt."

Ais obediently turned her back to Loki as instructed, removing her shirt without hesitation. Her long golden hair cascaded over her shoulder, revealing smooth, unblemished skin that adorned her slender figure.

"Heh-heh-heh. Took quite a nip from that last bottle. I'm feelin' a bit tipsy. My hands might slip once or twice...!" Loki's voice carried a mischievous tone as her fingers eagerly reached forward, tracing Ais's body with playful intent.

Ais, contrary to her usual response, didn't stop Loki's actions this time. Instead, a vivid blush spread across her face, a clear sign of her embarrassment.

Loki relished in Ais's reaction, thoroughly enjoying the unusual absence of resistance. However, she couldn't help but find it peculiar that Ais didn't interrupt her teasing as she normally would have. Ais briefly mentioned "...training…", offering a vague explanation for her unexpected compliance.

As Loki's fingers continued their tantalizing exploration, her sharp senses detected something amiss. The Goddess realized that the Status Lock on Ais's back had been tampered with. Though perplexed by this discovery, she decided to keep it to herself, allowing herself to continue roaming Ais' soft skin, feeling her bountiful breasts along the way and relishing in the delight of Ais's flushed cheeks.

Suddenly, Loki's fingers halted their movements, freezing in the middle of Ais's back. A wave of trembling coursed through Loki's body, a mixture of excitement and anticipation. Without warning, the Goddess's voice erupted with unrestrained enthusiasm, echoing throughout the room and beyond.


Loki's excitement got the best of her, and her exclamation reverberated throughout the mansion. Confusion rippled through the inhabitants as they attempted to comprehend the sudden outburst from the Goddess. The air was filled with a chorus of bewildered murmurs from every corner of the estate.

"It must be... because of the training with..." Ais's voice trailed off as she blushed, unable to articulate her thoughts fully.

Meanwhile, Loki's joy reached its peak, causing her to whoop and dance around like an excited child. Swiftly, she jotted down the updated details on a sheet of paper and extended it towards Ais with a flick of her wrist.

"Here ya are! Yer last Level Five Status!" Loki declared with enthusiasm.

Ais stared blankly at the information on the paper she held in her hands. Loki, still brimming with excitement, continued to speak.

"Would ya look at that! Ye're gettin' an Advanced Ability this time! Ain't that great, Aisuu? You didn't get a siiiingle one when you got to Level Five!"

Ais's response was concise. "...What ability is it?"

Loki wasted no time in answering, her voice radiating excitement. "Regen! The one that only Riveria's got! There's nothin' else to choose from, so I can just go ahead an' give it to ya, can't I?!"

Ais maintained her aloof expression as she gazed at Loki. After a moment of contemplation, she nodded, giving her consent for Loki to raise her Status. As Ais's approval was granted, Loki moved her fingers in Ais' back, ripples began to spread intermittently from the center, accompanied by a steady undulation and a silent glow from the cinnabar-red hieroglyphs.

Loki offered genuine praise with an honest smile. "Congratulations, Ais."

Once Ais had put her dress back on, she responded with a nod and an indifferent "Mhm," giving away her lack of enthusiasm. Loki couldn't help but notice the change in Ais's demeanor and questioned her.

"...It ain't every day that ya level up, so why the long face?" Loki tilted her head, expressing her curiosity.

"...It is nothing." Ais replied, attempting to hide something from Loki.

Loki's expression shifted, revealing a sudden realization. "—Wha?!" Her surprise was evident as she tried to piece things together.

She had been observing Ais with a delighted sparkle in her eyes when her shoulders abruptly jerked. "It c-c-can't be! You're lovesick?! Aisuu, is it a man?!"



Riveria was making her way through a corridor, her long strides reflecting her urgency as she headed towards the meeting room designated for the executives of the Loki Familia. Loki had issued an urgent meeting among the executives of the familia. The purpose behind this abrupt gathering had yet to be disclosed, leaving Riveria with a sense of concern as she speculated on the potential reasons.

Could it be related to Ais' ascent to Level 6? Such thoughts occupied her mind as she finally reached her destination.

Upon entering the room, Riveria noticed the presence of Gareth and Finn, already seated in comfortable chairs, awaiting the commencement of the meeting. Loki, stood behind the desk, emanating an air of seriousness. Riveria quickly settled into her own seat, expressing her apologies for the delay, her voice carrying a composed yet apologetic tone.

Without wasting any time, Loki declared that they could begin the meeting.

Rising from her chair with a determined look, she slammed her hands against the desk, causing a resounding thud to fill the room.

"Aisuuu is lovesick, and she ain't tellin' who the man is!!!" her words shattering the serious atmosphere within the room.

Gareth let out a disappointed sigh, shaking his head. "I was hopin' for somethin' more substantial, somethin' worthy of our time. This ain't what I signed up for."

Finn, with his brows furrowed, chimed in, "I must admit, I expected a more pressing matter to address. This triviality is quite disheartening."

"Come on! Spill the beans!", Loki's tearful plea echoed in the room.

This… Again? Riveria couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and resignation.

Her mind briefly wandered back to the previous occasions when Ais sought her advice and assistance. The first instance was when Ais approached her, seeking guidance, and the subsequent encounter with Ais and Lefiya just the day before, when Ais came together with Lefiya leading her by the hand saying "Riveria… I need your help". Now, faced with Loki's tearful outburst, Riveria couldn't escape the fact that once again, she would be pulled into the chaos that surrounded Ais' budding love life.

"Loki, I am gonna explain to you the situation…"


"Somebody is touching my Ainsuuu! NOO! My Ainsuu is being turned lewd!!" Loki's cry filled the room, a desperate plea.

Riveria, unimpressed by Loki's outburst, retorted, "I don't want to hear that complain from somebody that gave Ais increasingly revealing clothes as she grew older saying they were actually combat clothes!"

"Kuuuuh! So harsh" Loki is taken aback as if taking a bullet to the chest.

Meanwhile, Gareth and Finn had already risen from their chairs, having enough of the theatrics, seemingly ready to leave the room. But Loki, with teary eyes and a trembling voice, called out to them, pleading for their attention.

"Wait! The girl... She tampered with Ais's status! She tried to open the lock to see her status!" At Loki's revelation, the atmosphere in the room shifted abruptly, transforming from a dismissive ambiance to one of solemnity and concern.

Gareth and Finn, who had momentarily contemplated leaving the room, promptly returned to their seats. Gareth turned his attention towards Riveria, his voice tinged with concern. "Riveria, has Ais mentioned anythin' about someone attemptin' to see her status?"

Riveria met Gareth's gaze, her response swift and resolute. "No. She would not easily let others pry into her status. She values her privacy and guards it well."

As the weight of the situation settled upon them, Riveria's memory stirred. Her brows furrowed in recollection. "However, I do recall an incident during training. Ais returned with a swelling on her head, and I inquired about it. She dismissed it as a minor mishap, but now I wonder if it was connected to these attempts to access her status."

Finn, his mind working through the puzzle, chimed in with a crucial observation. "I remember Tione mentioning something as well. She complained about Ais's new dress, the one they bought that day, being stained with blood in the back. It seemed odd at the time, but now it aligns with Loki's claims."

Riveria's eyes gleamed with a sense of realization. The pieces were beginning to fall into place.



In the highest room of the Twilight Manor's central tower, Loki sat amidst the assortment of glass bottles and peculiar items that adorned her room. With a sense of anticipation, she sifted through the news pamphlets one by one.

Sold by merchants and even a few familias, each of them had several articles written in Koine. Many strategies went into selling these papers—some came with minute illustrations, others had attention-grabbing titles or humorous wit in their narratives. Anything to appeal to potential customers.

Loki's eyes lit up as they passed through some recent gossip and found an article pertaining to the monsters escaping into the city—the incident during the Monsterphilia.

As Loki's eyes scanned the pages, her excitement waned. "Dahh~... Nothin' new in this one, either," she muttered, expressing her disappointment. Remaining seated, she casually discarded the news pamphlet onto the table. Alongside it, several other pamphlets were scattered, along with a few larger illustrated papers that depicted the events of the Monsterphilia.

Ganesha Familia's negligence, a spy's plot to attack the city, some god who just wanted to see what would happen—each one had their own theories as to how the monsters escaped, but Loki was looking for something a bit more specific: information about the carnivorous plant monsters. None of the papers even mentioned them.

Frustrated, she let out a disgruntled "Hmph," leaning back in her chair and resting her hands behind her head.

Looking again at the pamphlets, she notices a purple-colored pamphlet with yellow lines at the edges. Loki's eyes widened as she held the pamphlet. She realized that she had overlooked this particular piece, and her curiosity was piqued. Looking at it, she discovered some information about the carnivorous plants, albeit not enough to satisfy her.

Turning her attention to the back of the pamphlet, Loki read the words printed there: "Resheph's familia... Whoo?!" She was unfamiliar with this familia, indicating that they must be a new addition to the city. This realization sparked further intrigue within her mischievous mind.

Lost in her thoughts, Loki's gaze drifted from the table to the ceiling. Slowly, she stood up, a determined expression taking hold of her face. Leaving her room behind, she ascended the spiral staircase that connected her quarters to the rest of the manor. Crossing one of the stone bridges that connected the towers, she glanced into each room she passed, searching for any signs of her familia members. However, finding no one in sight, she continued on her way until she reached the main lounge.

The main lounge served as a reception area and a popular spot for relaxation among the members of Loki Familia. Loki glanced around the main lounge and spotted Bete, sprawled out on a sofa with his feet up. She approached him, her eyes narrowing in curiosity.

"Oh, just you, Bete? Where's Aisuu and the rest?" Loki asked, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.

"The Dungeon, where else? Even dragged Finn down with 'em. Won't be back for a while, by the sound of it," Bete replied nonchalantly, his dismissive tone matching his relaxed posture.

Loki couldn't help but smirk at his response. "So ya got left out?"

"Like hell I did!" Bete snapped, his irritation evident as he sat up abruptly. His tail thumped loudly against the sofa, betraying his true feelings.

Loki, ever observant, sensed his frustration and tried to comfort him. "There, there, now" she said, adopting a soft, soothing tone.

She quickly changed the subject, inquiring about his plans for the day. Bete grunted in response, "Ain't doing jack," his words tinged with a touch of boredom.

Loki hesitated for a moment before making her request. "Say, Bete. Sorry, but would ya mind stickin' with me for the day?"

"Huh? And do what?" Bete's eyebrows furrowed, his suspicious glare directed at Loki.

"There's somethin' I wanna look into," Loki explained, her eyes gleaming with mischief.


Loki and Bete made their way through the bustling streets of Orario, the place where they were heading was located between the North and Northwest Main streets. They went through Orario's North Main Street to the Jagamarukun Stall and entered the North-north-west Secondary Street, passing by the Three Hammers Forge, Goibniu's Familia workplace that also includes their home, and going north near the Northwest wall, where Bell and Ais trained in cannon.

They arrived, their destination in sight: There was an Egyptian-decorated kiosk shop, with a letterprinted press, rolls of papers, calligraphy utils, and board games around, even a telescope could be seen. The place served double duty as a newspaper kiosk and a board games store, ultimately providing Orario's residents with only one thing: entertainment. The newly painted yellow and purple walls and exotic decorations of the kiosk attracting attention around.

There they saw Resheph, a small Egyptian clown with long black hair tied back in a braid, his purple bycoket hat pointed at the front like an arrowhead, and wearing his Arabic purple open shrug and black baggy pants. He blinks one eye cutely as he waves goodbye to a client.

"Bye bye, my dear customer! Enjoy your new chess game ☆" the Egyptian clown says with a mischievous grin, moving both of his hands to emphasize his playful nature.

Resheph then turns his attention to the other customers in the kiosk, dancing around the counter with an energetic flair. He grabs a pamphlet and begins twirling it in the air, creating a playful spectacle.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey!" he exclaims, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "How's it going, everyone? Looking for some fun and entertainment? I've got just the thing for you! ☆"

"Ha-ha-ha!", his infectious laughter echoes through the kiosk as he continues his lively dance, his movements exuding a sense of mischief and chaos. He winks at a passerby, inviting them to step closer.

In the midst of the bustling scene, Resheph's gaze unexpectedly met Loki's. The Nordic clown goddess and the small Egyptian clown god locked eyes, an expression of surprise crossing Resheph's face as he recognized Loki's presence in his domain.


When beauty goddesses of different cultures meet, like Ishtar and Freya, they wanted to murder the shit out of each other, but when clown gods meet…

"And then I said, 'HOT DAMN! This reeks to high heaven! This here's one helluva of a scam!'" Resheph was just finishing a joke, delivering the punchline with a mischievous grin on his face. Then, both Resheph and Loki burst into laughter, sharing a moment of genuine amusement.

Their laughter echoed through the shop as they cackled like old friends, "Haha! That was a good one, Resheph!" said Loki smiling.

"Loki, what the hell are we doin' here?" Bete grumbled, his impatience evident.

She turned to Bete, shooting him a glare before responding, "Hold yer horses, Bete. I've got somethin' to discuss with Resheph."

Ignoring Bete's irritated expression, she quickly got to the point. "Resheph, I got one of yer pamphlets here. It mentions the carnivorous plant monsters, but it ain't givin' me enough information. Can ya fill in the gaps for me?"

Resheph's mischievous grin remained as he took a moment to collect himself. "Ah, the plant monsters, you say? Quite the peculiar creatures, I must say. They've been causin' quite a stir lately, haven't they?"

Loki leaned in, her eyes narrowing with curiosity. "So, tell me everythin' Resheph. What do ya know?"

Resheph leans forward, resting his elbows on the counter and intertwining his fingers, "Ah, my dear Loki, I've already included all the juicy details I possess in the news pamphlet you hold in your hands," he replies, his voice filled with playful anticipation. "But if you're seeking more, well, there's always the source of the information, isn't there?"

His eyes gleam mischievously as he leans in closer to Loki, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. "Her name is Gita Meyers, an informant with a wealth of knowledge. She obtained the information from somebody named Shalltear. But you are gonna need to ask Gita for more. And lucky for you, I happen to know where she is at this very moment."