
Chapter 11

Name : Three

Age : 17

Lvl : 6

Occupation : N/a

Class : N/a

{Skill : Lesser-regeneration, : Skill level 84}

{Skill : Pain-tolerance, : Skill level 63}

{Skill : Tough-body, : Skill level 72}

{Skill : Iron Skin : Skill level 81}

[Skill : Stomp : Skill level 2 }

{Skill : Challenging Cry : Skill level 3 }

{Perk : Mana-sustenance}

{Perk : Battered Body }

{Inheritant-Core - ?????}

{Stats} {Available : 15}

{Strength : 28}

{Agility : 18}

{Dexterity : 18}

{Vitality : 32}

{Endurance : 34}

{Wisdom : 12}

{Intelligence : 13}

{Charisma : 9 }

He looked over his stats and nodded, the others took a look at his stats and muttered about stats being too high and Emmi was muttering that he would make an exceptionally competent punching bag. Sumi was the next to step forward and put her hand on the core, she gasped slightly as well as an array of colors flashed over her skin almost lighting up the room, she turned into a human hyper active rainbow as she stood there holding the core. The rest stared at awe as the girl illuminated the room in an array of never before seen colours, the thickness of the colours was near palpable. People released the breath they had been holding as the moment ended, they asked to see Sumi's plate but she shook her head. "It's a girls secret, no one is gonna see my plates!"

The rest grumbled about unfairness and how they had shown theirs but she simply shook her head and winked. Three wondered how he should spend his points, before he could decide Sumi poked him. "We really need to get out of these rags, we stole them from the mansion but we can't wear them forever, and they stink! And they're UGLY!"

Three nodded as he looked at the dirty and slightly blood spattered clothes he was wearing, Emmi spoke up. "You guys probably don't have any money, but my mom has her own clothing store so you can come with me and we will get you some really nice clothes! Also I heard you met my dad, Captain Tulo! You have nowhere to sleep and we have spare rooms." Emmi said wrapping an arm around Sumi, "I always wanted a sister!" She said dragging Sumi into the village, followed by an arguing Talin and Davis and a Three who politely bowed a goodbye to Maia and Grimli.

Emmi dragged them to the edge of the village, pointing them to her house, a quaint looking two story building. Davis and Talin gave them a wave and headed to their own home which was close by, the two of them lived together, they used to be orphans but once they reached the age of sixteen they moved out of the orphanage and earned money together so they could buy their own place. Which they now proudly owned and maintained. There were a surprising amount of orphans for such a small village, a lot of the adults had dangerous jobs, it was not on rare occasion that woodcutters or hunters would be attacked by monsters from the forest and lose their lives. Quite a few also joined one of the guilds as adventurers, there was enough to do around the village that they could spend their lives here doing an adventurers job, there were also a number of dungeons here that they would frequent both for training and for resources. The village took good care of orphans however, the community was rather small but they were tight-knit.

Davis's parents and Talin's mother had been in an adventurers group together, the two of them had grown up with each other and they had practiced their fighting skills from a young age. Their parents had died when one of the dungeons had changed, the dungeons would grow every so often due to rich world energy. When they did they would grow larger and more dangerous, creatures that had not inhabited the dungeons before would move in. The same had happened to the dungeon they had visited, the goblin chieftain that used to be the main boss had been replaced by a much more dangerous ogre. This was also the reason why the guilds sent guidance along with young adventurers for their first dive.

The concept of what a mother should have been, it bothered Three. He heard from Talin about his mother, how she had taught him the bow, proudly showing of her skills and archery and teaching him everything she could about it. Mothers were supposed to take care of their children, a selfless perhaps unrequited love. It was difficult for him to imagine that a person was capable of such a love, he compared that to what he now understood was his own mother. The hag. He clenched his fists at the memory, he would make sure to be a better parent should he ever get the chance to be so, now that he thought about it… How did one go about having children.

"This is it!" Emmi said as she walked inside the house, there was a tailor shop connected to their house that served as her mothers work space. She pushed the two inside and introduced them to her mother. "This is my mom! Mom this is Sumi and the big guy is Three, they are the new party members I told you about!" Emmi said standing next to the two as if she was showing off her most prized possession.

Emmi's mother was somewhat similar to Emmi herself, they had the same dark hair, although her mother's hair was loosely drawn over her shoulder. Unlike Emmi's facial structure with its sharper angles, her mothers face was all soft lines and curves, giving her a soft and gentle face. "Oh my, the two of you are lovely, a pleasure to meet you." The woman said gracefully nodding to the two, giving them soft smile.

"A pleasure!" Sumi said, waving at her. Three nodded in agreemant.

"It would seem the two of you need some new clothes, it just wont do having a girl as cute as yourself in those shabby clothes, also need to find something strapping for the young lad, come in come in." She said, waving them inside as she ran her eyes over both their bodies. "Well get yourselves cleaned up first, Emmi dear, fill the bathtub, your father confiscated plenty of water stones from smugglers some time ago, he shared them with his guards but we have more than enough!" She tapped her chin in thought, "I think an hour orso is more than enough for me to make suitable clothes for both of them, quite a project, quite a project!" She said with a glint in her eye as she was running her hand over different fabrics.

"Kay mom!" Emmi said pushin the two through the door that connected the tailor to their house. "Come we have an extended room for the bathtub" Emmi proudly told them how her father had dug a two by two meter hole about a meter deep into the ground and had covered the walls with planks, having a friend of his use some of his nature magic to meld the planks together and making them water proof, making the wood smooth and comfortable. She grabbed a waterstone putting it a bronze holder of a sort, the bronze started glowing softly as watter started flowing into the bath.

"You can put your clothes in the basket, soap is right there. So how…" She stared blankly at the two of them as they took of their clothes, Sumi tossed her tunic at the basket wearing nothing beneath it, Three neatly folded his tunic, attempting to copy the way he had seen the clothes folded in the shop. Sumi started pulling of her pants, as Three started doing the same Emmi started sputtering, "What, Wait?! What are you doing?!" She yelled at the two staring at them wide eyed, cheeks glowing as she pointedly stared right between the two. Three looked at Sumi and raised his eyebrows, "Clothes, basket," He said pointing as he took his pants off. Sumi tossed her pants at the basket carefully dipping her toe in bath. "Your the one who told us to do that!" Sumi said, preoccupied by the fact that the bath water was warm sighing in content.

"But you're naked! We should go in turns!" She said now really focusing on the ceiling as Three walked past her, putting his neatly folded clothes into the basket, he picked up Sumi's clothes and started neatly folding them as well.

"Why turns? Room, us fit." Three said looking at her with an arched eyebrow, Emmi turned her gaze to him making sure to look him into the eyes. Her eyes wandered down slightly and she flushed as noticed his sculpted musculature. "But this i-i-is indecent!" Emmi mumbled.

Three looked at Sumi and signed, [whats wrong with her, she's acting weird.]

"Yea Emmi stop acting weird and join me in the bath, the water is greablublbubl." Sumi told her as she let herself sink below the surface, Three stepped into the bath behind her and sighed in relief as the warm water flowed around his body. Emmi stared at Sumi, burying her face in her hands, but taking a peek anyways. She stared at Sumi's chest than back at her own, 'I think mine are a little bigger? But hers are so perky!' She caught her self thinking about it and felt her face glow. She took a deep breath and removed her clothes, she carefully stepped towards the bath keeping a close eye on Three, who by the way wasn't paying the least bit of attention, his eyes were closed and he was breathing softly. His chest rose and fall she watched a drop of water drip from his chin and onto his chest, she watched it trail past his muscular chest, over his ribs and too... She turned red and quickly looked somewhere else.

She sank into the bath herself, stifling a sigh of relief. She gathered her courage and asked, "How are the both of you so okay with being naked around each other."

Sumi opened an eye and glanced at her, "Why shouldn't we be, we spent most of the time trapped with each other naked, eventually our clothes had gotten so dirty they stripped us of them, they never bothered giving us different ones, so we stole some when we broke out. Emmi blinked then frowned, she tried to relax in bath and to her surprise slowly started getting used to it. When her mother called however and Three got out of the bath tub she still blushed and hurriedly looked the other way. Three unbothered by both his naked body, or the fact that he was still wet walked right through the door and headed to her mother. Emmi was still in shock, she heard from the next room something drop, "Oh my," She heard her mother say, Emmi was surprised to find that she could blush even more, as she buried her head in her hands.

Once she had calmed down enough she left the tub, after she had dried herself of and hurried upstairs to put on some clothes she headed to her moms shop. When she opened the door she was greeted, thankfully, by two fully clothed party members. Her mom had made a sleeveless black vest, with a crimson red undershirt for Three, he had loose black pants that he tied around his ankles with a strip of white cloth, his belt was also a crimson red piece of cloth, more of a sash than a belt really. The colors mixed really well with his void black hair and eyes. She noticed he wasn't wearing any shoes.

Sumi on the other hand was more colorful, She wore a vest like Three, also without sleeves, but hers was brown, with some red and green patterns on it, instead of a proper shirt she had white chest wraps, her stomach was left bare, she wore loose shorts, which she had tied below her knees. She was wearing a leather headband that fit just above her ears, with colored beads on a few strings on the right side, with a few hawk feathers tucked behind the band just above her ear.

"Don't they look great!" Her mother said putting her hands on her hips and admiring her work. Emmi had to admit that the clothes fit both their personalities and appearance well. Her mother had always been good at color coördinating outfits. "They both prefer not wearing shoes though, but even that fits the look!"

"Well now we put some clothes on your back go out and show them the village! I'll make dinner, your dad will be back in a couple hours, so go ahead and have some fun till then!" Her mother told them, practically pushing them out the door.

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