

"Damn it, Fang Zhongjian, Sao Saint is coming for you!"

Killer intent flashed in Yang Zhen's eyes. For the first time, he had such a strong desire to kill a man. Fang Zhongjian had abducted Feng Lingqiao right before his eyes, crossing Yang Zhen's boundaries.

Yang Zhen was neither a good person nor a bad one. He was just a man, with his emotions and desires. He could be selfish, perhaps even more selfish than others, yet, he had a sense of conscience that was hard to suppress.

That was human beings, not a single one was purely good or bad. The only difference lied in the complexity.

Yang Zhen took a deep breath, recalling Feng Lingqiao's smile. It might not be the prettiest, but it was somewhat infectious. Even her words surprised Yang Zhen every time he thought of them.

"During my most helpless moments, if someone stays and chats with me, I wouldn't mind risking my life for them."

What a magnanimous woman?