1 The Usual

Beep. Uh oh…


"Grace! Turn your stupid radio off before I come in there and break it." My mom shouts at me from across the hall as I scramble to get out of my cocoon of blankets to shut off my radio before my mother decided I could do without it. I got there just as the DJ said "And coming up is Alex Amy's new hit single Field of Flowers."

Ugh. I think as I push the off button. That's my favorite song too!

"Grace!" my mother shouts to me again. "Your father and I are heading out; you have an hour to get to school. Bye."

"Bye." I call back. Seriously, would it be too much for them to drop me off rather than have me walk. Obviously it was because they were off without even a backwards glance.

Me and my parents never got along – especially me and my mother – we never saw eye to eye and were always at each other's throats. Sometimes I wonder if they are really my parents. Honestly, I don't look remotely like either one. My 'dad' is tall white with red blondish hair and blue eyes, and my 'mom' she has and alive skin tone, brownish black hair streaked with gray and dark brown eyes. I on the other hand am totally different. I have hair as dark as midnight, pale white skin that has a glow of being tan even though I'm not, but the most striking feature about me is my eyes – a deep, rich purple.

"Grace did you HEAR ME!"

I look up thinking my mother came back to punish me for something I may or may not have done. But there was no cause for my worry. It was just my best friend Rose. My parents must have left already or else she would not be in the house. Rose is an oddity like me as well, not looking like her parents and having fights with them just like me. It's one of the reasons we are such good friends.

"Grace? Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here give me a minute to get ready, you can come in my room if you want." I hear her footsteps as I'm putting on a dark blue mini skirt with black leggings and a blue tank.


"What?" I say turning around. "Oh." I look at Rose and she laughs. Her Red brown hair has been put in a clip similar to mine along with the same type off skirt and shirt.

"Now the only way to tell us apart is by are hair and eyes." She laughs again and I laugh along with her, her sea green eyes sparkling. It was true what she though, we were both about the same height and weight we could have been sisters/twins if it wasn't for the eyes and the hair.

"We better get to school before we're late." I say.

"Are we walking or biking?" she asked.

"Biking." I said as always. It was one of the many codes we used – we say one thing but mean another – and with this code it meant we would be doing something after school.

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