
Intoxicating [Rewritten]

It's that time of year again. The time most miraculous wielders fear. Where they have to go through weeks of torture. Unless they have someone to help them. Then it's Heavenly. What's a Ladybug in heat to do? Especially in Gotham! Oh Gods... Did she just give Robin a hickey? ----- She liked it when he looked at her. Because then it meant his attention was on her and her alone. She leaned in closer and closer. She could see his beautifully crystalline green eyes piercing through her own bluebell ones. She tucked his hair around her fingers and ran them through again. It was just so soft... OR The better and longer version of 'Intoxicating'. ••• [Disclaimer] 'Intoxicating' can be read on Wattpad or Archive of our own For the sake of comfort, I have made the characters to be in their early 20s, but you can age them however you want. Mature readers only! Stay away innocent souls! [Warning] It may trigger things like PTSD so read at your own comfort.

TerressaWinner · Ti vi
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: Damian. Why do I see a purple bruise on your neck?

[Important Note] This is basically just Damian's POV of chapter 1. Someone requested it.


He could hear her annoying laughs as he fell. The wind rushing in his hair and gravity pulling him further down. He couldn't see his life flashing through his eyes though. So that was a good sign. Besides, he was sure she wouldn't try to kill him...right?

He grumbled and grabbed a pipe rooted to the side of the building then climbed his way up almost slipping on the smooth surface. When his head popped up, he saw her running away and heard her squees and giggles. He couldn't deny that he didn't find them cute and adorable. She was kind of like a kitten. Adorable and soft but then deadly when she showed her claws.

He knew he couldn't catch her with her stupid agility. Miraculous wielders were such cheaters! He'd worked so hard just to jump from one roof to another for weeks and she'd been able to do it in one day just because of a piece of jewelry! He huffed. He could at least outsmart her.

He found her on a roof and almost burst out laughing when she bumped into him. Weren't ladybugs meant to be graceful or something? Her apologies were replaced with a screech when her eyes caught sight of him. A screech that he would most definitely not ever want to hear again. Yup. Definitely. He totally wouldn't want to hear that again! Nope! Never. Not even when she was--

"H-Hey Robin. No hard feelings right?" She took a step back. "I mean I was only playing around." She took another step back. "If I were in that situation, you'd be laughing too." She bolted.

But he caught her. She should've known by now that his reflexes were way faster than hers could ever be. She had agility. He had stealth. It balanced out. He could feel her heartbeat through her wrist. It was getting faster as her fear spiked. But not in a bad way. It was more like when you were playing hide and seek and you heard the seeker getting closer and closer to your hiding spot. It was fun and playful. And he kinda liked it. He liked the fact that she was having fun with him. Most women didn't do that.

He almost gave in. Just a tiny little nudge would've allowed him to give in to what she called her 'give me a cookie' or whatever eyes. They were so wide and bright and cute and he could just stare at them all day. He almost gave in. Almost.

"I'm not falling for that."

He saw as her face brightened and her mouth broke out into a grin. It was then he knew he'd said the wrong damn thing. "Damn. I really thought that would work! I mean, you did just fall off a--"

He pushed her off. Hearing as her squeals and laughs almost faded before he saw her bounce back up, her lips breaking out into an almost teasing smirk. "You know that won't work on me Dami!" Of course he knew. At least he tried. Better than letting her laugh at him and tease him and-- waiiit. Did she just...

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me by my--ugh." He sighed in frustration. He could survive almost anything. Literally anything! Electrocuted water, a shot to the leg, and infested wound, fire! Even his father's wrath! But this woman would certainly be the death of him.

She swung up from where she was dangling to the lamp pole - her legs pulling and pushing to add momentum - and landed neatly next to him (to his annoyance). Her and her stupid, perfect acrobatics! He could almost feel the warmth of her body from where she stood close to him. It was nice compared to the cold air and he almost snuggled in. Almost. Until it was broken away from him as she made her way to the edge of the roof. He watched as she sat and sat down next to her. And he most certainly didn't miss the way she shivered. Honestly. This dumb girl. He almost had the urge to pull her in. Ladybugs didn't handle the cold well and he would die before he let her catch a cold!

He found his mouth opening before he could stop it. "Y'know you should wear like a jacket or scarf or something. It's still very cold despite being spring."

What would she say? Would she take it as an offence? Would she think that he would basically be saying that she was stupid for not covering herself up? Would she then hate him for--

"Aww. Is Robin worried about little old me?"

Of course he was worried about her! What should he say? Quick Robin, think! He rolled his eyes. "If you caught a cold, it would be a nuisance when we're trying to work." And he would be so worried he'd probably move into her house just to take care of her. But he'd never tell her that.

She sighed. "Yeah yeah."

Gods. This girl was way too carefree! Didn't she know that a cold could turn into a fever and then into something worse that would eventually lead to death!

He stared at her. She'd been here for what? 2 months now? And she still hadn't grown accustomed to Gotham's cold nights. He huffed and looked away watching as the stars blinked and the moon smiled.

He listened to the wind's lullaby and watched as the trees followed. Staring at the stars. And thinking. Maybe next time he should bring a scarf or jacket along. No his jackets would be too big for her. But then again, he'd always wanted to see her wear his clothes. His ears tinted a slight pink. He could imagine hear wearing his coat. The sleeves handing off her arms and the bottom reaching her knees. He could imagine her laughing about it but snuggling in and--

He felt something soft on his hair and almost jumped. His head swerved around. When had she gotten so close???

"What are you--" And why was she leaning in??? "Ladybug?"

He was ... scared. What if he took this the wrong way and did something they would both regret? Why was she still leaning in? Why did her eyes look so much bluer than they were before? Her beautiful bluebell eyes. And why the hell was she leaning in??? He felt it as she tucked his hair around her fingers and ran them through again. Damn that felt good. But why was she doing it? Maybe she just really liked how it felt. Yeah. She just really liked to touch hair. But why was she leaning in so damn close???

She was so close.

He almost shivered as he felt her hand on his arm. Was that a good sign or a bad sign? Either way, he liked it. He liked knowing that she depended on him to keep her steady. But what frightened him was that she didn't respond. It was as though she had no idea what she was even doing. She was just leaning in closer and closer. Was she a witch? It would definitely explain why she'd been able to wrap him around her finger. How he couldn't look away or even move. Just stare with wide eyes as she pulled into him. He almost sighed when she felt her hand play with his scalp. He could feel his muscles pulsating through his suit and he was almost certain she could feel it too.

He almost whined when she softly tugged him closer pulling his hair and...sniffing it? He liked it when she hummed. It meant she liked what she smelled. And he liked that she was smelling it. But she was just too close to him. He could literally do anything to her right now but he had to restrain. He must restrain! For her and mostly him.

But then he felt something warm press against his neck.

He almost pressed her closer when he felt her teeth trace the skin of his neck. He knew he shouldn't go beyond the line but to be honest, she started it. He almost groaned when she her teeth crushed together with his skin in the middle. The hot air from her mouth coating that area and her tongue lightly licking it. He had the urge to grab her. Grab her and never let her go. Beg her to bite harder or at least to let him give her one of her own. To let him nibble along the soft skin he'd admired from afar. To let him suck it and cherish the noises she made. But he couldn't do that. He couldn't ruin their friendship just because of his foolish hormonal desires! But her heat was too much. It was surrounding him and pulling him in. He had to stop it.


Her eyes shot open and he almost growled when she released her hold on his skin. He missed the heat. He missed her heat. He missed it so much that he almost pulled her back in when she pulled back.

He could feel her eyes on him and almost squirmed under her gaze. His cheeks were red and he had the urge to hide it. Hide the evidence. So he did. He placed his hand on it and rubbed it as though that action would make it magically disappear. Where was her miraculous cure when he needed it?

He saw as her cheeks flushed a bright red as she stuttered. "I-I am so sorry. I-I just..I..Oh Gods. Um."

It wasn't her that should be sorry it was him. He had to apologise. He'd almost gotten carried away.

His eyes met hers before quickly vacating and instead placing themselves on a nearby stone. He couldn't look her in the eye. If he did, he was sure he would jump her. He pulled his hand away, his cheeks burning a vicious red.

He felt an urge to pull her closer and shake his head and beg her to come back when her saw her pulling away. "I am so sorry, I have no idea what came over me. You can sue me. You can throw me in jail. Y-You can even hit me--"

He couldn't hit her! He would never! The only thing he would sue her for was being absolutely adorable! She shook her head. Why did she shake her head? Was she mad at him? Was she disgusted? Sad?

She took another step back waving her arms around. It was only then that he noticed their surroundings. She was going to fall! She was going to fall and break her neck and...he had to do something about it! He shot up and pulled her back in. Why was her arm so soft? Why was his heart beating so fast? Why was she so hot? Why was her arm so damn hot?

He quickly let go of her arm. It burned. "Y-You almost fell off a 300 foot skyscraper. Be careful." he cursed himself for sounding so afraid.

She cleared her throat. "Yeah. Sorry. Um--" As his eyes met hers, his heart fluttered. They were pulling him in. Her eyes were pulling him in. They were swallowing him whole! He had to say something! He looked away.

"Um about earlier-" He paused. What could he say? "I-I." Ugh! Just say something you stupid, hormonal idiot! "I-um." Why could he hear her breathing? Why could he feel her heat?

His eyes found their way back to her. Oh Gods. Why was she so close again? He was panicking. His legs - stupid legs - wouldn't move and his hands - stupid hands - had the urge to wrap around her waist and help her. Pull her closer and give her a hickey of her own. Show her that her feelings were reciprocated. And then he felt her hand in his hair again.

Damn. She really liked his hair. He made a mental note to wash it more.

He shivered as her other hand found its way wrapped around his neck. There it was. The heat he'd missed so much. No! He had to control himself! She tugged him closer. Oh Gods he couldn't take it anymore. Her eyes remained locked in his wide emerald ones. Should he do it? Should he lean in? Would she scold him for it later?

He could feel her soft skin pressed against his muscles. Damn this girl would definitely kill him. His fingers twitched. He really wanted to run them down her sides and tangle them in her hair. He had to hold back the groan when her lips finally met his. Even if only by a centimetre. He could feel himself leaning in. He could feel her knee pressing into his--nope! That wasn't good. That wasn't good at all! She'd be able to feel it. She'd be able to feel his--he couldn't let that happen. He couldn't let her get scared because he was too hormonal around her for his own good. This was dangerous.

He grabbed her shoulders and ripped her away instantly missing the heat. She was in a daze; her lips slightly parted and her eyes blown wide and half-lidded. What the hell was wrong with her? What the hell was wrong with him? No normal person would notice how her lips looked so soft. Or how her eyes were blown. Or how it made him want to pull her in and make her squeal and giggle like she'd done before.

"Ladybug!" He was getting ahead of himself. When her eyes met his, he almost melted into a pile of goo.

He almost jumped out of his skin when he heard the sharp slap of her hand connecting against her cheek. Did she just slap herself? He actually jumped the second time. He should stop her! He shouldn't be watching as she inflicts self-harm. She probably hated herself for kissing him. Oh yeah she kissed him! He kissed her! Or was that almost a kiss?

"Oh Gods." her voice wavered making his heart thump with sadness. "Oh Gods!" She sounded so shocked. So angry. So scared.

He let go of her shoulders allowing her to take a few more steps backward. "Dam-- Robin. I am so sorry. I have no idea what--" She gasped. Why did she gasp? Did she realise that she actually has a massive crush on him and wants to get married and have hamsters? Wait, no that was only in his fantasies. Or did she realise that he was the one that had a crush on her? Did she regret kissing him?

She looked back to him and flushed. His ears were a bright red and his hand lay perched over his mouth. Damn her lips felt so soft. His eyes darted up to meet her but then shot to the side. He shouldn't look at her. The more he looked at her, the more worse things would get. But he still found his eyes darting back to meet her. He ripped them away. Stop looking at her Damian!

He should say something. She looks worried. She probably think that he hates her or something. He should say something! He pulled his hands away from his mouth and opened them wanting to reassure her. But nothing came out.

What should he say? How should he say it? He saw as she squirmed where she stood obviously uncomfortable.

He had to say something! He opened his mouth to speak but she beat him to it. "U-Uh hot." Hot? "I-I-I mean heat." Damn her stuttering was cute. But what did heat have anything to do with this? "Yeah. H-heat." Was she saying that she needed heat and that's why she snuggled into him? He was wracking his brain trying hard to understand what she meant but he just couldn't! Heat. Heat. Heat. What the hell did heat have to do with this? He needed to ask. He needed to say something instead of just standing there like a fool!

"Ladybug." He could just kick himself! Damn his stupid voice and his stupid horny hormones and this stupid air for making his voice come out the way it did! Damn it all!

His heart wept as she straightened up almost instantly. Her voice wavering as she spoke. "Y-Yes?"

He scratched his head wondering what to say but then blushed harder and pulled his hands away. The memory of her hands in his hair kept re-surfacing in his mind. The way she'd stroked it and scratched his scalp and tugged it. Damn that was hot. The tugging was hot.

"I-" I think I might love you. "You-" You are the best woman I've ever met. "We-" We should totally get married and have a bunch of kids together. And a hamster. Because she liked hamsters.

Ughhh. His brain - stupid brain - was short circuiting! Why couldn't he say anything? Why could he watch a person blow up, plant a bomb to explode said person and then steal the ring off said person's finger but not even manage to tell a girl that he likes her and would totally make out with her if she said the word?

A noise escaped her lips. His eyes shot wide open as he looked back towards her.

Oh Gods. She didn't... Was she.. No. Was she actually... No. She couldn't possibly be... horny. Right? But she just... and it sounded so... fucking hot. He took a step forward. Damn his leg moved on its own! Oh no did he scare her? Why did she looked so scared? Why was she running? Was she scared? Did he actually scare her? Why was she jumping to another roof? Oh Gods she almost fell! Why was he just standing there and staring at her? So many damn questions that he didn't know the answer to!

But one thing he did know was that his eyebrows were furrowed as he watched her go confused and his mouth hung open.... Was he drooling? He knew that his eyes were wide and uncertain. And that his face absolutely screamed horny!

He also knew that he had to calm down before he got home...


Okay Robin. Slow and steady. Slow and..

"Hey baby bird!" He swerved around almost bumping into a table. He winced as Tim turned the light on chasing the darkness away. "You got back awfully late."

Okay calm down Damian. He doesn't know. He doesn't know. He doesn't know. He doesn't know that you almost kissed Marinette. Nope. No way he could know right? He's looking at you! Say something!

He rolled his eyes. "We heard some shouting and went to check it out. There was some old woman getting mugged by this guy in a black hat. I didn't see his face because we scared him off and when I went chasing after him, I lost him. Marinette stayed to help the woman pick up her stuff from the floor and took her back home."

"Uh huh. Okay." He took a step closer. Were his eyes narrowing? No. They couldn't be narrowing. His story was perfect! Then again, Tim was smart. Shit. Was he looking at his neck? He couldn't be looking at his neck! Why was he smirking? Why the hell was Tim smirking!

"Damian. Why do I see a purple bruise on your neck?"