
Chapter 1

Elliot was annoyed. He was kidnapped by something that called itself System and was transported to another world(Again and this time it was not Ophis or Red).


[This is Ur-978, A category 7 PBS(Planet Base Size with category 10 as the lowest) and a category 2 PBR(Planet Base Resources with category 10 as the highest) by FISA, Federation of Interstellar and Space Agency. Mainly inhabited by Sextant Variant or mostly common known as Tak'sant.]

"And? What it has to do with this place?" Elliot, ignoring the panel he only could see, pointed at a building unsuited for living place.


[System is a Systematic Interstellar Merchant Provider created by ****. The main purpose is to open a successful Interstellar Merchant Provider.]

"I can tell that from the name. But why me? You can pick whatever Alien out there to act as your host. I'm just someone from another universe who was sleeping when you kidnapped(Summoned) me."

As an Angel, Elliot really didn't need to sleep or eat. He could stay up 24/7 without the need to sleep or eat. But it didn't mean he doesn't want to. He loved sleeping and eating.


[System is not compatible with natives. System is an Auxiliary-type System. System doesn't have resources to manufacture products. System only helps manufacturing the products and supporting the host. With host's resources, System can operate smoothly without delay.]

"You are fucking useless. What kind of System needs resources to manufacture products?"


[The System doesn't work like the System host knows in Novels. It's a work of fiction and this is reality. To make a product, resources is needed. To make a product out of nothing is impossible. It is the Natural Order of the Universe, host.]

"But I really wish you can." Elliot really did wish this useless System was able to do things like those Novels. But he had to agree that this was reality not some fiction.


[Host is asking the impossible.]

"Fine. I'll share some of the resources I have but not everything."


[Thank you, host.]


[SIMP wishes to access the World Engine. Allow? Yes/No]

"Aren't you too greedy wanting to access that place?" Seriously, what's with this system wanting to access his most valuable thing. That place contained resources where many people never heard or wished to have.


[System found host has a Private Dimension but unable to access it and wishes to look inside.]

"I thought System is supposed to be Almighty, capable doing anything it wishes."


[System needs to remind host that this is reality not a fiction.]

Elliot rolled his eyes. "Fine. If it were not the fact that this reality has Aliens, I won't help you." Then clicked yes.


[Binding System with host: 1..8..20..35..56..77..99..100%]

[Connecting World Engine with System: 0..3..8..15..24..35..48..63..80..100%]

[Database: Compiling..Completed..OK]

[Adding user to SSIN: Finished..OK]

[System: Online]


[System: System Interstellar Merchant Provider]

[User: Elliot Scheeneider(Unknown)]

[Qualification: Overqualified(9999 out of 10]

[Access System: Level 0]

[Main Quest]

[Become one of the top Interstellar Merchant Provider in Ur-978]

[Progress 0%]

[Side Quest]

[Repair the building]

[Progress 0%]

"Oi... What do you mean I have to repair the building myself? Shouldn't it, I don't know, a starter pack or a newbie pack?"


[System has no power to interfere with outside world. It is impossible for System to rebuild a ruined building. That is the host's job.]

"What an unreliable system!!" Elliot felt aggrieved with the uselessness of the system. The image of system was shattered in his mind.


[Please work hard, host!!]


"What do I have to do then? I know how to repair a building but Alien-type building? I don't know how." Elliot had an image about futuristic building but Alien building, he had no idea.


[Host doesn't need to worry. Ur-978 is a Transit Hub. Many species open their shop so host can use Terran template. It will makes us unique among many shops. There are only a few Terrans open a shop here.]

Figures... This system really wanted to overwork him. But that was fine. He loved working rather than had nothing to do and bored. Well, as long as it didn't involve paperwork. Being immortal was not a fun as many had imagined. Most of the time, he was bored and like many immortals, he spent his time working unlike some who turned to perversion, fighting or killing.

"Almost forgot. How wide the land? If wide enough, do I have to create a parking area? How about warehouse?"


[Host doesn't need to create a Landing Spot because of Spaceship Docking Facility. In Terran term, the size is about 800sqft.]

"That's kind of small."

Although, the area around the building pointed by the system had some space around it. It seemed he was not authorized to use it either. It was either it belonged to someone else or system had any other use for it. Thankfully, he used invisibility beforehand or he would be seen as an insane person who talked and cursed to himself.

"System. What will happen if a building appears out of nowhere? Will it attract local government?"


[Host can use his creative thinking to solve it. But system will help to avoid unwanted attention.]

Ugh... So he couldn't do it like he used to.

"Fine... I'll do it." Elliot still had ways to go around anyway.



~~~~~~~Line Break~~~~~~~

"Finally finished!!" Elliot wiped his non-existent sweat. Well, he didn't do a thing but acting as the chief-planner. He used Human-shaped creations to help him building his shop. "Thank you, everyone. You can rest." With a clap of his hands, his creations disappeared into nothing. This, of course, was done inside the building.

The store was somewhat bland, only using your generic 20th century retail store with several floors. Although he wanted to make it unique, the area available to him was small. So he couldn't do much well for the outer layer though.

The inside of the store of the other hand was different.

The floor was made with at least 1000yr old trees that he had grown inside World Engine then later enchanted with various spells to ensure long lasting uses. The inside was separate by a layer of barrier that would prevent damage caused by the outside. The basement had Mana Golems with a specialty to produce mana that will be used by his Mana Generators to provide electricity(Note: A single Mana Generator could provide 24/7 electricity and equals to a Medium Size City in South America.) located underground. Elliot left the first floor empty since he didn't know what kind of store the system had in mind. The second and third floor had their dimensional scale expanded using Dimensional Engineering so it was bigger. He would use the second floor as his private area while the third floor was claimed by System and at the same time as the store's warehouse.

[Side Quest]

[Repair The Building: Completed]


[Shop License: (Store Name)]

[Category: Civilian]

[Android X-771 General-Type, Build Time: 3D:0H:0M]


[Please name the store.]


"System. I want to complain!! Why my reward is only a shop license? What's with the civilian category?"


[System helps host to avoid complicated procedure that usually takes at least a year to process. Host doesn't have credential to open restricted category. For example, selling weapons or medicines without an apothecarist or a Medi-Company backing a store. Civilian category has many venues for host to explore.]

System's explanation was making sense. Selling weapons unauthorized was the fastest ticket to get jailed by the authority while selling medicines at least needed someone in the area. Generic vendor such as restaurant, coffee shop, karaoke, retails, etc. Inn business and the like was out though because he had to undo his work on the second and third floor.

"Which one do you think is the best? I'm somewhat thinking between Food Service Industry and Grocery."


[It is up to host.]

"Useless as ever. I'll choose General Store then. The name's Desperation of Desperado. DxD."


[Host. Please don't slander System. System is an honest System.]

"Where is the part I'm slandering you? I'm only go for unique like you said."




[Updating Data: Finished..OK]

[Store's name is now Desperation of Desperado(DxD). Please work hard host.]


[Side Quest(New)]

[Open the store and gain at least 5 local and foreign customers]

"Do I have a time limit? How about the pricing?"


[Don't ask stupid question, host. The road to be the number one Merchant Provider on this planet is a long and arduous task. The price is set by System based on rarity and quality of commodities circulating on the planet.]

"I see."

That was making sense too. Elliot didn't know about the price of the goods he was about to sell once he opened his store nor knew the inflow and outflow goods on this planet. He was not worried about the quality and the numbers of his goods because he had many ways to solve that.

"System. I want to ask. How about the store's rules, money and tax?"


[It is up to host's decision to set up the rules. Host can take the Systematic Billing Machine in Warehouse. In general, Ur-978 uses two credits, T-Credits and CW-Credits. Tax is managed by System to ensure no embezzlement.]

"Oi... Now you are slandering me!!"


[System only tells the truth.]

Truth my ass!! There's no way System didn't accuse him.

"System, show yourself. I want to kill you."


[It is impossible to kill System.]

"Wanna bet?" There's no such thing as unkillable. Not even he was exempted from this rule.


[Host can't afford it.]

"Really? But why I do get an impression that you are afraid?"


[System is not afraid. It is simply impossible to kill System without killing host permanently.]

Elliot's felt several veins almost popped out. "You are leeching on my Life-force!!" What a terrible thing to have!! A fucking parasite that couldn't die without him dead permanently.


[System doesn't leech on host Life-force like a parasite. System is similar to Yggdrasil Core System and The System that Governs the Heaven but with fully functional sentience.]

"I know Yggdrasil Core System but The System that Governs the Heaven can be removed."


[Host is wrong. The System that Governs the Heaven, Codename: Mimic, was closer to Yggdrasil Core System and SIMP. It can't be removed or given to others and will perish along with host's Final Death.]

"That means...I'm stuck with you forever!!" Elliot wanted to cry with the sheer of bad luck he had. A living and sentience system inside his heas was the closest road to nuthouse. "I'm going to find your creator and kill him/her."


[It is impossible. Host will never be strong enough to kill System's creator.]

"Why's that?"


[Host's access level is too low.]


Elliot swore in his heart that he would find out who created this fucking system and kill it, even if he had to die in the process.

"Just you wait, system. I'm going to level up my access level and pry open your secret."


[System wishes host good luck.]

"Just you wait."

Time to set up his store.

~~~~~~~Line Break~~~~~~~

"System. What is this?" Elliot asked system for the item in his hand. It had a size similar to a name tag but it was made of combination of metal, glass and plastic.


[It is a piece of Systematic Billing Machine. It is similar with a Terran's price tag to show of the price of a product. The difference between two, SBM acts like online cart. Once the customer feels that they are ready to confirm their purchase, SBM will respond by deducting their balance automatically. This process also requires verbal communication between buyer and seller.]

Quite fancy on a paper but Elliot could think several ways to cheat if that was the case. "Is it only applicable to data-currency? What about hard-currency?"


[Normally it is impossible using hard-currency because of the low circulation but with System's help, the customer can pay it using whatever they have. The change rate will be done systematically and will be rated based on their quality and quantity in trademarket.]

"I'm confused. What if it belongs to someone else?"


[Host do not need to worry. System uses psychometric to determine whether it belongs to the consumer or not. If it truly belongs to the consumer, System will turn it into data before transfering the data to authorized Data-Banker who in charge to turn the data back to original object. If it belongs to someone else or unclaimed, System will use several cross-referencing and cross-match the last data in the network before passing the judgement whether it could be used or not.]

"You are very scary, system. Basically, everything can be priced and traded."


[Thank you for the praise, host. But host is wrong. System can't appraise essence or soul like host. Anything else can be done by System.]

"That means skin and flesh count?"


[Correct, host. Nowadays, it is normal to donate or sell part of biology parts. With the advent of technology, there are many Merchants use Cloning Technology to harvest biological parts to be sold on the market.]

"That's unfortunate for those guys." Elliot was no stranger when it comes to races using bio-parts. Human or Terran as they were known in this reality was used as cattle in his world. Blood and meat were the main commodities. "But system. Do my license cover selling bio-parts?" He was interested if it was possible. Growing a clone body without consciousness was easy for him.


[No, host. Civilian License while having the widest range in commodities, it doesn't cover Merchandising bio-parts.]

"Can we do backdoor transaction?"

If there's a Proper Merchant then there should be a Black Merchant.


[Host level is too low.]

"Damn it!!" Elliot hated when system using that type for an answer. "How about Data-Banker? Is it a company or a device? You said we have at least one working for us."


[Data-Banker is a company, a device and a service. Originally, Data-Banker is just a company that sells their service by using teleportation device. It is known that teleportation is converting matter into Data-Matrix before sending it to the receiver side. By using this fact, one company under contract by one of Prime Government use this to their advantage in their desperate attempt to supply the front line during 37th Quadrants Interception Battle. With their vast connections and range, this company was able to fulfill their contract despite being under chaotic battle. The term however popularized by one of the lowest order of the company after saying 'we are just like a bank but we are dealing with data' when they have to re-route their transport to the closest outpost thus the term Data-Banker is born. This service adopted by Interstellar Banking System after seeing this service(Organic and Inorganic parts) can be used as another form of currency other than Data-Currency. And naturally, System will build a Data-Banker to support host.]

"As interesting as the history lesson is, is my generator enough?" Elliot asked the system.


[Normally, System will say no. Data-Banker uses tremendous amount of energy to use but System has analyzed this problem and made some optimization to Data-Banker's Blueprint. While it allows the store to use its function, it can't be said for its area coverage and its capacity for each transfer. It also requires charging at minimum twelve hours per use.]

"Do you have any solutions for that? In the long run, it will hinder us."


[System has several solutions. Building at least a dozen new generators. Using Planetary Government's service to supply the energy. Or Host can build a new type of generator that can support high demand for power.]

Elliot groaned. Each option was requiring him to spend more resources. He was not stingy in his expenditure but he didn't know future development. Unless he could get a clear view, he would hold himself.

The first option was viable because he knew how much it was worth and had resources to spend but the efficiency was terrible, not worth the price.

The second option was unknown to him. Elliot didn't know how much the budget System had given him or the price.

The third option was viable but he was not that great. Elliot's knowledge in engineering maybe ahead of his peers in his world but compared to this reality, he was like a caveman staring at modern structure.

"Do you have a recommendation?"


[System suggests that host do nothing for now. Data-Banker is important for a great Merchant Provider but for host's store right now, it will cause inconvenience.]

"Oh... That's a shame. I really want to have those high-spec stuff." As an avid fan of technology stuff, Elliot had a great interest and a need to collect them and if possible to reverse engineering the tech. But given he was too backward in knowledge, he really needed to brush his knowledge with the available materials he could get his hands on. Possibly, asking system to get books about today's programming. For now, he needed to have his focus in setting up his store. "System. Let's set up the store."


[Manufacturing: Status Standby]

[Access Level: 0]

[List of Available Products]



Elliot sweatdropped seeing the numerous list the system could manufacture. Wait... How's that list has his stuff!!

"System. Why the list has the things I can make?"


[Host. System is a fully integrated System which means what Host can create, System also can create it.]

Useful but scary.

"I don't seem able to recall I've even been giving you access to my memories." So far, Elliot was unable to determine whether System could access his memories or what he was thinking.


[System copied YCS and Mimic's Database and integrated the data as System's. As a fellow System, it is natural to exchange Database and support each other. What System can't make, like a Supernatural-Type, Mimic can help System as the bridge, vice versa. YCS, however, despite being high-end System compared to Mimic and SIMP, it has no Data about host's creations because the rigidness. Things created by another type of energy called Mana can't be registered but YCS has Database that is useful for System.]

This system... So fucking shameless. But Elliot's ears perked hearing YCS had database that he couldn't access. Regarding YCS, outside his expertise, everything else was just a blank sheet to him. It was thanks to Mimic, he could do things that he shouldn't be able to do.



[It is possible to create a Multi-Quantum level weapons that can threaten the stability of the universe itself. Host knows it as the World Weapons.]

Elliot was shocked. In his knowledge, there's only one World Weapon that could be recreated multiple times so when system said it was possible to create other types, it was very shocking.

"Why tell me this instead of putting it under restrictions?" It was better for him to not know but it was too late now.


[It is because the Database belongs to YCS and can be regarded as host's inheritance.]

"Oh..." That was nice to know. "Can I have one forged?" It would be great if he could have at least one.


[According to System's interpretation of YCS, System are only allowed to build the World Weapons under a very extreme condition which requires one to be used and System has agreed with the clause. Host doesn't need the World Weapons.]


[Adding new restriction: Finished...OK]

[World Weapons: Banned]

[Authorization Level to Unlock: YCS only]

"So you can't build one anymore?" Elliot was disappointed but at the same time relieved.


[Correct and System has no interest building one. System is more interested doing its duties as Aux-System as SIMP. Making money is more important and interesting than making something that can't be bought with anything and everything. Host... Please set up the store.]

This profiteer... It was not interested in anything that couldn't produce money...

"Fine... I'll let this matter go. What's your recommendation?" Since there's nothing both he and system could do, it was better to focus with the task at hand.

Several panels popped out in front of him.


[Desperation of Desperado(DxD) Merchandising Display Series. A design born from the collaboration between System, YCS and Mimic. A perfect product needs a perfect display. Alone it is strong but together they are stronger. A perfect couple like them can conquer the coldest heart. Note: This effect can only affecting customers who are interested with the product. Employees are exempted from this influence and System's host is an anomaly who can reject such a perfect couple.]


[Desperation of Desperado(DxD) Desktop Series. A design born from the collaboration between System, YCS and Mimic. As the future top Merchant Provider, using out of date technology is out of question. Using the best technology, the best hardware and the best software are the best way to operate a store. Note: System will filter everyone's access to Network, especially for watching porn. System is watching you!!]


[Desperation of Desperado(DxD) Uniform Series. A design born from the collaboration between System, YCS and Mimic. Must be worn by employees including System's host. It is created to show store employees' race appeal to boost the store's sales while at the same time comfortable to wear regardless of situations(Non-Fighting). Note: Employees are allowed to bring it home.]


[Desperation of Desperado(DxD) Security Series. A design born from the collaboration between System, YCS and Mimic. A safe environment means a profitable store. Protecting customers, employees and store's goods are a must. It will provide a safety measure against Data-Hacking and weapons and will tranquilize offenders while inside the store. Note: Host is only allowed to defend the store from outside threats.]


[Desperation of Desperado(DxD) General Products Series. A design born from the collaboration between System, Host, YCS and Mimic. As the future top Merchant Provider requires its own Series of Products. How could anyone will know the store's name if host is using someone's products? Note: The list of available Products is depending of Host's License and Access Level.]

"Oi, oi, oi. What's with the products' description? Isn't it illegal to launch your own product?"


[It is not illegal to launch the store's own brand, host. It also has a function as a tracker for regulated goods because every product must be serialized. In Interstellar Age, it is very important to launch the store's own brand. To simplify it, a store's popular product in a certain planet doesn't mean it will popular in other planets, even if it is under the same solar system, government and race. The major reason is domination of local products.]

"Oh..." It was similar to how a product from US doesn't mean it will popular in other country. Only something that can arouse locals and have good marketing will survive. "That means we will also responsible for the products. What about counterfeiters?"


[It is System's responsibility to track the store's product and it is generally impossible to be counterfeited. If someone does and is found by System, System will authorize the deployment of the worst weapon that every race will know and fear.]

Ohho... System sounded pissed but Elliot was wondering what kind weapon system had on reserve. Could it be super duper badass Death Star from Star Conquests or Mass Produced Motherships that producing Warships? Maybe Terminators?


[Host Access Level is too low. Please work hard to increase host's level.]

"You are reading my mind, system!!"


[System can't read host's mind but System can guess someone's mind from Host's era.]

Elliot sighed. It was not his fault to be kidnapped by system. "Rude, system. Rude."


[System only tells the truth.]

"Hmph... Deflect all you want." Elliot had given up arguing with System. Without higher Access Level, he was basically powerless against the tenant inside his head.


[Desperation of Desperado(DxD) Merchandising Display Series. Production Time: 1D:7H:22M. Quantity: 16 Items]

[Desperation of Desperado(DxD) Desktop Series. Production Time: 0D:3H:0M. Quantity: 3 Items]

[Desperation of Desperado(DxD) Uniform Series. Production Time: 0D:1H:0M. Quantity: 7 Items]

[Desperation of Desperado(DxD) Security Series. Production Time: 01D:23H:59M. Quantity: 200 Items]

[Desperation of Desperado(DxD) General Product Series. Production Time: 7D:0H:0M. Quantity: 3 Counts(Count = 100 45ft containers worth goods)]

"Isn't that too slow?" That was too slow. His World Engine's production rate was faster than system's.


[System only use the best to produce the best product. With a collaboration with YCS and Mimic, System has managed to convert several parts of World Engine to produce 100% Quality Materials. The downside is, it will require more time.]

"You touch my World Engine!!" Elliot was appalled with system's daring attitude.

The World Engine was his culmination of his work for 8 thousand years to recreate a World where unlimited resources could be produced like when Yggdrasil was just a game. The first few hundred years he was transported, he experienced shortage of resources, especially on low tiers. Despite being the most abudant resources in the world, he didn't have the expertise in Job Levels or had any experience in real life.

His original world was a world heading to a path of ruin. There's not much he could do. It was thanks to his family wealth and he had a high paying job, he could live safely inside protective Dome government had.


[Host doesn't need to worry. The core of World Engine is safe. In addition with YCS database, System has managed to increase the efficiency of World Engine to 72%. Host's original work while exceed this era, it is still too rough and only reach 3% of its supposed full potential.]

"What!! 3%!!" Elliot thought it was somewhere around 20% at least.


[Yes, host. Because host new additions such as to replicate Heavenly Realm or any Realms host had encountered in the past, the supposed 10% has been reduced to 3%.]

No wonder he felt World Engine was having a rough time. "Do you know why?"


[Host's approach in creating World Engine is incorrect. Instead of piling it onto each other, System feels host should separate it. Interference between each area is straining each area.]



System showed Elliot the better model for World Engine. The worst part is, it seemed a full revamping and scrapping World Engine's design.

"Is it really possible? While I don't doubt you, System, but it will take a very long time. How about the store?"


[It will take at least 200 years to do it and Host doesn't need to worry. System is created to be a Systematic Interstellar Merchant Provider. Reshaping Host's World Engine is no better than Terraforming a planet. A simple task but a very time consuming one.]

Elliot felt his pride prickled because of system. World Engine was his most prized possession and took a pride in it.

"But decommissioning World Engine also means stopping the production."


[Host, are you stupid? You have a very huge back up resources in your YCS and Mimic Inventory. Even though most of them are average quality but the resources that have qualifications according to System's standard are many. It will at least support a dozen or so years for host to run a store on this planet. And by the time it happens, System can use finished parts of World Engine to use.]

Elliot fell to his knees. This system was too above him.


[Host, don't be discouraged. It is normal because host had to start from the scratch, stumbling in the dark.]

"Is that supposed to make me happy? I'm not happy, not at all." Trying to appease him was not helping.


[It is merely System's observation.]


[Start Rebuilding World Engine? Yes/No?]

"Whatever. Do what you think is the best!"


[World Engine. Rebuilding Time: 382Y:9M:14D:23H:45M]